Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today (16 Viewers)

Jul 2, 2006
:lol: indeed. With all those pathetic insults and childish provocations, you contribute a lot.

Egypt's bruised conservatives protest, US calls for Morsi release

12 July 2013 /REUTERS, CAIRO
Conservative supporters of Egypt's ousted President Mohamed Morsi protested in Cairo on Friday after a week of violence in a bitterly divided nation, and the United States called for the first time for the deposed leader to be freed.

Nine days after the army toppled Egypt's first elected leader following a wave of demonstrations against him, Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood is trying to mobilise popular support for his reinstatement, which for now looks like a lost cause.

Officials say Morsi is still being held at the Republican Guard compound in Cairo, where troops killed 53 conservative protesters on Monday in violence that intensified anger his allies already felt at the military's decision to oust him.

Four members of the security forces were also killed in that confrontation, which the military blames on "terrorists". Morsi's supporters call it a massacre and say those who died were praying peacefully when troops opened fire.

Asked whether Washington agreed with the German Foreign Ministry's call for Morsi to be released, US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said: "We do agree."

She declined to say if the United States had officially conveyed its wish to Egyptian officials and the military.

At a Cairo mosque where Morsi supporters have held a vigil for more than two weeks, crowds swelled as people were bussed in from the provinces, where the Brotherhood has strongholds.

"We're here and we're not leaving," said Amer Ali, who drove the five-hour journey from the Nile city of Assiut with his wife and two young children to join tens of thousands of protesters.

"We came with our kids to support legitimacy, democracy, and our civilian president, the first freely elected president in the Arab world."

Some 2,000 people had gathered close to Cairo University on the weekly Muslim day of prayer, in the holy month of Ramadan.

The youth-led Tamarud group, which brought millions to the streets to demand Morsi resign, called for a Ramadan celebration in Tahrir Square, the cradle of the uprising that overthrew President Hosni Mubarak in 2011. Only a few thousand came.

Tensions in Egypt could ease if the biggest conservative protests since the clash on Monday pass off peacefully.

Shock and anger

Many of Egypt's 84 million people have been shocked by the shootings, graphic images of which have appeared on state and private news channels and social media. The incident occurred just three days after 35 people were killed in clashes between pro- and anti-Morsi demonstrators across the country.

The Brotherhood contends it is the victim of a military crackdown, evoking memories of its suppression under Mubarak.

But many of its opponents blame conservatives for the violence, and some have little sympathy for the demonstrators who died, underlining how deep the fissures in Egyptian society are.

Islam Ibrahim, a Brotherhood member, was shot in the knee in Monday's violence, and still does not know if his brother Nasim, a soldier in the Republican Guard, was among those firing.

"I don't like to think about it. If he was (there), I know he wouldn't fire on unarmed demonstrators," he said.

The unrest has raised fear over security in the lawless Sinai peninsula bordering Israel and the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

Militant groups in North Sinai have promised more attacks and urged conservatives to take up arms, while the army has vowed to step up operations in the region, which is near the Suez Canal, the busy waterway linking Asia and Europe.

An Egyptian military helicopter briefly crossed into Israeli-controlled airspace over the Gaza Strip, in a possible sign of increased security jitters.

Security sources in Egypt and Israel both described the flyover as a navigational error, but it came shortly after militants killed an Egyptian policeman and wounded a second in an attack on a checkpoint in Sinai across the border from Gaza.

Egyptian military helicopters were also seen dropping flyers on a pro-Morsi rally in the town of Al Arish around 50 km (30 miles) from Israel's border, urging them to denounce violence.

Vigil enters third week

Outside the Rabaa Adawiya mosque in northeastern Cairo, tens of thousands of Brotherhood supporters prayed and listened to speeches. Some of them have camped out in searing heat, fasting in the daytime since Ramadan began on Wednesday.

In a wooden shack erected on a side street and emblazoned with portraits of Morsi, men prepared vats of rice and lamb. Others put the food in plastic bags to distribute after sundown, when Muslims break their fast.

People squirted water from bottles to cool each other down. Others rested in the shade, dozing or reading the Koran.

The vigil began on June 28, as plans for the June 30 protests that drew millions of anti-government demonstrators to the streets gathered pace.

Since then, the camp has become the de facto base of the Brotherhood, whose leaders live under the threat of detention after prosecutors ordered their arrests earlier in the week.

Judicial sources say Morsi is likely to be charged, possibly for corruption or links to violence. Prosecutors are also looking again at an old case from 2011 when Morsi and other Brotherhood leaders escaped from prison after being detained during anti-Mubarak protests.

His son Osama told CNN that he was proud of Morsi.

"We back any decision you take. Even if you decided to leave the office. Your family, we are all proud of you, God bless you," he said in English.

The detentions and threats of arrest have drawn concern from the United States, which has walked a semantic tightrope to avoid calling Morsi's ousting a military coup.

US law bars aid to countries where a democratic government is removed in a coup. Washington, which gives Egypt's military $1.3 billion in aid each year, has said it is too early to say whether Morsi's removal by the army meets that description.

