Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today (30 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Just saw this. Have you seen it before? Don't know if it's staged tho:

don't think its staged, this vid actually went viral in egypt and a lot of people want this guy as president. sure he is clearly being taught the big words he is a kid still but shows you the potential the youth have. every one is talking politics now in egypt from taxi driver to mayor, from grand parents to children. in the past we were busy with footie ( the main reason we got robbed and no one seemed bothered) and talent shows which are just a joke.

A 12-year-old president might do better than Morsi.
true :tup: its not shocking though, this kid if you read between the lines really reflects the Egyptian community where we just want to live a good life, make enough to have a decent future, and have freedoms to say what we think, and believe what we want to believe. we don't want wars we don't want heroism we just want a humane life. Morsi got bedazzled pretty fast with being in power, and the Egyptian palace ( presidential protocols) scene does do this if you are weak or come from very deprived back ground both socially and mentally. hence the detachment and the dying to get back mentality even if the price is blood.


Senior Member
May 26, 2010
Just saw this. Have you seen it before? Don't know if it's staged tho:

Not staged, his case has made a brief appearance in the news over here and apparently he just likes to inform himself, read, look for news, inform himself on the net, speaks with educated people, etc. He has his own opinion, and he replied literally that he has a brain so he uses it or something like that, don't recall correctly.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
There will come a day, sooner or later and the middle east will thank Egypt for what they did on the 30th of June. For bringing down the Muslim brother hood. I'll quote Sadat in one of my favorite speeches, when he was saying that there will come a day where we all sit down with pride to discuss and show pride in how people from this country went out in darkness carrying lanterns of light to light the way for this country, to teach our children and grand children how the brave came out from this population. I chose this part not only Bec it's my favorite, but Bec tomorrow we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the 73 war. Tomorrow every one who criticises or questions or feels sympathy will know what was in store for not only Egypt but this entire region.

Today the Egyptian authorities found a ship loaded with sounds guns with option to be lethal coming from Turkey this shipment was caught in the port of portsaid :) not to mention two 4x4 land cruiser loaded with rpg's sneaking across our western boarders. You need to be in Cairo to see how happy abs optimistic people are, in the metro, taxi, street, every where. What comes next is unknown but there is hope and as long as we have this any one who will try to Rob the people's dream will meet the same fate. Off course there are people both domestically and internationally who don't want to see the people have what they went to the streets for.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Ahmad, what do you think of this?
actually this reflects two main points:

1- morsy was a failure
2- morsy was rejected by the egyptain beuacratic body bec they were threatened by the monopoly the muslim brotherhood were going in at full speed.

the minister of interior and i chose him in particular, was forced to fall with the demands of the young police officers and there fore sided with the people. also the minister of interior had his hand held by morsy in co regarding the following three events:

1- december events that toke place at el-ithadiya palace where the police where asked to be sidelined by the MB while there militia's attacked the people
2- the sinai crimes that were done by the islamist jihadis in sinai
3- when the MB top heads like el shater used the police forces to defend the MB head Quarters as if they r his personal army. not to mention the second in command in the ministry was found to be a spy planted by the MB and his tapings where released and there fore he is now in front of the court.

i need to point out that morsy him self used the police the same way mubarak used them, check out the events of suez, and port said during the court dates of the portsaid mascares earlier this year.

as for the minister of electricity, he too was a victim of morsy's massive failure. note: Egyptian electricity comes from petrol/gas sources i,e no petrol no electricity.

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abed, i can understand the point you r trying to raise here and where as i dont disagree morsy got done, but dont forget that morsy started this by alienating and actually being aggresive towards:

1- azhar the highest religious body in egypt
2- the judges when he tried to interfere and when the constitutional court was surrounded.
3- the police specially towards the end when the officers and soldiers where killed one after the other after morsy released a presidential decree freeing the worst of the worst from the jails. the people released have blood on there hand. our blood.

