Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today (3 Viewers)


New Member
Sep 26, 2011
Yes Fred exactly.. its supposed to unite people.. It doesnt matter what sect you come from or what religion or whatever, the important thing is that they have a common goal, which is a better Egypt..

As for Libya, I really don't know how people were living pre Gaddafi and when he's gone.. whenever that is.. So I won't judge, it'll be based on the Libyans thmselves to decide on their own. i CERTAINLY won't listen to media becuz I know for a fact that 90% of what the media shows/says is pure propaganda and mostly BS, becuz we went through that idiotic media war that happened in Bahrain. It makes us look like that we are living in a frickin Warzone with a brutal regime! At first i thought it was funny what the media was doing, now its just sad! What the hell? Unfortunately, some people are beliving the media.. And when they come here to Bahrain and witness first hand the real events in Bahrain, they all get shocked at what they read and what they actually see! Thats why i dont believe in Int'l Media..

Ne way, I hope this all ends across the Arab World and in the US and Europe, everywhere.. I hope everyone settles down with the best way of living and for theirselves and their childrens' sake.

Buy on


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
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    May Allah protect Egypt. Its sad what's going on there.. I know for a fact that the Egyptians are living off better without Mubarak (or so i hear) but i just hope the next one isn't like him... This is why the Arab Spring is an epic fail, all the US want to do is to divide the Arab world, create sectarian tensions, create whatever just to let the Arabs lose their power and get divided.. Look at Sudan, Libya, etc etc.. They also do not like the fact that islam is getting more and more popular over there. Its sad that some people listen to them, becuz at the end of the day, its just their needs that will be fulfilled and nothing else.. Take Iraq for example, Obama said that its a "success story" ?!? WHAT? People are living FAR WORSE than when saddam was there, 2 million people died, millions injured indefinately, and 3 bn loss! No outcome... Success story .... aha.....

    Anyway, i hope all the best for Egypt and its people, and please no more problems! :) I hope egyptians fill me in
    Do you really think that Arabs were a power before the Arab spring?


    New Member
    Sep 26, 2011
    Rebel, its not about if they were or were not... Its about what they cab be; a prospect of what they can be..

    Take the USSR as an example... Look what happened.

    Next to be super power house is China. China will surpass America in terms of power/economy in thenear future. Brazil and India are also the next big countries coming up.. So watch out for those and what might happen to them.

    NWO ....


    Tickle Me
    Oct 11, 2005
    China will be surpassed by India, mainly because of population growth. Brazil has massive potential but needs to improve infrastructure.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    a great read on the events that toke place two nights ago.

    The Last Choice
    October 11, 2011 By The Sandmonkey 25 Comments

    Today the mood in Cairo was wary & melancholic. With the reality of what went down yesterday at Maspero hitting them with its full might, the general population that yesterday found itself on the brinks of chaos is utterly terrified. The number of phone calls I received from people who were worried and horrified made me wish I could shut off my phone, with everyone looking at the future with an incredibly bleak outlook. It’s easy to fall into that mood- after all you have your army killing your people, a long oppressed minority of it at that- but if one looks beyond what happened, one sees a very different picture. What happened yesterday was the beginning of the end of the military rule over Egypt: The days of the SCAF ruling us are numbered. And not because they don’t want to, but because they will no longer have any other choice.

    A quick recap over what has went down yesterday: a huge demo held by Coptic Christians & muslim supporters protesting against yet another fight over the building of a Church was attacked by the Egyptian armed forces there to protect it and plainclothed thugs. Shots were fired at protesters killing them, rocks were thrown by protesters in return, protesters were overrun by armored vehicles, the Egyptian State TV issued a plea asking Egyptian citizens to come to the Demo and “protect the army from Christian thugs”, and a street battle that resulted in over 24 dead and 150 injured. The street battle after a while turned into Egyptian citizens fighting each other, without any of them being able to figure out who was fighting who. Pandemonium, for a lack of a better word.

