[ENG] Premiership 2008/2009 (152 Viewers)

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Sep 23, 2003
I'm sure Italians and the Spanish think they have the best leagues in the world as well. I'm also sure they don't watch the MLS either.
Italy hasn't had their day in the sun lately the way the EPL has. But even when Italy was in its football prime with Berlusconi cash coming out of the chairs in the late 1980s, it's not like we saw all sorts of preening and parading about how the Coppa Italia is the greatest tournament in the world.

It makes so much sense that the most popular league in America would be the EPL.
The EPL has invested a lot in the American audience, it's quite amazing how far they've come in the last 10 years. That's a marketing machine.
I don't deny that. And American investment in the EPL hasn't hurt either.

I'm sure if Americans spoke Italian we'd have the same thing going on. And all the Englishman would be saying "Those damn Italians brainwashing the Americans, they think their soccer is sooo good. Cunts." It's really the luck of the draw.
I absolutely agree. Which, unfortunately, means we essentially have instituted a system of languagism in this country. Maybe that doesn't have the ugly ring of "racism", but substitute "darkie" for "foreign-speaking fellow", and the biases, discrimination, and cultural promotion of superiority is just as strong as if I was watching the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games rather than the EPL.

So let's take the actual English language out of it then -- what if they all speaked Old Icelandic in the U.S.? The fact is that the languagism is very wrong. In my experience, it is expressed at the same objectionable levels you see with racism. It's a horrible form of cultural chauvinism, and worst of all: it is both accepted and promoted systematically, unlike racism.

No one today could get away with bragging about how superior the white European stock are for having given the gift of the game to the black Africans -- and how its game is far more superior, how it is far more organized, how they are far more talented and technically adept, and how black Africans aren't worth a mention. But make similar assertions along language lines, and suddenly that's acceptable.

I swear, when I listen to American and some English announcers talk about the EPL on TV here, I sometimes feel as if I was listening to Hitler spout off on the cultural and sporting superiority of his people at the 1936 Berlin Games.


It ain't hard to tell
Aug 22, 2007
I think Man City will crash anyway. Sure, money talks, but when the owners want to spend stupidly like how this guy says he would, popele are gonna be impatient. Buying Robinho (who I hope and think will flop), Kaka, Ronadinho and Cronaldo and ecpect to win just won't happen. The club doesn't seem to be as smart with their money as Chelsea were, and even Chelsea I think, are gonna lose their shine soon.

So, fluck off MAN City!


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
I swear, when I listen to American and some English announcers talk about the EPL on TV here, I sometimes feel as if I was listening to Hitler spout off on the cultural and sporting superiority of his people at the 1936 Berlin Games.
Probably didn't need to take it that far. Hitler references are so overdone recently. Granted I see what you mean and I understand and even agree to some points. Still there is no reason to have a fervent hatred of the English or anyone over a sport. Especially when we're American and we say the same things about basketball.

As for the reasons Italian football never took off during it's prime days of the 80's and early 90's. No one really had the ability to televise football on the global market. To say that the Italians never got a fair share isn't a fair assessment considering the media coverage available today and back in the 80s. Really, anyone could have jumped the global market given the initiative. The English were just the first and the best. Of course have a huge english language base in one of the largest consuming countries in the world doesn't hurt. When you think about it, without the English and their involvement in football media expansion, there wouldn't be very many games to watch on the weekend.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Apparently Man City threw in a 50 mil(pounds) bid for Torres and we told them to go stuff it. That's probably the best decision Rick Parry ever made.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
So who's willing to bet on little Robson? Out of the ashes and into the fire, ManCity's new star. Nothing he could do can justify his price tag, and we already know after 3 years at Real Madrid that he's a sensitive kid who struggles under pressure. I've heard a lot of people say he's perfect for EPL with his playing style. Doesn't do much good if he can't handle it mentally, which I don't think he will. And now he doesn't have the backing of a giant club either, all eyes will be on him, all the time.

Hope you know what you're doing, little man. But you don't.


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
in all seriousness though if man city play a 4-3-3 formation,they could become quite an entertaining side to watch

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