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i will ask you a simple question and you tell me your reply:

QUESTION 1: did you hear egyptains ask for the united states or any other country to interfere in egypt's internal affiars?? what would you say if you found out that at one of the MB stands in rabaa announced that the united states moves two naval vessels towards egypts red sea coast ( they said the us was invading us) in an attempt to invade egypt to release morsy as if morsy is super man, do you know how this piece of fake news was met??? it was meant by Allah Akber ( god is great)!! these people are traitors and hypocrites!! they truly showed there true colours and how power hungry they are, to the degree they can risk a civil war, the breaking up of our army, trying to frame our army, killing our soliders, killing our children to send waves of fear in people but they r too dumb to realize that the people no longer fear any one. what do u think of people who come out and say they saw visions of the holy prophet begging morsy to lead prayer and the prophet praying behind him while angel gibreel descends??? come on these people are brain washed and have a sinister plan. mind you the freaks in egypt are not the ones pulling the strings, the ones plulling the strings are the global branch of the muslim brotherhood who met in istanbul last week where they set plans and idea's on how to bring the moron back. this is treason in any part of the world.

you live in Amman, you tell me if a group of people strike or try to attack a military facilty what will the army do?? throw out flowers??? as for the they shot people while praying :touched: let me tell you that the egyptain army is pretty religious whether the soliders are muslim or christian. any way this we r praying trick is the oldest trick in the book, from the 28th of jan 2011 till there last failed event in ramsis two days ago.

mind you everything i just wrote you can find on youtube and there sponser channel Al- jazeerah. al jazeerah just proved how low they are, and they lost all credibility in the egyptain street at least.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
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    actually this reflects two main points:

    1- morsy was a failure
    2- morsy was rejected by the egyptain beuacratic body bec they were threatened by the monopoly the muslim brotherhood were going in at full speed.

    the minister of interior and i chose him in particular, was forced to fall with the demands of the young police officers and there fore sided with the people. also the minister of interior had his hand held by morsy in co regarding the following three events:

    1- december events that toke place at el-ithadiya palace where the police where asked to be sidelined by the MB while there militia's attacked the people
    2- the sinai crimes that were done by the islamist jihadis in sinai
    3- when the MB top heads like el shater used the police forces to defend the MB head Quarters as if they r his personal army. not to mention the second in command in the ministry was found to be a spy planted by the MB and his tapings where released and there fore he is now in front of the court.

    i need to point out that morsy him self used the police the same way mubarak used them, check out the events of suez, and port said during the court dates of the portsaid mascares earlier this year.

    as for the minister of electricity, he too was a victim of morsy's massive failure. note: Egyptian electricity comes from petrol/gas sources i,e no petrol no electricity.

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    abed, i can understand the point you r trying to raise here and where as i dont disagree morsy got done, but dont forget that morsy started this by alienating and actually being aggresive towards:

    1- azhar the highest religious body in egypt
    2- the judges when he tried to interfere and when the constitutional court was surrounded.
    3- the police specially towards the end when the officers and soldiers where killed one after the other after morsy released a presidential decree freeing the worst of the worst from the jails. the people released have blood on there hand. our blood.

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    i will ask you a simple question and you tell me your reply:

    QUESTION 1: did you hear egyptains ask for the united states or any other country to interfere in egypt's internal affiars?? what would you say if you found out that at one of the MB stands in rabaa announced that the united states moves two naval vessels towards egypts red sea coast ( they said the us was invading us) in an attempt to invade egypt to release morsy as if morsy is super man, do you know how this piece of fake news was met??? it was meant by Allah Akber ( god is great)!! these people are traitors and hypocrites!! they truly showed there true colours and how power hungry they are, to the degree they can risk a civil war, the breaking up of our army, trying to frame our army, killing our soliders, killing our children to send waves of fear in people but they r too dumb to realize that the people no longer fear any one. what do u think of people who come out and say they saw visions of the holy prophet begging morsy to lead prayer and the prophet praying behind him while angel gibreel descends??? come on these people are brain washed and have a sinister plan. mind you the freaks in egypt are not the ones pulling the strings, the ones plulling the strings are the global branch of the muslim brotherhood who met in istanbul last week where they set plans and idea's on how to bring the moron back. this is treason in any part of the world.

    you live in Amman, you tell me if a group of people strike or try to attack a military facilty what will the army do?? throw out flowers??? as for the they shot people while praying :touched: let me tell you that the egyptain army is pretty religious whether the soliders are muslim or christian. any way this we r praying trick is the oldest trick in the book, from the 28th of jan 2011 till there last failed event in ramsis two days ago.

