Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today (12 Viewers)


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Deadly Cairo clashes over Coptic protest
At least 12 people killed as violence erupts during Coptic Christian demonstration against destruction of a church.
Last Modified: 09 Oct 2011 16:51

At least 12 people have been killed and more than 20 others injured in riots that erupted in Cairo when Coptic Christians protested against the recent destruction of a church.

The Copts were demonstrating outside the state television building in central Cairo on Sunday when they clashed with locals, according to Egyptian state television.

Military vehicles were set on fire and thick black smoke rose along the Nile outside the state television building, the state-run station reported.

During the protest, led by several Coptic bishops, the demonstrators burnt photos of Mustafa al-Sayed, the governor of Aswan.

The Coptic church in Merinab village was attacked after al-Seyyed was reported as saying Copts had built it without the required planning permission, according to state television.

Al Jazeera's Rawya Rageh, reporting from Cairo, said "utter chaos" prevailed in the centre of the capital.

Rageh said: "It was supposed to be a peaceful protest, demanding that Coptic rights should be fulfilled. But it soon escalated into violence, with people on balconies pelting the demonstrators with stones, clearly disagreeing with the cause of the Coptic demonstrators."

The protesters demanded the governor be sacked and the church rebuilt.

Christians account for an estimated 10 per cent of Egypt's population of 80 million. Tensions are not uncommon between Copts and the country's majority Muslims.

In March, 13 people were killed in sectarian clashes around the Cairo neighbourhood of Manshiyet Nasser, shortly after a church was torched in the village of Sol, south of the capital.
Al Jazeera and agencies

source :

note: the latest suggest 19 people have sadly lost there lives from both the army and the egyptain christians.

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Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
sadly this is what happens when people deny the existence of a problem, yet opt to go for the band aid solution for the past 30 years!! there is a problem in egypt between Muslims and Christians. there are loads of factors but the main cause is the amount of ignorance from both sides. you simply can not judge a person based on his or her religion its just wrong on so many levels. i hope this is the beginning of the end of any religious discrimination. its about time the majority and minority a like get there rights of having religious facilities and the freedom to practice there religion in those facilities and i think now is the best time to remove the religion category in the Egyptian ID and passport bec seriously it serves no purpose but make discrimination more prominent.

i as a person and here i speak on my behalf don't believe in a conspiracy theory being orchestrated against us. extreme religion figures from both camps should have no place in the media, or in the preaching business!!


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
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    I hope things will be resolved soon and life conditions will be better for everybody there.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    its crystal clear Scaf ( military council and the current transitional government) needs to step aside and hand authority to a civil cabinet instead. they have proven there inability to resolve problems, they r either too slow or they decide to slap more laws silencing people up. is it coincidence every time Scaf fails to fix sth the conspiracy theory card is shoved in our face? to scare us and insist on keeping a hold of them in power.


    The Jackal
    Jan 14, 2005
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    its crystal clear Scaf ( military council and the current transitional government) needs to step aside and hand authority to a civil cabinet instead. they have proven there inability to resolve problems, they r either too slow or they decide to slap more laws silencing people up. is it coincidence every time Scaf fails to fix sth the conspiracy theory card is shoved in our face? to scare us and insist on keeping a hold of them in power.
    They won't leave ever.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    They won't leave ever.
    thats the problem :agree: the military council has a lot too loose to just leave power to civilians. if there is any logical thinker in the military council he should realize they r fast loosing there once great image with people. what is taking place is very simple and very obvious. remember during the rev how a lot of people fell in the trap arranged by mubarak and the media? well guess what thats exactly whats happening now. instead of egyptains being on one side ( neutral) you have people who put the army right under god!!! as if the military cant make a mistake or have there own agenda's!! so what these events serve is extend there presence in power bec i can bet you 100$ they will push back the date on handing the country to a civil cabinet.


    Sep 4, 2007
    It seems to me like a "Divide and rule" SCAF plan, everytime for the last 6 months whenever there's a protest over very simple demands they (and they refers to the previous gov, previous ruling party and scaf) send some thugs in the middle and have them destroy things to make protesters seem like that kinda people and have the average egyptian believe that the army is protecting us from the protesters/thugs who are destroying the country, and its working perfectly!!


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    It seems to me like a "Divide and rule" SCAF plan, everytime for the last 6 months whenever there's a protests over very simple demands they (and they refers to the previous gov, previous ruling party and scaf) send some thugs in the middle and have them destroy things to make protesters seem like that kinda people and have the average egyptian believe that the army is protecting us from the protesters/thugs who are destroying the country, and its working perfectly!!
    i cound'nt have said it any better naggar :tup: thats exactly whats happening!! just open any freaking egyptain channel and i swear it feels like we r reliving the 28th and 29th of jan. people calling and crying, conspiracey theories left and right. the military council needs to wrap it up and hand it over to an elected civil council.