    But the moment the dust settled the questions started presenting themselves: This was obviously planned, so what the hell was the SCAF thinking? How could they attack and kill Egyptians on the street so casually, while their sole purpose is to protect them from getting killed? How could they risk enflaming the country into a huge sectarian battle by having state Media so conscientiously attacking the Christians and promoting violence against them? How did they not see that the choice they made is an inherently flawed one that it could spell their doom? How do you explain last night?

    Well, the easy explanation is that they- like every single political force in the country throughout this year- fell into the trap of thinking that they have won and asserted their power, only to have the whole thing blow up in their faces. After believing the political street to be dead, and that the revolution is almost dying, they figured they now have the power to put “people in their proper place” like the old days. So, they went down yesterday to terrorize the Christians, counting that they won’t put up a fight (because they never really did before), and that the sectarian rhetoric will cause them all to fear for their lives, stop them from causing trouble, and quite possibly scare them from participating in the elections. With every single respectable political party formed after the revolution having prominent Christians in their founders and as their candidates, they figured that threatening us with the possibility that the next election will turn into a Muslim vs. Christian election will discourage people from voting and participating, leaving the new parties with fewer seats, with the Christians being underrepresented as always in the parliament, and thus allowing the ex NDP people control of the Parliament as the only other choice against the “Islamists”. To basically return us to the pre-revolution status quo. But had they thought this through for more than 5 minutes, they might have seen the inherent flaws in their old-and-reliable plan. They, somehow, didn’t and now they have overplayed their hand and about to face the consequences.

    What consequences, some of you may ask, believing that there is no way to hold the army accountable for anything that they have done. This is not true at all. Yesterday was a game changer, and it proved that the old ways no longer work. Let’s go over the consequences shall we?

    They have shown how weak they really are: The SCAF might be the last remaining part of the Mubarak regime, but it’s not nearly as powerful, because they don’t have the tools of oppression that Mubarak had. Mubarak had the executive branch, a ruling party, talking heads, politicians, “intellectuals”, control over the Media and countless soldiers; SCAF only has the soldiers and Media, and neither are enough to control the situation for them. The soldiers yesterday were beaten up by the protesters, and in many incidents were shown running away from battle due to the sheer number of people they were facing. I personally saw a group of soldiers going up 6 October bridge, banging their batons against their shields, prompting many people to run away for 5 seconds, before standing their ground and advancing against them, and the soldiers stopped, suddenly looking hesitant and scared, and started walking back down. They suddenly remembered why they couldn’t fire on the protesters in Jan25: Because there are far more of us than there are of them. They can’t rule this country by brute force, because they will face real resistance from the population, even when they are unarmed. And the Media had to backtrack very quickly and are now facing the wrath of God from the average Egyptian, with no one able or willing to defend the SCAF, or what the armed forces did. They wanted to showcase their control, and failed miserably, because even they are not strong enough to carry this country alone.
    The old arrangement will no longer work on the Christians: The security apparatus always played a dirty game with the Christian population by inciting attacks on them by islmaist groups, thus ensuring that they continue to support it in order to be protected from the evil muslims, the closest example of which was the Church Bombing that took place earlier this year. But now that they have shown themselves willing to kill Christians, and inciting the population against them, they can no longer play the Christian protector, because they have killed Christians with their own hands. If the choice is between someone that is willing to kill you or someone that will protect you but oppress you, it makes sense to go with the Protecting oppressor. But if the choice is between two forces who are willing to kill you, well, screw both of them. The Army has now lost all credibility as the “protector of the citizens”, and thus can no longer be trusted to play that role by anyone. Instead, they left the Christians with no choice but to seek true democracy and civilian rule, because military rule -like islamist rule- now also leads to their oppression and murder. They have lost the trust of that segment of the population for a very long time, and thus left them no choice but to continue to fight, the exact opposite of what last night events intended to do.
    The Internal Consequences: The Army has Coptic Christians. Not necessarily in positions of power, but they do exist in all the ranks (except the top ranks of course) and have now placed them in a choice between their religious brethren and their army ones for no reason, which they are not at all happy about. If the Christians inside the army start thinking that their leadership is sectarian or promotes sectarian violence, they will start having serious cracks in the cohesion of the armed forces. Add to that the rising toll of their casualties, which , while not yet significant, are increasing alarmingly as far as the soldiers are concerned. Also, for the first time in their history, an increasingly rising number of the Egyptian population- who are known for their army worship- are starting to have an unfavorable view of them. All are not good signs.
    The Global Consequences: The way the world will read what happened won’t be in the context of “The Egyptian army killed its own citizens” (which is the real issue), but rather in the context of ” The Egyptian army just killed the Egyptian Christians”, which means that the Egyptian army will now be looked upon as a sectarian army, which is the death of them. Not only will they lose whatever international legitimacy they might have had, they have now put their allies in a corner: The US can’t justify giving military assistance to an army that kills its own Christian citizens, especially with how cozy they have shown themselves to be with the political islamist forces. The same goes to all western countries, international institutions, and global public opinion, which is largely in support of the Egyptian revolution, and not the Egyptian army, especially if they start viewing it in the “Islamist anti-christian” context. And since no one can defend what they did, there won’t be a counter-argument, because they have no people abroad who can defend them any longer. A Tsunami of international pressure will reign down on them with economic consequences, and it’s exactly the kind of headache they don’t want and can’t deal with economically right now. It’s a bad business.

