Chicken ribs-Alessandro Del piero (3 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Juve89 ] ++
Give Del Piero a break yeah he isn`t playing so good but he is struggling with injuries and there are players in Juventus who plays much bader...

Not really, no, and not for 5 years.

++ [ originally posted by JuveCampione ] ++
One bad game and this is how you talk about him?!?
damn, in most of the games he's been more than fine, and all the team is struggling right now. Come on, he's not over, he's still a good player.
5 years, not one game.

Buy on


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Arif ] ++
I have a lot of respect for Alex, and he is still my favourite player. But I want the best for Juve, and I don't think Alex can deliver any goods at Juve anymore.

I defended him earlier, hoping that he can be better, as he returned from injury. But from what I saw last night against Milan, Alex just won't do anymore. His time has passed. There are a lot of more hardworking players than Alex, and it would be unfair to them to put Alex in front of them.
As I said earlier, we need a forward.

And Alex should give a captain armband to either Thuram or Zambrotta. They deserve it more than Alex does.
I wish if the other Del Piero fans acted the same way as you.but they just don't accept it..


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2003
the problem in del piero is his fitness, he is weak!

but although this might not be true, i guess that creatine ruined del piero, if the doping case is true, then creatine made his body grow weak muscles, so he is suffering now from lack of fitness..


Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
Oct 27, 2004
yes Seven, thats true! And NEDVED, I think that might be true what u r thinkin.

And Arif, your're totally right. And I want Cassano as a replacer ;)
Well, lets Give DP a final chance. Let him get the last chance of proving himself useful to Juventus in the coming 6 months. IF he dont deliver, he M U S T go so that we can get a good if not great forward in the team. FFS he replaced Baggio and nowadays even Baggio is better than DP..:( sad but true!


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by David Del Piero ] ++
yes Seven, thats true! And NEDVED, I think that might be true what u r thinkin.

And Arif, your're totally right. And I want Cassano as a replacer ;)
Well, lets Give DP a final chance. Let him get the last chance of proving himself useful to Juventus in the coming 6 months. IF he dont deliver, he M U S T go so that we can get a good if not great forward in the team. FFS he replaced Baggio and nowadays even Baggio is better than DP..:( sad but true!
Good, but its not giving del piero a last chance: its not like a man who wants his wife to forgive him for betraying her :D, but even if del piero returns, i guess that he should be replaced and put on the bench, he did great things to juve and its time to pass it to another young player, and honestly if i was him i would retire and work in the juve staff :D


Junior Member
Oct 13, 2004
I don't wan't Del Piero to leave, he was the player who made me fall in love with Juventus and I enjoyed watching him play maybe we just should bench him and play him when he is 100% play him or use him as a substitute until he regains his form. No need to sell, I think Del Piero should prove him self worthy enough to be in starting 11 when we have players who have been performing a lot better than him on the bench and it was because of Del Piero, that Miccoli went to Fiorentina and we all know that was a bad mistake.


Junior Member
Jul 20, 2002
I was watching old classic games from the champions league. And I was reminded why he is my favourité player, but the Delpiero I´ve been seing for the last couple of years, isn´t the the player who should be captain and symbol of a big team like Juve. And thats why I was one of the people who stood by Trez when he wanted a pay rise. Becuase he was actually doing he job, scoring goals. I´m not saying we should sell Delpiero, but he should fight for his spot like the rest of them. Kapo has been doing some interesting things when given the chance to, but he is never given that big chance to shine and I would rather play Zalayeta than Delpiero for the moment to be honest and that says a lot. Think about it! I dont think Delpiero has played a full game all season and find myself getting happy everytime he gets subbed. He is remarkable weak and his pace and tempo seems to slow for this level. And for how many season has this discussion not been brought up? There has to be a reason for that because I surely dont think Roma fans discuss Totti in the same matter or do you?


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Alexi-10 ] ++
I don't wan't Del Piero to leave, he was the player who made me fall in love with Juventus and I enjoyed watching him play maybe we just should bench him and play him when he is 100% play him or use him as a substitute until he regains his form. No need to sell, I think Del Piero should prove him self worthy enough to be in starting 11 when we have players who have been performing a lot better than him on the bench and it was because of Del Piero, that Miccoli went to Fiorentina and we all know that was a bad mistake.
Agree with "not to sell him", but he should be replaced by a young player and his role should be reduced from 1st team to rotation


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by m_elayyan ] ++

we always play with a 10 man squad bacause of him:(
Bullshit. Are you trying to tell me that he's always the only guy that doesn't live up to the expectations we have of him? It's obvious to me that this topic has arisen because of last night's match as no-one was saying a thing when he was playing well not too long ago and scoring frequently. He's a choker, we know that by now, but that doesn't mean that he can't be useful at all. Bench him until he regains form and confidence or whatever but it's absolutely ridiculous to say that because of Del Piero we play with 10 men as opposed to 11 when that one guy you are singling out is our leading goalscorer. Because of his glorious past he's been made to suffer at the hands of both fans and the media for the longest of times now. He has underperformed immensely on many occasions but even so he is ALWAYS the man that gets blamed. He is ALWAYS the scapegoat.

Another thing that I don't get is why he is so often crucified for playing all the time when perhaps he shouldn't be. Is it friggin well him that picks the team? Does he write up the teamsheet? FFS man give the guy a break!


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
and so he should be. Don't forget he's picking up at least twice as much as the other players, he's been underperforming to the extent that he is now just an average player with nothing special to give.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Then treat him as a fvcking well average player then! If you know that he's not capable of what he used to be, why do you expect so much of him? He's my hero and I love him to death, but when you say he is only average, as hard as it is for me to take, I have to admit and accept it, so why does he get so much stick when he puts in average performances? And is it fair to blame him for what he's paid?


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Zlatan ] ++

5 years, not one game.
He scored over 40 goals between 2001 and 2003 playing very well in those seasons so don't come with that shit again. Knowing you your response will be: "How many of those goals were penalties?"


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
I do treat him as an average player, and expect nothing more of him than I would an average player. Doesn't make him exempt from criticism though. Every fan has the right to speak his/her mind so thats what we should be doing to ensure this average player doesn't get near the starting lineup until he starts delivering his moneys worth!


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Paolo_Montero ] ++
Sell him. End of story just sell him please and remove us of this ridiculously high salary for minimal output. We could have Saviola, Morientes easily, both far superior players for peanuts. What would you rather have?
Thank God somebody who sees the light. Saviola, Chevanton, Nonda, Bojinov, Cassano, Cipriani...hell even Paolo Di Canio. Please, we need to get this burden behind us.


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2003
This thread should be closed:

We know Del piero is out of form, we know he should improve, but i dont understand why mods allow these repetitive threads where del piero lovers and bashers clash and debate with no results and especially that neither del piero nor moggi is listening


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Stuart ] ++
Criticising someone is completely different to what many people here do.
I treat all players in relation to what is expected of them. Zlatan is playing in his first year at Juve, and has already become our best striker. So since he is basically a new guy who has settled in nicely, there is not much reason to criticize him, except for how he holds on to the ball for too long. Del Piero is our Captain, our highest paid player.....supposedly our "Symbol" of the Club. Should this player be a force, one of our best players? Of course. However his performances are that of player who is washed up and could be easily outdone by average Serie A or Serie B forwards. He deserves the criticisim he gets, because Alex could be our most underperforming player. Actually he takes that title, no question. The sooner we find a replacement, the better.
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