Christian Vieri (12 Viewers)

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The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
(Hurra Juventus)

Bettega: "I giornali e le televisioni fanno tanti nomi,noi invece su questo numero di Hurrà per ora non ne facciamo,ma vi ricordate cosa è successo l'anno scorso...?"

Bettega: "The media say plenty of names, in this edition of Hurrà for now we won't mention names but remember what happened last year...?"


May 11, 2004
I don't understand how some people are talking about Vieri, one of the best Italian strikers at the moment. He is dangerous, a good finisher and a player that knows how to keep the ball. His physique helps a lot, he is one of the players that I consider (like Zidane) have the perfect body for a footballer.
He is not fast nor young, but Trezeguet is not fast either and always injured.
In addition to all that, if Trezeguet is to be sold, just look at the options that solutions that can be acquired by this amount of money.

I will definitely miss the Frenchie, but this deal is too much attractive.


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
Well, seems that Vieri will sign with Milan next monday:

Milan: Vieri, lunedì prossimo la firma

(DS) - Milano, 4 luglio - La prossiam settimana il Milan annuncerà l`ingaggio di Christian Vieri. Questa voce di mercato giunge da Milano dove molti affermano che lunedì prossimo il giocatore svincolato dall`Inter effettuerà delle visite mediche prenotate dal club rossonero.

Pare che Vieri e il Milan abbiano raggiunto un accordo di massima per un contratto biennale e che l`attaccante abbia detto di non volere trattare con altre squadre.


Dec 16, 2003
Vieri ‘agrees’ Milan deal
Monday 4 July, 2005
Christian Vieri is reportedly just days away from signing a contract with Milan following his shock Inter exit.

Whispers in the peninsula this evening insist that the striker has agreed a two-year deal after he became a free agent on Friday.

Vieri, who terminated his Nerazzurri terms by mutual consent, will allegedly sign next week once he passes his medical.

The Italian international is currently on holiday in Sardinia but will reportedly swap one San Siro club for another, despite interest from numerous other clubs across Europe.

Vieri could be joined by Alberto Gilardino in the new campaign, whose proposed transfer from Parma may be closer to completion tomorrow.

"The player will return from his holidays on Tuesday," his agent Beppe Bonetto told the website.

"That is when we will get a definite answer from Milan regarding their intentions towards him."

Should a Rossoneri switch collapse, the 23-year-old could still be heading to the city of Milan after Inter confirmed they were keen on him too.

"We’ve been chasing Gilardino for some time," owner Massimo Moratti told the Gazzetta dello Sport newspaper.

"We admittedly don’t really need to make any big changes to our offensive options but we are talking about a really good player."


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2004
If we sell Trezeguet I want Gila over Vieri.
I will be very dissapointed if we sell Trez and don't buy gila.
It's like you wait to eat a turkey and you eat bins


Jul 2, 2005
Agreed, it would be very interesting to see Gilardino in the Juve shirt. I'd much rather see him than Vieri in the team.
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