    So, now what?

    Well, as far as I see it, there is only one solution out of this: Our political and social leaders need to sit down with SCAF and deliver the following message to them: “If you keep this up you are walking the path of your own destruction. The old tactics won’t work. The people refused to turn sectarian, and your soldiers are no way near enough to take control of the country. So why not cut the crap and finish this? Tell us what you want, and get out of power immediately, because if you continue doing this you will break the country and your institution. Neither one of us wants to live in a broken country, and you can’t sustain this, so this needs to stop, now. What we want is a country with a future, and the only way to get there is together. This is the only choice you have, because the Price of the other choice is one that you cannot afford to pay, but we are starting to be willing to pay it. This is not a negotiation; this is the only road out, and you no longer have space to maneuver. We are stopping you from signing your own death warrant, so let’s end this now.” And we take it from there. An exit deal, made right now, ending this fiasco, because the alternative is death to all. And make no mistake: they will have to answer to the death toll of yesterday, because the army cannot kill its people and be allowed to get away with it. Someone will be held into account as part of that deal. No one will win, but especially not the SCAF, because it’s no longer an option for them.

    Too many people will say that it’s too late for this, and might even see this solution as a soft-handed approach to the SCAF, but there is no other logical way out. Yesterday, while observing the clashes at Abdelmeneim riad, the people who were violently clashing were regular citizens, Egyptian vs. Egyptian, with no army or Police forces in sight. Needless to say one couldn’t tell the muslims from the Christians (because we all look alike), and neither could the people fighting each other. After engaging in a street brawl where not a single person could tell who is with who or against who, they stopped a started chanting. One team started chanting “The People and the Army are one hand” and the others started chanting “Muslims and Christians are one hand”, thus providing us with the choices that we as Egyptians were told to make yesterday. And then, strangely, both sides at the same time changed their chants to “One hand”, and both sides started chanting that fiercely, stopped fighting each other, and joined each other into one big marsh chanting “One hand, One hand”, and thus showing us that they made the right choice. They were presented with the choice between the Army and National Unity, and they refused to make that choice and collectively and organically made the only correct choice: Each Other. Egypt. In the midst of the battle, they realized on a very basic level that they can’t chose one over the other, and that , even if they have prejudices, they really do not want to fight each other. There is a lesson in that incident for all of us, and it may just hold the key to our salvation.



