Egypt: from 2011 demonstrations to today (8 Viewers)

Jul 2, 2006
so blanket arrests of MB members taking place, news channels getting shut down and their offices being stormed...this part of the peoples' revolution as well?
this is standard procedure and imo the right thing to do in this situation, what people need to remember is Egypt is not a civilly normal functioning state at the moment.
Standart procedure of Coup d'état. It seems Egyptian Junta is following in footprints of their Turkish counterparts.'état

Even if it take 30 years, they will be dealt with. Only thing i can hope a long life for them. They should live long enough to see the days they will be taken from their homes in midnight to face justice.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
It makes me proud to be an Arab to these Egyptians go to the street and settle for nothing less than they deserve. The days of tyranny and dictatorships, brotherhoods and religious fundamentalism is soon coming to an end. Congrats to all my Egyptian brothers.
:beer: check yr rep.
thank god you r fine!!!!!!!!!!!! dude wtf?!?!?! where were you??? i seriously asked and checked for posts by you but never found anything. i hope you are fine and so is your family. and YES WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!! :beer:

Congrats Bisco!!! I hope things work out for the better in Egypt during these uncertain times. I'm happy they've finally ousted that fundamentalist twat!!!
:heart: no more this BS from a person who represents us. we were never and will never be animals who cant control them selves in public

I am so glad and proud of my fellow Egyptian brothers for this accomplishment. Morsi was and still remains a cancer, a parasite that must be eradicated from society. Broken promises, lies, and hypocrisy were his specialty. You cannot impose democracy, and America needs to realize this; if it works for you, it doesn't have to work for everyone else. People need to be educated, instilled with knowledge, so they can make sound decisions (and even sometimes they still get it wrong). Allowing impoverished people the right to choose, when clearly some religious bigot can easily brainwash them, or an entrepreneur with some money can buy their votes is regressive and hypocritical.

I do realize that one year was obviously not sufficient enough to judge an individual, but when your economy is going to shit, prices are increasing on a daily basis, people queuing up at gas stations, and with rising unemployment, something had to be done. Religion and politics don't mix, and should never mesh. Progress means leaving religion behind. If you wish to practice your faith, do so on an individual level, but you don't have to impose your outdated ideals on the mass populace.

I am hoping that someone injects Morsi with an HIV infested syringe, and that he dies a slow and painful death. Someday, when he is long gone, people may erect a statue next to his grave, where people can freely piss and defecate on the remains of his corpse.
@<a href="" target="_blank">Bisco</a> Kos deen omak ya ibn el mara el mitnaka ya khawal ya sharmoot ya Morsi ya ibn deen el kalb ya ibn el labwa.
:lol: howa maraaaaa kanet 3ayezaaa takhood we khadet gamed. fel segen hyrwa2ooo omoooooooooo :D

More than anything, I hope Egypt can put together a constitution with checks and balances that curtail the sort of abuses that Super Morsi felt at liberty to relish in. Better to have limits and other governmental bodies that can censure than to depend on the military to bail things out when corruption happens at the head of state. Because we know that will never happen again anywhere, right? :D
EXACTLY!!! this is what should be done, and will be done bec it was one of the main demands by the people in the street. :tup:

Juventino[RUS];4223714 said:
Good, fucking radical islam cocksucker was removed, sharia laws ur ass motherfucker
Quick, I think someone broke RUS.
:lol: rus the first half is right, the second part has been part of life since 1971 and its not as bas as you think, however what they wanted to do was crush the people and frighten them with this shaia laws.

Why diden't the Egyptian people want Mursi? I don't have so much knowledge of the situation. Maby someone could explain to me? Did he want to have sharia law in the countrie? Or what was it the people was against?
you can have a short answer or a long answer. the short version is what bianconero81 posted and i bolded the points for you. if you want the long version go back several pages you will find research papers written by me :D

so blanket arrests of MB members taking place, news channels getting shut down and their offices being stormed...this part of the peoples' revolution as well?
this is standard procedure and imo the right thing to do in this situation, what people need to remember is Egypt is not a civilly normal functioning state at the moment.
thank Abel :tup: but @<a href="" target="_blank">Ahmed</a> i will explain dont worry you have every right to think this way but its bec you dont know. give me just a tiny bit to wake up and i will give you the answer off course there is an explanation and like abel explained briefly this had to be done its very very very important i cant stress on it enough.

