General TV (27 Viewers)


The end of Jihadism
Jan 16, 2013
The guy with the funny accent is Jarred Harris, awesome actor and son of the late great Richard Harris.

The asian chick Julie Mao (aka rebel code name Lionel Polanski) was not attacked by the Anubis randomly. She and the OPA (rebels) crewed ship Scopuli went out there to specifically target Anubis, because they thought it was just weird research off the books ship they could intercept. They saw it as an easy prey industrial shady ship she got the inside scoop on since it was her fathers. Instead it turned out be all that and much worse with being military grade stealth ship fully crewed by mercenary soldiers and the shady experiment being a lethal bio weapon or virus/aka all consuming alien life force.

They kill off her crew and imprison her since you dont kill your bosses daughter. But yeah got it over their heads and all got consumed by the virus/life force.

The conspiratory power play of her fathers shady stealth fleet of pitting Earth and Mars against eachother to go to war is not revealed, but its fairly effective subterfuge so far, I suspect its about reshaping the solar system and making their experiments with the 'Protomolecule' virus easier. Also involving the UN president I take it, since the UN vice secretary, Avasarela, the indian lady, found out her boss UN charmain/president has been manipulating her and killed off her Mars ambassador friend and made it look like suicide. It also explains why this said UN leader is hell bent on killing off James Holden and sent an attack team after him on Eros, not someone who wants to find out the truth but more like wants to get rid of loose ends. She found that weird couple episodes ago, but prolly got her suspicions confirmed with the ambassador fake suicide. She does not know he is conspiring with Pierre Mao civilian company and hides the fact an Earth civilian corp (Mao's) made the stealth tech. In fact as soon as Avasarela finds this out and puts it to him, she shuts her investigation down and magically produces bogus evidence that an OPA faction made the stealth tech (Fred Johnson in Tycho station). As viewers we know this is bogus. She doesnt, but its defenitely something she will find to be inconsistent/odd, as is the fake suicide. As she said/acknowledged by telling her husband she will keep playing the role they given her, of an absolete figure who doesnt know she is being manipulated.

Regarding why they took her blood, the 'Protomolecule' they get from whatever that life force was, apparently needs to be harvested through people it infects and kills. Also apparently said virus/life force learns and adapts with every extreme massacre thats orchestrated for it (or it does itself, like Anubis) in now two different stations. The end game of why Pierre Mao's company are doing this is bizzare, and doesnt sound like the typical they are just crazy and evil. Just weirdoes experimenting with an element/life force they dont understand, but think they do, in almost religious way (that scientist guy in Eros who was taking her blood was speaking in almost Cult like way, as was Pierre Mao in how he reacted to his daughters death, like she died for a higher purpose).

Ok I been typing too long for someone who said he was dissapointed by the finale :D It will be a long wait til next years 2nd season.
:tup: sounds about right :D

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Senior Member
Mar 23, 2015



:mark: @Klin @JCK

- - - Updated - - -

Vinyl is premiering Sunday. The pilot is 2 hours long and directed by Scorsese. :tuttosport:

Getting good reviews already:
i also read a pilot review, and it says it's pretty narrative, but meticulous and authentic as a tv show can get. (yeah, it's co-produced by jagger, it better be authentic...) it's getting on the top my watchlist.

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