    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    looks like things are going to eurpt again in egypt. this is a video showing what started the upset that is dragging on till this very minute. off course the state tv is sucking scaf dick with multiple orgasms!!! same shit just a different day.

    now people are gathering up in numbers to sit back in tahrir in what looks like the early days of the revolution back in jan 25th.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    just saw this sad and sickening video of a guy who has just lost his life, while a pig from the ministry of interior forces drags his lifeless body and stacks it near a pile of trash. this is not from jan demonstration but from todays sit in!! the same tactics, and to be honest it comes as no surprise for the love of god when the military council was brought into the picture it was mubarak who brought them to the scene and its no rocket science they all went to the same school and read the same how to be a dictator for fu***** dummies! i dont agree with what happened on nov 18th ( last friday) as it was more of a show of force by the various religious political forces how ever i am against how we are still being treated like animals!! this eurpted when the ministry of interior ( the police) tried to break up this sit in yesterday with brutal force and when they failed the military police came in to use excessive force to break the demonstration and disperse people but so far people have managed to return back to the square to take control over it again but there r predictions there will be a second round later tonight.

    so far some activists from the tahrir square are saying 3 more people have lost there lives in todays violence. last night 2 citizens also lost there lives, one in cairo and the second in alexandria.

    it really feels like january all over again.

    this is the video:
    personally i'm not pro these sit in's even though i hate this military council but i think they saw it coming with there stupidity and there constant defiance to what the people want. things are back to square one to be honest, it has always been at square one from feb to this min. 9 months of continous tortures, 9 month of the same old tactics used by the police, 9 month and state media is talking about a totally different nation, 9 month activists and citizens are trailed by the military while mubarak and his other pigs get courted by a civil court!!! 9 month and the members of ndp are given a second chance to run for parliment, 9 month and we still have the emergency law!!! as if a rev never happened.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    police giving a citizen a massage..... bastards. even if he is a criminal they caught him whats the need to beat him up all the way to the police truck or van or what ever they collect us in.



    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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    The military council is just a group of Mubaraks instead of one Mubarak. If people are really looking for freedom, they have to clean the country of all those council corrupts.

    6 people are dead today just because they had a different opinion than those in the authority. How is that different from Mubarak's regime is beyond me.


    Senior Member
    Oct 2, 2003
    This is terrible, the Egyptian revolution has been stolen by the military council. I was never completely comfortable with them taking over, but they promised they'
    d only stay for 6 months, so i said to myself: all we have to do is wait for these 6 months and then they'd be gone. But over 9 months have passed and they're still around. If theres one thing our recent history as Arabs has taught us, is never to give power to military personell. Nothing has been accomplished by taking down Mubarak, the military council are no different.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    military police and ministry of interior police combo! welad kaleb. i saw this, this morning and felt disgusted at how the bastard pulls the girl by her hair!! no respect for gender, nor elderly, nor any one. i think they just shot there feet bec as we talk people are gathering at tahrir.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    This is terrible, the Egyptian revolution has been stolen by the military council. I was never completely comfortable with them taking over, but they promised they'
    d only stay for 6 months, so i said to myself: all we have to do is wait for these 6 months and then they'd be gone. But over 9 months have passed and they're still around. If theres one thing our recent history as Arabs has taught us, is never to give power to military personell. Nothing has been accomplished by taking down Mubarak, the military council are no different.
    truth be told i felt they started out well but shortly we started hearing of how the military council showered us with favors!! first off there is sth egyptains and arab's a like need to understand. the military council does not represent the egyptain military or there ethics. now i would love to know how the military protected the revolution?? for yr information in the famous camel incident that toke place on feb the second the army were int he street with there tanks and armored vehicles and they did not even prevent these thugs ( police men) on horses from entering the the square in fact they made it easier they actually opened up like a whore waiting to get banged!! so no the military council does not owe the egyptain people any favors what so ever.

