Charlie Hebdo massacre - 2015-Jan-07 (8 Viewers)

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
Where do you think greece took all the knowledge from? Definitely not from the north or west.
I'm pretty sure that I said in a later comment that knowledge passed from and was developed upon from one culture to the next, sometimes simultaneously. All cultures and civilizations offer something brilliant to this world.

- - - Updated - - -

:lol: I've never seen this one.


Midnight Marauder
Jul 13, 2013
I think part of the problem is the current state of Islam in the world, and of Islamic people. They're marginalized and ostracized, their countries are occupied, invaded, laid siege to, sanctioned harshly. Is it deserved at times? Maybe. The problem is, a vicious cycle is created there, because in attacking these nations and their cultures, you create the circumstance for more hatred to breed, for a greater feeling of disenfranchisement, of a lack of rights, of a lack of self-determination as a people. That culture is still evolving, the religion (more so interpretation of the religion) is till evolving. It's several hundred years behind Christianity in longevity.

One thing I do believe: if Christians were living in the same circumstance that much of the Islamic world is in, and were ostracized and marginalized in the same way, I think you'd see the exact same things from Christians. A holy war against the outside. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I doubt it. Just as I doubt the extremists and fundamentalists of Islam would exist in such large numbers if they were in our place.
This :agree:

Islam, or radical interpretations of Islam, acts as a perpetuator and gives direction to violent tendencies, but those are in 99% of the cases already existing, and not an autonomous creation or consequence of Islam.

And concerning the discussion about Christianity and the two testaments, it is theologically rather broadly accepted that the New Testament, and especially the four canonic gospels about Jesus are the ultimate foundation of the religion in terms of scripture. The whole religion evn in name is based on Christ afterall, and the teachings of him are what essentially seperates them from the Jewish faith (on a very basic level). What's interesting here is that even for me as an atheist, Jesus the way he is desribed in the gospels is a pretty great man and rolemodel. He is very expressive about the virtually absolute and complete banning of violence, and of course very adverse to selfishness and egoism. Yet, a sheer uncountable number of his followers have found equally countless ways to utilize him to justify violence and egoistic actions and ideas, starting of course already with the apostle Paulus (who is a rather interesting semi-historic figure in my eyes, and probably responsible for Christianity actually being something larger than just a minor Jewish sect), up to the at times simply moronic understanding of Jesus and his teachings in certain US-American conservatives.


Senior Member
Jul 26, 2007
This :agree:

Islam, or radical interpretations of Islam, acts as a perpetuator and gives direction to violent tendencies, but those are in 99% of the cases already existing, and not an autonomous creation or consequence of Islam.

And concerning the discussion about Christianity and the two testaments, it is theologically rather broadly accepted that the New Testament, and especially the four canonic gospels about Jesus are the ultimate foundation of the religion in terms of scripture. The whole religion evn in name is based on Christ afterall, and the teachings of him are what essentially seperates them from the Jewish faith (on a very basic level). What's interesting here is that even for me as an atheist, Jesus the way he is desribed in the gospels is a pretty great man and rolemodel. He is very expressive about the virtually absolute and complete banning of violence, and of course very adverse to selfishness and egoism. Yet, a sheer uncountable number of his followers have found equally countless ways to utilize him to justify violence and egoistic actions and ideas, starting of course already with the apostle Paulus (who is a rather interesting semi-historic figure in my eyes, and probably responsible for Christianity actually being something larger than just a minor Jewish sect), up to the at times simply moronic understanding of Jesus and his teachings in certain US-American conservatives.
As a Christian I agree that Bible is not as open to interpretation as PostIronic states and as a whole it clearly is against physical or any other kind of violence, there's no such thing as killing in Christs name.

If you can, please elaborate on Paul justifying violence, egoistic actions and ideas, this is what got me interested.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2011
ahaha the kids nowdays don't even have the balls to show their names when sending insults :D
Oh you mean that neg rep, fuck you and yo mama. My name is Darman Omar, I live in Edmonton, I can pm you my address, come on knock on my door, i'd love to knock on your face old man


Midnight Marauder
Jul 13, 2013
As a Christian I agree that Bible is not as open to interpretation as PostIronic states and as a whole it clearly is against physical or any other kind of violence, there's no such thing as killing in Christs name.

If you can, please elaborate on Paul justifying violence, egoistic actions and ideas, this is what got me interested.
"Justifying violence, egoistic actions and ideas" was mainly referring to later historical figures and movements to be honest, did not quite have Paulus in mind when I wrote that part :D

What I meant though were parts of his writings that are in my opinion morally very questionable to say the least, and also not in line with what Jesus (again according to the gospels) was teaching. This includes for example his evident sexist mindset and ideas. A particularly clear example is his very negative attitudes towards prostitutes, whereas Jesus was actively reaching out to them, as he did with all members on the societal periphery.

Again, it's not really violence or egoism, just meant to be an example of how the ideas and interpretations of followers of and believers in Jesus often rather obviously contradict the actual accounts of Jesus' life and teachings, and how this already began extremely early in the developement of Christianity.


Senior Member
Jul 5, 2014
Oi Freshy instead of me coming to your home :D where the frack is Edmonton anyway? guess you should trip to Italy and we could meet for a Juventus game mate ;) at least you "might" get 2 watch the game hahah

getting down to your level but at least you a get a trip to Italy dude.


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2011
Oi Freshy instead of me coming to your home :D where the frack is Edmonton anyway? guess you should trip to Italy and we could meet for a Juventus game mate ;) at least you "might" get 2 watch the game hahah

getting down to your level but at least you a get a trip to Italy dude.
Edmonton, is in Canada. If you pay for the round trip, house, feed, get the tickets, I'm down.

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