The army has said it was enforcing the nation's will - meaning the huge crowds of people fed up with economic stagnation and suspicious of a Brotherhood power grab who took to the streets to demand Morsi's departure.

Deputy prime minister named

Crucial to longer-term stability will be holding parliamentary and presidential elections, which the transitional authorities are hoping to achieve in a matter of months.

Adli Mansour, the interim president named by the general who removed Morsi, has announced a temporary constitution, plans to amend it to satisfy parties' demands and a faster-than-expected schedule for parliamentary elections in about six months.

He has named liberal economist Hazem el-Beblawi as interim prime minister, and Beblawi said he had named centre-left lawyer Ziad Bahaa el-Din as his deputy. Beblawi also said he expected to swear in a cabinet next week.

Negotiations are difficult, with the authorities trying to attract support from groups that range from secularists to ultra-orthodox Muslims, nearly all of whom expressed deep dissatisfaction with elements of the interim constitution.

Rich Gulf states have thrown Egypt a $12 billion lifeline in financial aid, which should help it stave off economic collapse.

More than two years of turmoil have scared away tourists and investors, shrivelled hard currency reserves and threatened Cairo's ability to import food and fuel.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
for those who want to understand, this is a valid point of view even though i have reservations on the role of military and baradie in this analysis, but this sums it up perfectly. if you think you know whats going on even if u know u r wrong but are head strong feel free to skip this video.

- - - Updated - - -

p.s when i say reservations it doesn't mean i am head strong on it, i acknowledge our military is pro the US and i know this is a game of mutual benefits at least this relationship between the pentagon and the military in egypt. its not rocket science nor is it sth new, there will always be this relationship and i've read enough to know that despite popular belief nasser who was regarded as the anti - us had secret channels of communication with the united states adminstration and those channels where no longer a secret with the arrival of sadat who read the scene right whether we agree of disagree now ( i think he is the best president to come to egypt even though i dislike how we are thrown into the arms of the united states but its the reality of events and the geopolitical facts of this region that happens to have the largest oil reserves, the biggest population in the middleeast, the suez canal and it saddens me to say this but the origin of the terrorist groups whose god father depending on which history books you read is actually an egyptain who ironically studied in the united states and despite getting awesome education the ungrateful devil in him only so the negatives and decided to bring his mutated idea's back to a cairo that was soo liberal and advanced. who needs advanced when u can convince people to go back to the stone age by sweet coating idea with religion and the lost cause or fantasy of the caliphate that was a phase that no longer is applicable to this world we r living in.


The Maestro
Aug 20, 2005
If you're really believe Allah will support mossad's sisi against the Muslims of Egypt, nothing much to discuss.
What did I just read...

Turk, this is why Western nations thrive while some of the East is so backwards. Not Turkey particularly, but holy crap, there are enough people in the Middle East with the same mindset and they wonder why nothing goes according to their plans. In a way, I'm sure the West will be happy to keep this same mindset going, it allows them to manipulate the Middle-East region and let everyone keep fighting each other while the West sells their weapons off to them to make a profit out of the conflicts.

The problem isn't the US or Israel or some Western nation, it's the Arabs themselves. The sooner they realize what the bigger picture is, the sooner they stop blaming everyone else for their own mistakes. Change starts with the people. Real change. Not with complaining, not God and not wishful thinking.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
What did I just read...

Turk, this is why Western nations thrive while some of the East is so backwards. Not Turkey particularly, but holy crap, there are enough people in the Middle East with the same mindset and they wonder why nothing goes according to their plans. In a way, I'm sure the West will be happy to keep this same mindset going, it allows them to manipulate the Middle-East region and let everyone keep fighting each other while the West sells their weapons off to them to make a profit out of the conflicts.

The problem isn't the US or Israel or some Western nation, it's the Arabs themselves. The sooner they realize what the bigger picture is, the sooner they stop blaming everyone else for their own mistakes. Change starts with the people. Real change. Not with complaining, not God and not wishful thinking.

sad but true at least 80% is the arab themselves. i hate that we always have a hanger for all our failures and its getting old.


Sep 23, 2003
I come tainted here as a US citizen. But choosing your politics purely out of anti-American-influence spite is about as rational as choosing your politics purely out of pro-American-influence. Neither should be primary considerations, and either one is bound to be a secondary side-effect or correlation based on the right primary considerations needed in Egypt.


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2010
I come tainted here as a US citizen. But choosing your politics purely out of anti-American-influence spite is about as rational as choosing your politics purely out of pro-American-influence. Neither should be primary considerations, and either one is bound to be a secondary side-effect or correlation based on the right primary considerations needed in Egypt.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
  • Thread Starter
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    What did I just read...

    Turk, this is why Western nations thrive while some of the East is so backwards. Not Turkey particularly, but holy crap, there are enough people in the Middle East with the same mindset and they wonder why nothing goes according to their plans. In a way, I'm sure the West will be happy to keep this same mindset going, it allows them to manipulate the Middle-East region and let everyone keep fighting each other while the West sells their weapons off to them to make a profit out of the conflicts.