    now we come to the biggest bastards you might ever stumble on and its the egyptain police. well cunts will be cunts and there is no changing that simply bec the SCAF failed miserably as if they cant bring there stubborn brains to accepting that a revolution just brought down there master to the darkest pits of history. it does'nt take a genius to know that to change a system or a unit like the police, tv, etc u need to start from top to bottom. you cant keep the same officers who have blood on there hands in power!!! you cant give them pay rises as if they r fucking hero's when in reality there hands are covered with youth blood!!! what is the out come??? they cant get it in there head that things have changed, that now people need to be treated like human beings and not lab animals!! yes police officers may need to use a certain level of force but its force to control the person, put on hand cuffs and bring him with complete diginty into there police escort or cruiser or what ever they use to transport us to the police station where he is read his rights and given the chance to call al awyer, instead the same shitty mentality that they r superior creatures to the rest of us is still engraved in there fucking brains bec the same cunts are still in power. for the love of god i happen to have a nieghbor who is younger than me, and the guy got into the police academy u should see how he looks at the rest of the people his age!!! he acts sooooo cocky the guy forgot i kicked his ass when he was in high school bec he bugged my late sister.

    as for the military council, well its very obvious these bastards dont want to loose everything to a civilian party!! since 1952 these bastards have been in power, no one asks them about there budgets, no one asks them where the aid goes, no one asks them about the profits they make. the egypatian military unlike its other counter parts int he region have a business sector from cement factories all the way to tourist related businesses. they have a lot and the fact the day has come after i dont know a million decades where a group of civilians has power over them freaks them out!!

    the only dirty sector of the military apart from scaf is believe it or not the military police who are as worse as the normal police just look at how brutal they were when they broke down the maspero coptic stand off!! and we always hear the same bull shit excuses!!! and they r as follows:

    1- they are thugs ( in reality they r normal decent citizens who bring there families to there stand off's oh yes these people are thugs if i ever saw one!!!)
    2- there is a conspiracey theorey on egypt!!! god to this min no one knows who is the son of a whore conspiracing on egypt!!! if there is some one conspiracing on egypt these guys should come out and tell the people but since they cant think of any one they never mention who is against us
    3- a fucking armored vehicle that wieghts more than 3 tonnes got stolen and was used to crush civilians!! i kid you not this was said by the scaf on tv!!! wow !!!!!

    4 the same bs mubarak tactic, the people are convinced if the military council returns to there normal duty aka go back tot he army and leave the scene for a civilian cabinet the crazy beardies will take us back to the stone age or we might be a new iran or saudi arabia!! ( personally thats my worst night mare as i dont trust these beardies and i hoenstly dont want a religous based nation i'm soo against this idea) even though the salafist and muslim brother hood have lost a lost of fans lately bec of there cock sucking antics!

    i think this was expected, and the blame falls namely on the military council followed by the police force who are in denial.

    9 months and nothing has happened or changed!! mubarak goes to a five star hospital while the people who sacrificed there legs, hands, eyes, cant find proper treatment, 9 months and the youth are being hunted down like flies and thrown into military prisions while the real killers fromt he police get pay rises and promotions!!

    oh and a big fuck you goes to the egyptain state tv which is an organization made for queers and bitches who dont havea future in proper channels.

    i'm happy this is happening, bec it has finally re-united us again. i'm glad this happened so the politcal powers who jumped on the band wagon showed there real faces and dont stand a chance.

    as i type this, the government headed by the softie sharaf has resigned but rumors are spreading that the military council has not accepted the governments resignation which is dumb to be honest and shows lack of interest in calming people down and bending to the people's wish.

    oh and the military council just released a law which egyptains begged for which bans ex ndp members from joining in the political life, wow that toke 33 people to loose there life and 1000+ injured!! its soooooooooo late they just ran out of luck.

    EDIT: i feel soooooo much better i can actually go to bed as i have two mids tomorrow and this shit has made it harder than it should.


    اختك يا زمن
    Aug 5, 2006
    The Muslim brotherhood just blew their cover, on public for a change. That's the best result of the recent action. These hypocrites have been feeding on the revolution like a mad zombie and profited from it as a party when thry clearly shouldn't have.

    Oh and down with SCAF.

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