Ciro Ferrara (19 Viewers)

Mar 28, 2007
La Juventus si sta muovendo in modo inusuale, costruendo lo staff prima di prendere l’allenatore. Una mossa tesa ad avere maggiore controllo e, magari, evitare di trovarsi in situazioni come quella dell’esonero di Ranieri che ha portato a smobilitare cinque persone, non una sola. E la Juventus è partita dal preparatore atletico, individuato nella figura di Massimo Neri, già bianconero ai tempi di Capello, tecnico a cui era legato dai tempi della Roma e attuale preparatore atletico della Nazionale inglese, nonché uno dei migliori in circolazione.

Neri, per la cronaca, andrebbe bene a Ferrara. Andrebbe forse meno bene ad altri candidati che pensavano (o pensano) di arrivare a Torino con tutto il loro staff. Antonio Conte, per esempio, che mai e poi mai lascerebbe il fido Ventrone (e per altro sembra sempre più vicino al rinnovo con il Bari). E neppure Lucia*no Spalletti, altro tecnico molto legato al suo staff, anche se il suo nome è tornato a circolare con insistenza, frutto del passaparola fra dirigenti (non juventini). Più logico aspettarsi che uno come Massimiliano Allegri accetti uno staff preconfezionato, pur di venire alla Juventus. Definiti vamente tramontata, invece, l’ipotesi Laurent Blanc, che ha detto di no all’omonimo amministratore delegato bianconero. E sempre più sfumata all’orizzonte la (pazza) idea Wenger.

Intanto dopo venticinque anni di Juve, Riccardo Agricola ieri ha assistito all’ultima partita in qualità di responsabile del settore medico della Juventus. A fine mese, infatti, per il dottore comincerà una nuova fase della vita: «A 63 anni – ha detto a Juventus Channel – è arrivato il momento di cambiare ritmo, di rallentare il passo e anche se la parola non mi piace tanto, di andare in pensione. D’altronde è proprio per la mia passione che dopo la specializzazione in psichiatria decisi di specializzarmi anche in Medicina dello Sport, proprio per poter lavorare, prima o poi, per la Juventus». Il testimone passa al dottor Bartolomeo Goitre, che raccoglie un’eredità pesante e che dalla prossima stagione guiderà lo staff sanitario della Juventus.

Fonte: TuttoSport

what it mean guys?


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
It says that Juve are doing unusual things like choosing it's staff before the coach., They don't want to be forced to let go 5 people in one shot like they did with Ranieri. Conte imposed all his staff so he's less likely to join us. Blanc won't come, so is Wenger. They mention Allegri but forget it. Spalletti's close to his staff but could accept working with new people. We already started with Neri who was with Capello. Agricola left.


É la erede al trono!!!
Sep 8, 2003
i think it basically says that Ferrara is in pole position to get the job because the heirarchy wants to have greater control of the technical staff by having their own people among it as opposed to having A new coach bring his own team of assistant coaches and trainers to Turin. It also says that Juve is moving in an unusual way by building a squad before it has a manager and this is viewed as an indication of the directors trying to take greater control of the technical aspect of the club...


Il terzo uomo
Dec 1, 2005

I says that Juventus board as acting especially quick to get the players in so as not to have another situation whereby, as was the case with Ranieri, player choices were being argued about. It looks as though Juve want the players sorted before the new coach is announced.

For this reason Conte is now out of the picture as well as Blanc and Wenger. Conte is has been reported wanted to bring his own staff and asked for Robben and Walcott.

Agricola is retiring as club doctor.


May 11, 2004
It says that Juve are doing unusual things like choosing it's staff before the coach., They don't want to be forced to let go 5 people in one shot like they did with Ranieri. Conte imposed all his staff so he's less likely to join us. Blanc won't come, so is Wenger. They mention Allegri but forget it. Spalletti's close to his staff but could accept working with new people. We already started with Neri who was with Capello. Agricola left.
If you ask me this means that Ciro will be the one. He's new and therefore he doesn't have a staff yet and also he will be flexible to work with what's available.

How do you rate the management's work since the Ranieri sacking?


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
If you ask me this means that Ciro will be the one. He's new and therefore he doesn't have a staff yet and also he will be flexible to work with what's available.

How do you rate the management's work since the Ranieri sacking?
Great and I would of liked to see it on a long run to see if it wasn't all on motivation and pride.

I loved how Ciro worked on the defensive side by lowering the D line and being able to adapt to certain situations and changing formation during the game.

I'm sure Maddaloni helped him also. He did great with the Primavera.


Il terzo uomo
Dec 1, 2005
It says that Juve are doing unusual things like choosing it's staff before the coach., They don't want to be forced to let go 5 people in one shot like they did with Ranieri. Conte imposed all his staff so he's less likely to join us. Blanc won't come, so is Wenger. They mention Allegri but forget it. Spalletti's close to his staff but could accept working with new people. We already started with Neri who was with Capello. Agricola left.
Let's hope he doesn't start writing an autobiography:)


Little Witch
Jul 11, 2008
It's said that Spalletti will have a meeting with the Sensi tomorrwo. After that, things will be clearer.
Conte has renewed the contract with Bari. Seems official.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2002
It seems it is a two horse race between Ferrara and Spaletti
by the way what about Gasperini I didn`t hear about him lately

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