    mind you everything i just wrote you can find on youtube and there sponser channel Al- jazeerah. al jazeerah just proved how low they are, and they lost all credibility in the egyptain street at least.
    My opinion will not be suitable for this discussion as we have many many differences regarding this. It seems I was absent for a very long time here. I just wanted to hear from Egyptians in Egypt because all the Egyptians I see here in Amman say that what happened was a military coup and Mursi is their president till now. Many of them say that Mubarak people came back. Again, this is not my opinion. It seems our societies became so segregated.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    i guess we will have to agree on disagreeing here :) however its easy to pass judgement ( i mean your egyptain friends) when you r living outside of egypt. however going by the egyptains on the forums here who most live here, like my self, wahdan, hist, b81, are pretty positive about what happened. any way lets see what will happen tomorrow, specially that now the MB are accepting the eu to lead reconciliation attempts. is this too late or not is for days to show. i just want to mention sth very important that reflects events on the ground here. mind you apart from the republic guard incident, the army and police did not clash with the pro mosry supporters, in fact now in egypt and in cairo in particular there is competition between cairo's main area's on who will handle the pro mosry raids! for example, when the pro morsy group tried to attack people in tahrir during the week of the 30th of june, people from near by boluq ( the area behind maspero) where the ones who kicked them out. in nasr city where people's life have been turned upside down thanks to the pro morsy sit in in rabaa where hygiene and personal safety are sth from the past the people gave them an ultimatum. tomorrow i think the Mb can either give them selves a faint line of survival in the egyptain street or write the last chapter of there 85 year history in egypt. note this is my personal analysis based on what i see on the ground and what i know from people who are in the knowing parts, the army will let tomorrow slip regardless of what the mb plan however starting from the 11th the treatment will change. consider the fact no one has come near them in rabaa in there sit in, in fact they take people's id to guarantee they don't leave the square, not to mention they have some how convinced people that should they leave they will be detained which is un true unless they are the people who herded them to go attack the house of the rep- guard in salah salem main road. also consider the fact that the rabaa sit in is protected by the military, and they r very strict on maintaining the personal safety of the pro morsy supporters, bec the people are boiling specially those whose life is affected. and important peice of information you should also put into consideration, that egyptain media in general is not allowed in the sit in's however any foriegn agency is allowed and they reported the horrible conditions that have effected the un fortunate people who live in that area. from people def acting in the street, to people stealing electricity, to people threatening the residents from going to work, to the degree you r allowed to go to work and return in a certain time and thats it. the residents of nasr city which is a huge and main neighborhood in cairo has set them a curfew that ended at 10 tonight but it seems its been extended till tomorrow. slowly but surely the youth in the MB are accepting the facts of the events, and the fact there leadership failed them and in fact pushed them to the front of the scene while the top heads are in hiding in the rabaa mosque ( safwat hegazi, and belatgi in particular while there supreme leader is in an undisclosed area) not to mention the children of the top heads including morsy's kids are no where to be seen, except when one of morsy's kids rallied the people to works of violence this past week, and he has never been seen again.


    Ageing Veteran
    Jan 26, 2009
    I personally hate political Islam, or any form of interference by any religious institution in politics. Those MB fuckers should have been eradicated a long time before they came into power. They are an 80 year parasite that has continued to grow through decades of careful planning and organization.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    I personally hate political Islam, or any form of interference by any religious institution in politics. Those MB fuckers should have been eradicated a long time before they came into power. They are an 80 year parasite that has continued to grow through decades of careful planning and organization.
    share the same sentiment specially the bolded part. politics and islam should not mix bec one is pure and constant the other is dirty and interchangeable.
    Jul 2, 2006
    Pharaoh against Moses. We know how this will eventually end up.

    Egypt’s Islamist coup!

    On June 24, 2012, Ahmad Shafik received 51.7 percent of the vote to become the first president of Egypt in the post-Mubarak era. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the United States and the European Union were the first to congratulate the president-elect. It was an unexpected victory for Shafik, who was an important figure during Mubarak’s tenure. Meanwhile, his rival from the Justice and Freedom Party, Mohamed Morsi, accused Shafik of electoral fraud. When asked to comment on the outcome, Morsi argued that “Shafik, coupled with Mubarak’s high judiciary, military and bureaucracy, have sentenced the country to a fraudulent election process.”

