Game of Thrones [TV, not the book, no spoilers!] (45 Viewers)


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Its a deadlift with tires, not plates, wich means you can cut off roughly 40% of the weight.
I recon i could deadlift that if i prepared for it.

Its just a show.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
People who do a conventional deadlift, with a round back, are in a disadvantage at the start of the deadlift, cause they use the majority of their strenght to lift the weight off the floor. They need velocity to lock out.

However, when such a person can lift the weight not from the floor, but an elevated position, preferably just below the kneecap, the weight they can do increases significantly, because the strongest part of their deadlift can now be done with less range of motion, form a mechanically much much better position. When you are tall, this increases even more

Tire deadlift is exactly that. The bar bends like crazy. Look closely, you'll see he saves his upper back untill the bar reaches his kneecap, thats when the weight starts to kick in. Its simular to an elevated blockpull from that point, and he can put all the strenght of his rounded back into that lockout.

I do ~280kg with a conventional deadlift. With double overhead strapped palm grip, wich he uses, with the weight at my knee's, i can pull a 350 off the blocks at knee hight, and do 3 shrugs with it.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
Jesus, relax man. If you're lifting that much you'd be up there on stage too no?
Hummer Tire deadlift isnt really a sport, its a media event.

They ask someone who's famous in some way, to pull a weight that sounds crazy, and thats it.

1000 pound tire deadlift is pretty good, but if you got the right type of deadlift and size, most advanced powerlifters could do that.

Magnussen who isnt suited for tire deadlift, and yet pulls 150 pounds more THAT was fucking impressure.

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