    Sep 4, 2007
    Very very sad how ALL average egyptians talk about the revolution now! try any taxi driver or poor person and they all call it "thugs and chaos" now! when you find the majority wanting to go back to mubarak days it makes me feel very hopeless this country will ever change



    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    Very very sad how ALL average egyptians talk about the revolution now! try any taxi driver or poor person and they all call it "thugs and chaos" now! when you find the majority wanting to go back to mubarak days it makes me feel very hopeless this country will ever change

    sums it up, just add the slow steps taken by scaf, and the religious identities that pounced on the rev, the failure of people on changing them selves too!! and sadly the number of groups and mini parties the youth opened up simply are reasons why this rev is on the verge of failing.


    Sep 4, 2007
    Agreed.. sadly :(

    Did you see this?

    1- حزب الحرية

    من مؤسسيه معتز محمد محمود أمين عام الحزب الوطني بقنا

    2- حزب المواطن المصري

    من أعضاء و مؤسسي حزب المواطن المصري : صلاح حسب الله احد كوادر الحزب الوطني بالقليوبية ، و محمد رجب الأمين العام السابق للحزب الوطني ، و محمد محمود عبدالرحمن، أمين الحزب الوطنى بالدقهلية ، و حمدي السيد نقيب الأطباء ، و اللواء حازم حمادى بسوهاج، وأحمد مهنى أحد قيادات الحزب الوطنى بالإسكندرية

    3- حزب البداية

    مؤسسه محمود حسام أحد كوادر الحزب الوطني بالإسكندرية

    4- حزب نهضة مصر الديمقراطي

    مؤسسه أحمد أبو النظر أحد كوادر الحزب الوطني بالإسكندرية

    5- حزب مصر الحديثة

    مؤسسه نبيل دعبس صاحب جامعة مصر الحديثة و والد وليد دعبس رئيس قنوات مودرن و اللي تم طرده من ميدان التحرير بعد تأييده للرئيس المخلوع .. و كان داعم لجريدة الوطني اليوم التابعة للحزب الوطني المنحل

    6- حزب مصر القومي

    مؤسسه هو طلعت السادات رئيس الحزب الوطني الجديد قبل أن يتم حل الحزب نهائياً ويعاونه توفيق عكاشة رئيس قناة الفراعين الفضائية

    7- حزب مصر النهضة

    مؤسسه هو حسام بدراوي الأمين العام للحزب الوطني سابقاً

    8- حزب الاتــــحــــاد

    رئيسته يمن الحماقي و هي عضو مجلس شورى سابقاً و عضو الأمانة العامة بالحزب الوطني المنحل


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    Agreed.. sadly :(

    Did you see this?

    1- حزب الحرية

    من مؤسسيه معتز محمد محمود أمين عام الحزب الوطني بقنا

    2- حزب المواطن المصري

    من أعضاء و مؤسسي حزب المواطن المصري : صلاح حسب الله احد كوادر الحزب الوطني بالقليوبية ، و محمد رجب الأمين العام السابق للحزب الوطني ، و محمد محمود عبدالرحمن، أمين الحزب الوطنى بالدقهلية ، و حمدي السيد نقيب الأطباء ، و اللواء حازم حمادى بسوهاج، وأحمد مهنى أحد قيادات الحزب الوطنى بالإسكندرية

    3- حزب البداية

    مؤسسه محمود حسام أحد كوادر الحزب الوطني بالإسكندرية

    4- حزب نهضة مصر الديمقراطي

    مؤسسه أحمد أبو النظر أحد كوادر الحزب الوطني بالإسكندرية

    5- حزب مصر الحديثة

    مؤسسه نبيل دعبس صاحب جامعة مصر الحديثة و والد وليد دعبس رئيس قنوات مودرن و اللي تم طرده من ميدان التحرير بعد تأييده للرئيس المخلوع .. و كان داعم لجريدة الوطني اليوم التابعة للحزب الوطني المنحل

    6- حزب مصر القومي

    مؤسسه هو طلعت السادات رئيس الحزب الوطني الجديد قبل أن يتم حل الحزب نهائياً ويعاونه توفيق عكاشة رئيس قناة الفراعين الفضائية

    7- حزب مصر النهضة

    مؤسسه هو حسام بدراوي الأمين العام للحزب الوطني سابقاً

    8- حزب الاتــــحــــاد

    رئيسته يمن الحماقي و هي عضو مجلس شورى سابقاً و عضو الأمانة العامة بالحزب الوطني المنحل
    i've seen it this morning naggar, not surprising to be honest. they r pretty much in action still, same shit different name. if the head of the military council is from the same regime then this makes very perfect sense.


