DP Finally Signs! (2 Viewers)


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
Thats much better Lac as racism is definitely the wrong word as if the roles were reversed I am sure Davids would be treated better in Holland than Dp would as he would be more of an icon there
Nothing wrong with a nation liking one of their own more is there

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Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
wow denco that sounded rather patronising ;)

but i kno u long enough to kno ur not like that so...

i have to disagree with you though about del piero being treated well in holland.

holland is a lot more multicultural than italy in their football. this may have to do with ajax's colonialist approach to football and their youth but whatever it is- chivu was captain for ajax and thats quite a bit considering we had conte captain with ferrara vice then dp captain with tacchi second...

there was this incident im sure u remember when the armband was given to davids after dp went off but then zambro got it.

i see nedved and thuram as incredibly capable captains. even davids. but they werent considered

any pattern you notice?

and the van der sar thing ties into this in a way too. im not saying vds was flawless. he made some rather awful mistakes but u cant deny that race plays a part....

Nothing wrong with a nation liking one of their own more is there
well i dont see how it would help the game. if it did i very well might be for it...


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++
wow denco that sounded rather patronising ;)

but i kno u long enough to kno ur not like that so...

i have to disagree with you though about del piero being treated well in holland.

holland is a lot more multicultural than italy in their football. this may have to do with ajax's colonialist approach to football and their youth but whatever it is- chivu was captain for ajax and thats quite a bit considering we had conte captain with ferrara vice then dp captain with tacchi second...

there was this incident im sure u remember when the armband was given to davids after dp went off but then zambro got it.

i see nedved and thuram as incredibly capable captains. even davids. but they werent considered

any pattern you notice?

and the van der sar thing ties into this in a way too. im not saying vds was flawless. he made some rather awful mistakes but u cant deny that race plays a part....

well i dont see how it would help the game. if it did i very well might be for it...

Man...what he wants to say is that just for the reason that the player is from the country, there will be a little of favouritism toward him!!. And that have nothing to do with racism. If you are an italian manager from an italian club, and you have 2 very good players, but one of them is italian, the obvious is to give a han to the one from your country. And the fans will be much more interested in a star from his country doing great in a big club


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++
wow denco that sounded rather patronising ;)

but i kno u long enough to kno ur not like that so...

i have to disagree with you though about del piero being treated well in holland.

holland is a lot more multicultural than italy in their football. this may have to do with ajax's colonialist approach to football and their youth but whatever it is- chivu was captain for ajax and thats quite a bit considering we had conte captain with ferrara vice then dp captain with tacchi second...

there was this incident im sure u remember when the armband was given to davids after dp went off but then zambro got it.

i see nedved and thuram as incredibly capable captains. even davids. but they werent considered

any pattern you notice?

and the van der sar thing ties into this in a way too. im not saying vds was flawless. he made some rather awful mistakes but u cant deny that race plays a part....

well i dont see how it would help the game. if it did i very well might be for it...
Patrionising not at all as thats not in my character

Obviously you don't know what happened in Euro2000 where in Holland wherever you go there was Davids posters all over the place

Yes Chivu was captain of Ajax but who is the captain now, it Van der Vaart but he is not as experienced as Littmannen is he?

Totally agree with you in the captaincy thing but some ppl prefer Italians to be captain as i think Capello does as Aldair was not captain while Totti was not playing it was given to Delvecchio then Tomassi

At Chelsea after Desaiily it is John Terry

Vds , I do not share your agreement as I was in total favour of him being replaced and it had nothing to do with his nationality and I am not italian
Sep 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++
hydde im aware of what ur saying. and you and denco are right. i retract my argument.
besides, tacchinardi has been here for ages, so he's a reasonable no.2. zambrotta is rather a surprise. the fact that davids didn;t get his armband was based on his contract stuff and stuff like dropping him from the first team. and nedved and thuram are here only for 2 years, yes, they are capable captains, but our club has more than these two


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
What world are you living in? In which part of the world do players of the same team all earn the same amount of money? Or in which work of life do you see everyone getting the same amount
That is not what I ment and you know it. The salary isnt the only issue. I dont like the whole icon thing because it puts one player above the rest in terms of significance and importance, and hence gets more credit for team's successes. I'm not for all that icon thing.