    The problem isn't the US or Israel or some Western nation, it's the Arabs themselves. The sooner they realize what the bigger picture is, the sooner they stop blaming everyone else for their own mistakes. Change starts with the people. Real change. Not with complaining, not God and not wishful thinking.
    The West does not allow any improvement in the region. Their followers in the Arab armies and regimes will always do their best to stop any attempt to change anything. Egyptians tried to change all the corruption and being-a-western-puppet regimes, but eventually they failed. Corruption and the puppet regime are back there again...


    The Maestro
    Aug 20, 2005
    The West does not allow any improvement in the region. Their followers in the Arab armies and regimes will always do their best to stop any attempt to change anything. Egyptians tried to change all the corruption and being-a-western-puppet regimes, but eventually they failed. Corruption and the puppet regime are back there again...
    True, but who has the final say ? Definitely not the West. And it's not the West's fault that the Arabs get so easily corrupted. Regarding Morsi, I have never seen such an un-charasmatic leader before. Good riddance to him. Hopefully they pick the right leader this time.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    True, but who has the final say ? Definitely not the West. And it's not the West's fault that the Arabs get so easily corrupted. Regarding Morsi, I have never seen such an un-charasmatic leader before. Good riddance to him.
    And he was a mega puppet :) no two ways about it. To prove it, the Muslim brother hood are dying for the US to step in, and have this illusion the US would invade Egypt for Morsy's eyes.
    Jul 2, 2006
    Before the elections

    Muslims don't believe in democracy, those savages :cry:

    After the elections

    They choose the wrong guy. This doesn't count :cry:


    If you're a honest Muslim, take sides with your people and stop being a tail for your serpent neighbour. Liberals, leftists and other minorities are just a tool for them. This coup is an obvious blow to your future as a proper country. If you let them decide for you, you will be free and strong as much as they allow. They have already lost Turkiye, their biggest ally in the region. Because of this, they could not let your people decide their own future. They can't afford losing Egypt as well.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    Before the elections

    Muslims don't believe in democracy, those savages :cry:

    After the elections

    They choose the wrong guy. This doesn't count :cry:


    If you're a honest Muslim, take sides with your people and stop being a tail for your serpent neighbour. Liberals, leftists and other minorities are just a tool for them. This coup is an obvious blow to your future as a proper country. If you let them decide for you, you will be free and strong as much as they allow. They have already lost Turkiye, their biggest ally in the region. Because of this, they could not let your people decide their own future. They can't afford losing Egypt as well.
    It is Bec I'm trying to be an honest Muslim I'm siding with my people, my people are the 33 millions who went to the streets, my people are the army who protect the sovereignty of this country. My people don't fake being religious just Bec it gets then votes, my people don't kill children, my people don't point there guns to other Egyptians!!! My people don't call for jihad against Israel yet all there bullets are reserved for the Egyptian army in Sinai. Finally my people don't need turkey who lost us not the other way around. When Turkey goes around skiing for sanctions on us, with no regard to the simple fact 33 million went to the streets then it's better they lose us. By the way the 33 million had Muslims, Christians, liberals who can be Muslim to by the way :) this is the Egypt I know and every one knows not the mb Egypt that was shoved down our throats.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    Still better than keep watching while they act. Anyone who believes this coup happened without the permission of US and israel is either naive or malicious.
    you know whats the sad part Turk? that people used to think this way but after what we saw in one year from our petrol being smuggled, our cars getting smuggled, weapons being smuggled into Egypt, all this via tunnels, and now, how hamas keeps sending there armed militias to Sinai ( the qassam brigade have been captured and i posted the video) i am afraid to say isreal is out of this, in fact they enjoyed morsy. after all morsy was the one who stopped the cleaning up mission the military started last october after our 16 soldiers got killed in cold blood back in august ( ramadan of last year). i am in no way saying gaza is our enemy but hamas is def on the wrong side of this conflict which is an internal affair of Egypt. Turk hold your horses bec you will know much more very soon and you will be amazed at who conspires against who.

    you want to know whats even sadder?? a country like qatar mingling with affairs here, i'm glad there new prince changed how things where going bec they were in bed with the MB. funny they are also involved in the dam being built in ethiopia :) do your research on the dam and you will be in for surprises :)
    Jul 2, 2006
    Turk hold your horses bec you will know much more very soon and you will be amazed at who conspires against who.

    you want to know whats sad?? a country like qatar mingling with affairs here, i'm glad there new prince changed how things where going bec they were in bed with the MB. funny they are also involved in the dam being built in ethiopia :) do your research on the dam and you will be in for surprises :)
    What is that thing soon we all know much more and you keep reminding since the first day? Do you have the script, so you know what your junta makes us watch next? Do you mean Morsi will be revealed as a spy :lol: That would make them look even sillier than they are now.

    Egypt announced a criminal investigation on Saturday against deposed President Mohamed Morsi, with prosecutors saying they were examining complaints of spying, inciting violence and ruining the economy.

    Just another plot to incite rebellion and massacre more muslims.

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