    Founder of Hism
    Jan 18, 2009
    My interpretation of the events is as follows. What happened today is staged the same way the Israeli shooting of our soldiers on the borders was staged and the embassy debacle was staged. Israel will attack us + civil war are the 2 most utilized tools of diversion the SCAF uses.

    Israel will kill us is the tool used when the army's image is very damaged and people are losing faith in it. It instantly re-unites everyone behind the army against an imaginary threat (Leo Strauss Neo-conservatism tools 101). The Mubarak regime used it and we continue to use it today. I expect it to be used pretty soon if the videos of army tanks running over Christian protesters make it on top TV news channels (i'll post some here). Israel gladly plays along as it achieves the same thing with its civilians when it tells them that egypt will attack. (remember the huge protests in israel that suddenly stopped after the weird sinai terrorist cells attacked them that everyone forgot about for some reason)

    Now lets take a look at each and every Church burning in Egypt.
    1) They all come right after a huge political event (the most recent is the parties' agreement on extending the transition period and the emergency law unconstitutional extension that required a referendum to be done according to the constitutional declaration that 77 percent said yes to).
    2) Each and every single time the security forces (be it police or army) sit back and watch hell break loose.
    3) All of them started by individual unknown thugs and never a person is punished unless there is strong publicly known evidence against the person (Like Sheikh Abu Anas)
    4) Media access by pro-revolution or international news agencies (particularly Jazeera Mubasher) is always prevented. The only eyes available are those belonging to national TV and protesters' mobile cameras.
    5) Buzz style reporting from our national TV channels.

    Today however there were extra-weird events:
    1)The Mayor of Aswan to this day has not been punished or removed from his position despite his shameful lies and that being the major demand of the christian protests that could have easily been resolved. It seems that the christians were intentionally provoked.
    2) Our national TV reporters publicly asserted that the Christians are the ones who started killing our soldiers and only reported the deaths of the martyr soldiers. She even called for people to go down there and SAVE the army. The unarmed civilians somehow opened live fire at the heavily armed army. Funny enough, our minister said that she was being emotional and that this wasnt true and that thugs threw rocks at the army and the army wrongfully retaliated.
    3) Videos circulating of live ammo killing shitloads of Christians and whats worse are those of the tanks running over protesters like the police cars did on the 28th of Jan. In other words, unusual and unnecessary use of violence and weaponry unless the army intended to do some real damage and have a high death count to create a problem.
    3) A sudden change of tone in the reporting by national TV highlighting the dangers of a civil war and the brotherhood of muslims and copts and most importantly completely ignoring the excessive violence by the treasonous army.
    4) Sudden influx of unknown salafi sheikhs' speeches about the infidelity of Christians and the horrible acts they are doing against the muslim army.

    My theory is: This is planned to diverge attention and keep everyone busy arguing about the dangers of civil war and also to worsen the security situation to con us into swallowing the renewed emergency law and the extended rule of the SCAF.

    The SCAF members have been under Mubarak for years and are corrupt. They will never ever risk their own dark history files to be opened. The more the security situation worsens the more people will hate the revolutionaries.

    Best Case Scenario: they continue to rule and install their own Parliament (Muslim brotherhood) by means of elections with bad rules like 50% workers and Farmers. This parliament will write a constitution that gurantees the SCAF constitutional protection from the judiciary institutions thereby keeping their dark history buried forever.

    The revolution is definitely over.


    Senior Member
    Nov 21, 2005
    My interpretation of the events is as follows. What happened today is staged the same way the Israeli shooting of our soldiers on the borders was staged and the embassy debacle was staged. Israel will attack us + civil war are the 2 most utilized tools of diversion the SCAF uses.

    Israel will kill us is the tool used when the army's image is very damaged and people are losing faith in it. It instantly re-unites everyone behind the army against an imaginary threat (Leo Strauss Neo-conservatism tools 101). The Mubarak regime used it and we continue to use it today. I expect it to be used pretty soon if the videos of army tanks running over Christian protesters make it on top TV news channels (i'll post some here). Israel gladly plays along as it achieves the same thing with its civilians when it tells them that egypt will attack. (remember the huge protests in israel that suddenly stopped after the weird sinai terrorist cells attacked them that everyone forgot about for some reason)

    Now lets take a look at each and every Church burning in Egypt.
    1) They all come right after a huge political event (the most recent is the parties' agreement on extending the transition period and the emergency law unconstitutional extension that required a referendum to be done according to the constitutional declaration that 77 percent said yes to).
    2) Each and every single time the security forces (be it police or army) sit back and watch hell break loose.
    3) All of them started by individual unknown thugs and never a person is punished unless there is strong publicly known evidence against the person (Like Sheikh Abu Anas)
    4) Media access by pro-revolution or international news agencies (particularly Jazeera Mubasher) is always prevented. The only eyes available are those belonging to national TV and protesters' mobile cameras.
    5) Buzz style reporting from our national TV channels.