    The White House Press secretary stated that Morsi “must accept election results as an inherent part of democracy and gracefully accept his role in the opposition” and argued that the former Mubarak man’s victory in the elections did not necessarily cast a shadow on the outcome of free and fair elections. The elections received broad coverage in the Turkish media as well. Particularly among secular news outlets, Shafik’s victory was celebrated as the Arab Spring’s warning shot to all Islamist politicians and commented that the PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s post-Arab Spring foreign policy had thus collapsed.
    Over the next months, the judiciary’s ruling to suspend the Parliament triggered widespread protests for the legislature’s reinstitution. Media outlets in Egypt and elsewhere echoed the same sentiment: “Devoid of democratic maturity, the Islamist masses attempt to jeopardize Egypt’s transition process and pressure the elected president.” Western governments released statements in support of Ahmad Shafik and warned that parties must not resort to street violence in their efforts to impeach the elected government. Meanwhile, they cited dozens of lethal attacks on Shafik’s party headquarters over the past six months as a sign that Islamists did not support democracy.

    With regard to Shafik’s decision to maintain the military’s privileged position in the new Constitution, EU officials noted that it would be naive to expect Egypt to establish the world’s most democratic legal system over a few months. Meanwhile, the media reported that the military allied itself with the Islamists amid troubles and serious political turmoil in June 2013. In response, Western governments commented that they could not possibly allow Egypt to become “yet another Sudan” and discredited the use of street violence to threaten the country’s legitimate leadership. When a group of army officials issued a 48-hour ultimatum to the Shafik government, the White House released a strongly worded statement to condemn the latest developments. On July 3, the military coup led Western governments to suspend all diplomatic relations with the country. The Western media declared that the Islamist coup destroyed all hope for democracy that arose out of the Arab Spring revolutions and stated that this was indeed a military coup and an illegitimate act against the elected government even though the mobs voiced their support.

    How many today could claim the above scenario to be unrealistic? Surely, what exactly happened in Egypt is no longer relevant. Because a new liberal standard is to “focus on actors as opposed to events.” For this reason exactly, the events of July 3 represent nothing but pure political pornography. The sole truth and reality remains: Mohamed Morsi, the elected president of Egypt, lost his power to a military junta and its international solidarity networks.



    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    conspiracey theorey and al jazeerah :touched: as for the middle east monitor i opened there website and they couldn't be more pro morsy than the pro morsy people in nasr city :) after reading there analysis of the 30million who went to the streets and how they just minimized there argument to cairo only speaks volumes, no mention of the other cities that went out to bring down morsy. interesting read though....... and not a single mention or analysis as to why went against the angel called morsy, and off course throw in the isreali ambassador's quote and you have a fitting story. shame its pretty biased. as for the video how is this staged i mean isn/t the guy thrown?? who are the people who died and had funerals??


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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    conspiracey theorey and al jazeerah :touched: as for the middle east monitor i opened there website and they couldn't be more pro morsy than the pro morsy people in nasr city :) after reading there analysis of the 30million who went to the streets and how they just minimized there argument to cairo only speaks volumes, no mention of the other cities that went out to bring down morsy. interesting read though....... and not a single mention or analysis as to why went against the angel called morsy, and off course throw in the isreali ambassador's quote and you have a fitting story. shame its pretty biased. as for the video how is this staged i mean isn/t the guy thrown?? who are the people who died and had funerals??
    To be honest, I did not see anybody killed in the video. There was a guy thrown but if it was staged, it does not appear where he was thrown. Did you see him when his head hit the ground? Anyway, what do you think of what the MB says tonight about the murder of 4 of their followers at Al-Mansoura by gangs?


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    To be honest, I did not see anybody killed in the video. There was a guy thrown but if it was staged, it does not appear where he was thrown. Did you see him when his head hit the ground? Anyway, what do you think of what the MB says tonight about the murder of 4 of their followers at Al-Mansoura by gangs?
    just heard this now, they r women. sadly the hate between the people and the mb is at a record high. i think to kill each other is very dumb and sad. i hope the thugs who did this are caught like the pro morsy thugs were caught so that we set the law in action if we want to move forward and not turn into a jungle. as much as i disagree with them, and as much as i think they are herded by the mb leaders who hide in mosques after sending them off to protest, this is not acceptable. a soul is a soul.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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  • Thread Starter #2,700
    just heard this now, they r women. sadly the hate between the people and the mb is at a record high. i think to kill each other is very dumb and sad. i hope the thugs who did this are caught like the pro morsy thugs were caught so that we set the law in action if we want to move forward and not turn into a jungle. as much as i disagree with them, and as much as i think they are herded by the mb leaders who hide in mosques after sending them off to protest, this is not acceptable. a soul is a soul.
    Fair enough :tup:

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