Standart procedure of Coup d'état. It seems Egyptian Junta is following in footprints of their Turkish counterparts.'état

Even if it take 30 years, they will be dealt with. Only thing i can hope a long life for them. They should live long enough to see the days they will be taken from their homes in midnight to face justice.
turk you could'nt be further from the truth. it kills me how you dont know, or even try to understand you r hearing what you want to hear. i will reply to ahmed's post in a very short bit. this is for the 1000000000000000th time not a military coup. its a movement brought by the people and supported by the army bec these radicals had to have the army help remove.

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so we never forget:

and here is a main episode of bassem youssef with english subs to give you an insight.

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so blanket arrests of MB members taking place, news channels getting shut down and their offices being stormed...this part of the peoples' revolution as well?
these mb members are called to stand in court ahmed before even morsy left!! 34 members of the top heads are accused in cases like i said int he prision breaking in's that happened in 2011, sniper's killing civillians, and attacks on people.

now we come to the islamic channels, they have been released, however why where the channels closed, and why where presenters/scholars were captured. if you watched these channels at first you would think oh they r purely channels that preach the teachings of islam but its quite the opposite they were pro morsy, and preached hate!!!!!!! violence!!! they lied to people, they defamed egyptains to the degree they spoke about personal matter ( husband and wife relationship) they insulted us with insults that have nothing to do with islam!!! they came up every day to discriminate between muslims and christians in egypt which led to terrorism attacks!! they have to stand in front of court for every bad thing they did to islam, and all the harm they caused egyptains,. bec of them there were people who got killed, you are a mature man Ahmed you use yr brain, but some people believe what these so called scholars say as if its QURAN!!! and they committed crimes in the name of protecting islam when islam was never and will never be threatened in egypt. it was a must specially at a time the pro morsy protesters threatened to go to jihad against the people and the army.

here is an example a tiny example of what they do. you tell me do u agree with this shit?
here is example two
there are more and different scholars but i'm trying to find english subs.
Standart procedure of Coup d'état. It seems Egyptian Junta is following in footprints of their Turkish counterparts.'état

Even if it take 30 years, they will be dealt with. Only thing i can hope a long life for them. They should live long enough to see the days they will be taken from their homes in midnight to face justice.
i hope what i posted above answers you. i will not reply to you regarding the 30 years part bec i know you r upset bec you might think islam is in danger the way the brain washed MB youth think when in reality there is nothing islamic about them. egypt had islam long before turkey, and we r by nature moderate muslim we r life loving people, who love other people and never judge based on yr faith or belief, sadly these people wanted to change this.

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
I'm an opponent of 'Sharia Law' because everyone differs in their definition of what Shariat is. There are 73 sects in Islam and each and everyone interprets Sharia differently. Besides, in a multicultural world such as today where you have people of different faiths, creed, ethnicity, nationalities, etc. living side by side it wouldn't be fair or right to impose Sharia on them. That being said, it's scary how misinformed opponents of Sharia Law are.

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you and this guy would get along

every word he says is super true, sadly :) a very respectable person.
I'd like to add that what this guy is saying was foretold by the Holy Prophet (pbuh) over 1400 years ago.

Time will come when nothing will remain of Islam except its name and nothing will remain of the Qur'an except its inscription. Their mosques will be full but void of guidance. Their Mullahs will be worst creatures under sky; all the evil will be emerged from them and will revert to them.

-Mushkat Kitab-ul-Ilm


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Al Jazeera also a pro-Morsi channel, Bisco?

Please open your eyes, I don't want to be an asshole and shit over your hopes but this is also a part of the reality.