    Today however there were extra-weird events:
    1)The Mayor of Aswan to this day has not been punished or removed from his position despite his shameful lies and that being the major demand of the christian protests that could have easily been resolved. It seems that the christians were intentionally provoked.
    2) Our national TV reporters publicly asserted that the Christians are the ones who started killing our soldiers and only reported the deaths of the martyr soldiers. She even called for people to go down there and SAVE the army. The unarmed civilians somehow opened live fire at the heavily armed army. Funny enough, our minister said that she was being emotional and that this wasnt true and that thugs threw rocks at the army and the army wrongfully retaliated.
    3) Videos circulating of live ammo killing shitloads of Christians and whats worse are those of the tanks running over protesters like the police cars did on the 28th of Jan. In other words, unusual and unnecessary use of violence and weaponry unless the army intended to do some real damage and have a high death count to create a problem.
    3) A sudden change of tone in the reporting by national TV highlighting the dangers of a civil war and the brotherhood of muslims and copts and most importantly completely ignoring the excessive violence by the treasonous army.
    4) Sudden influx of unknown salafi sheikhs' speeches about the infidelity of Christians and the horrible acts they are doing against the muslim army.

    My theory is: This is planned to diverge attention and keep everyone busy arguing about the dangers of civil war and also to worsen the security situation to con us into swallowing the renewed emergency law and the extended rule of the SCAF.

    The SCAF members have been under Mubarak for years and are corrupt. They will never ever risk their own dark history files to be opened. The more the security situation worsens the more people will hate the revolutionaries.

    Best Case Scenario: they continue to rule and install their own Parliament (Muslim brotherhood) by means of elections with bad rules like 50% workers and Farmers. This parliament will write a constitution that gurantees the SCAF constitutional protection from the judiciary institutions thereby keeping their dark history buried forever.

    The revolution is definitely over.
    top post :tup: i hope these events are eye openers to the big chunk of egyptains who fap over the military :)


    New Member
    Sep 26, 2011
    May Allah protect Egypt. Its sad what's going on there.. I know for a fact that the Egyptians are living off better without Mubarak (or so i hear) but i just hope the next one isn't like him... This is why the Arab Spring is an epic fail, all the US want to do is to divide the Arab world, create sectarian tensions, create whatever just to let the Arabs lose their power and get divided.. Look at Sudan, Libya, etc etc.. They also do not like the fact that islam is getting more and more popular over there. Its sad that some people listen to them, becuz at the end of the day, its just their needs that will be fulfilled and nothing else.. Take Iraq for example, Obama said that its a "success story" ?!? WHAT? People are living FAR WORSE than when saddam was there, 2 million people died, millions injured indefinately, and 3 bn loss! No outcome... Success story .... aha.....

    Anyway, i hope all the best for Egypt and its people, and please no more problems! :) I hope egyptians fill me in


    Senior Member
    Oct 2, 2003
    Very sad, whats happening in Egypt. The revolution was supposed to unite people together for a common goal, and that is rebuilding Egypt, what matters should be that you're Egyptian, who the fuck cares and why does it matter whether your Muslim, Christian, Coptic or even Atheist?!

    May Allah protect Egypt. Its sad what's going on there.. I know for a fact that the Egyptians are living off better without Mubarak (or so i hear) but i just hope the next one isn't like him... This is why the Arab Spring is an epic fail, all the US want to do is to divide the Arab world, create sectarian tensions, create whatever just to let the Arabs lose their power and get divided.. Look at Sudan, Libya, etc etc.. They also do not like the fact that islam is getting more and more popular over there. Its sad that some people listen to them, becuz at the end of the day, its just their needs that will be fulfilled and nothing else.. Take Iraq for example, Obama said that its a "success story" ?!? WHAT? People are living FAR WORSE than when saddam was there, 2 million people died, millions injured indefinately, and 3 bn loss! No outcome... Success story .... aha.....

    Anyway, i hope all the best for Egypt and its people, and please no more problems! :) I hope egyptians fill me in
    Libya is already better than it was under Gedaffi.

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