Chicken ribs-Alessandro Del piero (2 Viewers)

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Il Messiah

Junior Member
Aug 21, 2004
Title:The most overrated player in the world of the past decade?

No, it's not Henry as some have been wrongly suggesting.
No, it's not Beckham, who can still deliver great crosses and free-kicks.
No, it's not Owen, who can still score some goals for his teams.
No, it's Kluivert, who can still do good things with a football and score beautiful goals.
No, it's not Vieri as Bobone can still be a beast and score goals when healthy!
No, it's not Recoba, who can still score beautiful goals once in a blue moon and more importantly, delivers when his NT needs him.

Then who is it?

He's the only "great" player who has constantly chocked at every single great match he has taken part in the last god knows how many years.
He's the only "great" player who has never done anything worthy in an International competition.
He's the only "great" player who has rarely had any impact for his national team yet he still is considered as an inamovible starter...

He's the only captain in world football who's passing more time on the bench than on the field. And when he's on the field, you only notice him after he has been subbed. And you're left wondering: did he play? I must have missed it...
He's the highest paid slacker in the world. Give most of us in these forums 1/10 of his salary and we'd probably do a better job than him!

Ladies and gentlemen, give a standing ovation to the one, only and unique Alessandro Pier Piero aka Pinturicchio


I read this post anoter forum.i"m very agree this post.
how about think you this post?
i think he must cut his salary 1/5
And he must play sub player after return of trezeguet

in the past he is my hero..but he isn"t anymore my hero
he simply normal player ------can compare zalayeta or kalon-------

Buy on


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2003
it's sad to read this, but it's absolutely true.

he shud retire before we completely screw up his career by selling him to a relegation-bound team....

in the past he is my hero..but he isn"t anymore my hero
he simply normal player ------can compare zalayeta or kalon
sorry to spoil ur party, Zala isnt all that
Sep 14, 2003
I'll always have great respect for the player that he was. Right now, his patchy form and injury problems are hurting the team.


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2002
They all played like crap i don't see why we should blame Del Piero. No he's not playing well, and no he isn't playing tragically, he's scored a few goals so far and he's struggling with injuries all year.



In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Ferrari^M ] ++
They all played like crap i don't see why we should blame Del Piero. No he's not playing well, and no he isn't playing tragically, he's scored a few goals so far and he's struggling with injuries all year.



The Farmer
May 27, 2004
Give Del Piero a break yeah he isn`t playing so good but he is struggling with injuries and there are players in Juventus who plays much bader...


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
Sell him. End of story just sell him please and remove us of this ridiculously high salary for minimal output. We could have Saviola, Morientes easily, both far superior players for peanuts. What would you rather have?


Juventuz addict
Dec 16, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Paolo_Montero ] ++
Sell him. End of story just sell him please and remove us of this ridiculously high salary for minimal output. We could have Saviola, Morientes easily, both far superior players for peanuts. What would you rather have?
exactly we can have Saviola and Morientes with 20% of his salary
we need a player who deliver , we always play with a 10 man squad bacause of him:(


Senior Member
Aug 25, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Ferrari^M ] ++
They all played like crap i don't see why we should blame Del Piero. No he's not playing well, and no he isn't playing tragically, he's scored a few goals so far and he's struggling with injuries all year.


with the money he takes home every week he should be playing ALOT better

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
I have a lot of respect for Alex, and he is still my favourite player. But I want the best for Juve, and I don't think Alex can deliver any goods at Juve anymore.

I defended him earlier, hoping that he can be better, as he returned from injury. But from what I saw last night against Milan, Alex just won't do anymore. His time has passed. There are a lot of more hardworking players than Alex, and it would be unfair to them to put Alex in front of them.
As I said earlier, we need a forward.

And Alex should give a captain armband to either Thuram or Zambrotta. They deserve it more than Alex does.


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2002
One bad game and this is how you talk about him?!?
damn, in most of the games he's been more than fine, and all the team is struggling right now. Come on, he's not over, he's still a good player.


Juventuz addict
Dec 16, 2002
++ [ originally posted by JuveCampione ] ++
One bad game and this is how you talk about him?!?
damn, in most of the games he's been more than fine, and all the team is struggling right now. Come on, he's not over, he's still a good player.
why cant you dp lovers believe that this is not based on last night match it is based on the last 5 years:(


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2003
truth hurts, del piero is one of my favorites, but he's out of form and needs to be benched, anyway i hope he improves and regain his form... in the mean time, i think moggi should be working on the cassano transfer deal, even if del piero plays good again, juve need a new soul in the team..
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