[CL] Juventus vs Arsenal (6 Viewers)


Sep 23, 2003
Milan all but backed up a cement truck on Coupet by the end. It wasn't so much luck. I wish Juve had that kind of "luck" of scoring a late goal when we needed it...


Senior Member
Feb 14, 2005
Oh my god.. I cannot beleive it.. I was like hmm Inter and Milan are out. Then Sheva from two mistakes take them from 1-1 to 3-1. Thats called spirit (and luck). They were determined till the end. We need the same determination.
Milan winning like this gave me so much hope for tomorrow night's match against Arsenal.
Come Juve... Let Ale play the semi-final. Forza Juve.


Junior Member
Apr 1, 2006
I fear for Juventus, it's simple as that.. people can look at AC Milan and talk crap.

AC Milan are a different team, with different players and a different style.

What applies to AC Milan does NOT apply to Juventus. We have to make use of our own players and our own style and try and do something.

Lyon toyed with AC Milan, just like Arsenal did to us over there.. But the difference was that Lyon didn't keep going.. they lacked stamina to last an entire 90 mins.

As far as 90mins goes, I worry about Juve lasting 70mins let alone 90.

And you look at Inzaghi who was milans best player, we don't have DP to run his old ass off for the shirt. It makes me just sick, when I know that Trez and Zlata combined won't even run for 2mins straight at Arsenal.

It's pathetic.

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