About the jerseys: I really do doubt we make 15 mil € from DP jerseys, and I really do doubt a 34 year old DP will be able to sell the same amout of jerseys as now and that he'll be able to play on the same level.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #48
    ++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++

    That is not what I ment and you know it. The salary isnt the only issue. I dont like the whole icon thing because it puts one player above the rest in terms of significance and importance, and hence gets more credit for team's successes. I'm not for all that icon thing.
    So does this mean that you're against the idea of having a captain, since it places a player in a more important role than the others? I doubt it...

    I don't think it's right to oppose a decision that effectively buys our captain's soul, because even if he can't play at the same level as he's capable of, he has such an inspirational aura, and when he's absent from the team, it's just not...Juve... Selling DP for your reasons would be like Milan telling Maldini to piss off when he's 33, since it's not fair to the other players to show more respect to Paolo.

    About the jerseys: I really do doubt we make 15 mil € from DP jerseys, and I really do doubt a 34 year old DP will be able to sell the same amout of jerseys as now and that he'll be able to play on the same level.
    So even if we don't completely recover his wage fees in merchandising revenue, are you saying that his contribution to the team during the span of a season isn't worth paying for?

    P.S. How many Maldini shirts do you think Milan sells? :p


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    Yes on both counts. I actually am against having a captain. We should have more than one leaders, and it would be quite effective if they lead in the same way. Right now everyone looks up to DP as the captain and if he doesnt perform (like he so ofteh doesnt) chanches are higher that the others wont. And I'm not opposed to buying the soul of DP, I'm opposed of the price for which it was done. Why not give him a 2 year contract and after that offer him a new one based on his performance. Contrary to what many of you believe, I do not DP to piss off.

    And yes, I dont think his contribution to the team is worth 7.5 mil € per year.


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #50
    ++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++
    And I'm not opposed to buying the soul of DP, I'm opposed of the price for which it was done. Why not give him a 2 year contract and after that offer him a new one based on his performance.
    Now there's a suggestion... finally you've stopped calling him a waste of money and offered a solution :p I like that better, but i just thought that extending his contract by 4 years is better than not having him sign at all.

    Contrary to what many of you believe, I do not DP to piss off.


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    Typo. I ment i dont want DP to piss off.

    P.S. I Would have rather seen him not sign than to sign for this much money.


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #52
    ++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++
    P.S. I Would have rather seen him not sign than to sign for this much money.
    hmmm... would you pay him that much for a 2 year extension? And less for every subsequent year?

    ++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++
    Typo. I ment i dont want DP to piss off.
    I didn't :rolleyes: because of the typo... I somehow don't entirely believe you on that point, is what I meant ;)


    Senior Member
    Jun 9, 2003
    1. Yes. Let him have his 7.5 mil € per year, the rich bastard and after that a renegotiation of the conract every year.

    2. Well, i dont want him to piss off... entirely :D ;)


    Senior Member
    Oct 3, 2002
    i don't see it logical to compare maldini with del piero.come on guys maldini played for milan since he was 16.and he is one of the best player in all time.how milan won't make him icon.f course they will.
    but for del pieroi don't think the same way.ok he is our most beloved player now,like baggio was and others..
    btw i don't belive that we will keep del piero till the end of his contrat.:)


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #57
    ++ [ originally posted by snoop ] ++

    btw i don't belive that we will keep del piero till the end of his contrat.:)
    Quite a bold prediction, I must say :eek:


    Senior Member
    Jul 13, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by GOAT ] ++
    Yes on both counts. I actually am against having a captain. We should have more than one leaders, and it would be quite effective if they lead in the same way. Right now everyone looks up to DP as the captain and if he doesnt perform (like he so ofteh doesnt) chanches are higher that the others wont. And I'm not opposed to buying the soul of DP, I'm opposed of the price for which it was done. Why not give him a 2 year contract and after that offer him a new one based on his performance. Contrary to what many of you believe, I do not DP to piss off.

    And yes, I dont think his contribution to the team is worth 7.5 mil € per year.
    Interesting and Shocking :eek::shocked:

    Btw you are talking as if you are the one who's paying his wage not the Club.


    Senior Member
    Jul 13, 2002
    Juve Secure Del Piero Image Rights

    10/03/2003. When Alessandro Del Piero penned a contract extension until 2008, the club secured the player's image rights.

    This will be worth 1.4 million euros extra a year to Del Piero who ended speculation over his future by putting pen to paper this week.
    SA Italy

    Does this mean that he will be getting an Extra 1.4 Million plus his wage :undecide::confused:


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #60
    Yep, I think so :D

    That's more than many players receive as their salary! :eek:

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