There is no such thing as a good coup.
ahmed we wont lie to each other :) you know very well what al jazeerah does its no secret please you know these people are mingling with egyptain affairs and we r the only fucking country that has a jsc mubasher masr!!!!! why dont we have jsc mubasher tunis, or hell QATAR!!! enough is enough you know the truth and the propaganda this channel has. for the love of god we got the offical statements regarding our country from al jazeerah thats allt he MB used to release statements. they had to be closed bec the country had to be controlled so we dont have blood shed bec you know they heat up the people and this is not needed at a period like this where things are volatile.

is al jazeefrah pro morsi you tell me?? open there channel they r still trying so hard and he is still labelled president morsi the elected blah blah they r spreading. they r very very very biased. lets see how things change now that tamim is the new prince in qatar he already sold off the Mb.

one last thing, the military issued a statement the religious channels and mubasher masr are closed temporarily until we get out of this bottle neck lined with violence in peace.


Jul 11, 2006
Even if i don't approve the method, i want to congtraculate the egyptian people especially you Ahmed, hopefully the better has yet to come.

The arab nation need a strong and a stable egypt.


Sep 3, 2006
I won't debate the ground realities with you since I have no idea what is really going on :)

Totally as an outsider and from the point of view of someone whose country has been fucked, broken in half and ruled by the military for over half its existence, am just warning you of what is up ahead.

This situation can be easily controlled and manipulated by them and make it a Mubarak type scenario all over again.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
"THIS IS NOT A COUP D'ETAT" - Statement by Egyptian Streets

Egyptians have reacted angrily to the labelling of the "second Egyptian revolution" as a 'coup d'eat' by western media.

They have the right to be angry. Having reported on the discontent towards former president Mohammed Morsi since December 2012, it is very clear that the military did not over throw the Muslim Brotherhood or Morsi - the Egyptian people overthrew them, in a fight that started in November 2012.

If the President of a country refuses to listen to the demands of 33 million people that had taken to the streets in what was dubbed the world's largest demonstration in the history of mankind, then how could the Egyptian people achieve their goals while remaining peaceful?

The Egyptian military did not initiate #Morsi's toppling. Morsi initiated it when he ignored the demands and aspirations of millions of Egyptians. The military felt inclined to intervene as to avoid violence and to help the Egyptian people achieve their dreams of an Egypt that is free and just.

Of course the coming period is uncertain. But one thing is clear: Egyptians no longer simply believe they have entered an era where they are capable of deciding their own future. Instead, the Egyptian people have shown that they will take all necessary action to ensure the future they achieve is one that represents the dreams of every Egyptian.

The June 30 movement was not a Military coup, but a revolution led by the Egyptian people.

let the cnn, and obama say what they want.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
It's a fucking military coup. If they didn't intervene nothing would happen even if 'Egyptian people' keep protesting on streets for 90 years.
:howler: there is no point with arguing with u. you choose to close your eyes, and ears and under-estimate the people. however @Hist will probably better explain this to you since he has been to both rev's.

why was'nt it a miltary coup when it was done to mubarak? he was elected minded you despite it being a mickey mouse elections, but the people demonstrated and the army intervened.

the military last night intervened to do there duty in protecting the country and us the citizens against calls to bring blood shed. last time i checked the army protects the nation from domestic and internal threats.

P.S: i knwo its hard for some to understand why people with no bullets can bring change while a bunch of radicals who carried arm's to bring about there change always failed miserably.


Apr 14, 2005
:howler: there is no point with arguing with u. you choose to close your eyes, and ears and under-estimate the people. however @Hist will probably better explain this to you since he has been to both rev's.

why was'nt it a miltary coup when it was done to mubarak? he was elected minded you despite it being a mickey mouse elections, but the people demonstrated and the army intervened.

the military last night intervened to do there duty in protecting the country and us the citizens against calls to bring blood shed. last time i checked the army protects the nation from domestic and internal threats.

P.S: i knwo its hard for some to understand why people with no bullets can bring change while a bunch of radicals who carried arm's to bring about there change always failed miserably.

exactly, as if mb could stand a chance against these millions had they decided to take matters into their own hands. But the army could very well take advantage of the the absence of a concrete opposition and leader. This vacuum plays into their hand, but lets wait and see this roadmap unfold before we jump to conclusions.

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Yes, i am the one who underestimate the people and you're not, because commies, liberals, seculars, copts are more Egyptian than the Muslim ones.
spoken like a true mb supporter, driving a wedge between people and calling anyone who disagrees with you non-muslim, disgraceful really


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
Yes, i am the one who underestimate the people and you're not, because commies, liberals, seculars, copts are more Egyptian than the Muslim ones.
who said they were'nt egyptains? you know the muslim brotherhood works on this old trick but instead any one who opposes them is not muslim!! as for the muslim brotherhood, the only reason morsy came to power was bec of votes of egyptains who didnt want to vote for the last prime minster of egypt during mubarak's era. they did so when he gave them promises that he hit the wall with once in office. this is what you always try to belittle, i want to tell you that the people who made this possible are the very same people who voted for morsy. he has failed miserably, he is no erdogan for instance who showed potential and toke turkey forward. this guy only cared on bringing about ikwanization to the countries institution to build this dictatorship. read about the unconstitutional laws he passed on the 22nd of nov. the people have spoken and they r in the millions in all parts of egypt in every single city. yr beloved morsy only cared about his legitimacy and was willing to sacrifice the blood of the people to remain in power even though the people made it clear they dont want him.

the people wanted early elections and he could've joined but he knew he would FAIL!!!!!!!!! yes this is the truth if this guy ran in the relections he would fail miserably provided its a clean poll!!! legitimacy comes from the people!! :)
Jul 2, 2006
who said they were'nt egyptains? you know the muslim brotherhood works on this old trick but instead any one who opposes them is not muslim!! as for the muslim brotherhood, the only reason morsy came to power was bec of votes of egyptains who didnt want to vote for the last prime minster of egypt during mubarak's era. they did so when he gave them promises that he hit the wall with once in office. this is what you always try to belittle, i want to tell you that the people who made this possible are the very same people who voted for morsy. he has failed miserably, he is no erdogan for instance who showed potential and toke turkey forward. this guy only cared on bringing about ikwanization to the countries institution to build this dictatorship. read about the unconstitutional laws he passed on the 22nd of nov. the people have spoken and they r in the millions in all parts of egypt in every single city. yr beloved morsy only cared about his legitimacy and was willing to sacrifice the blood of the people to remain in power even though the people made it clear they dont want him.

the people wanted early elections and he could've joined but he knew he would FAIL!!!!!!!!! yes this is the truth if this guy ran in the relections he would fail miserably provided its a clean poll!!! legitimacy comes from the people!! :)
Maybe because of the remnants of old regime such as judges, police department and intelligence did everything to ensure it. You should have wait until the next election, armed forces just robbed people of their right to vote and that could eventually make people to seek another way other than the politics, like in Syria. You simply can't go down the streets whenever you don't like the actions of the fairly elected governments. One year is a ridiculously short period to gone mad. That's why i said in my first post, Egypt have a long way to become a state. Years from now, this coup will be remembered as a shameful event in Egypt history as the ones like in past of Turkiye.


Sep 3, 2006
Maybe because of the remnants of old regime such as judges, police department and intelligence did everything to ensure it. You should have wait until the next election, armed forces just robbed people of their right to vote and that could eventually make people to seek another way other than the politics, like in Syria. You simply can't go down the streets whenever you don't like the actions of the fairly elected governments. One year is a ridiculously short period to gone mad. That's why i said in my first post, Egypt have a long way to become a state. Years from now, this coup will be remembered as a shameful event in Egypt history as the ones like in past of Turkiye.
brilliant post, Turk.

all this euphoria and hope will be short-lived once you see the military install their puppet.


Western Imperialist
Jun 18, 2006
brilliant post, Turk.

all this euphoria and hope will be short-lived once you see the military install their puppet.
You just want to gloss over the fact that Morsi was turning Egypt into an MB controlled theocratic dictatorship right?

It's always fascinating to see the educated opinion of intelligent Muslims such as yourself and compare it to the Conservatives here. The similarities in some cases are quite startling.

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Yes, i am the one who underestimate the people and you're not, because commies, liberals, seculars, copts are more Egyptian than the Muslim ones.
Ah, nice to see your vitriol and racism come to the fore. Your head is so far up Erdogan's ass you're like the Turkish equivalent of a Sarah Palin fan.

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