Capello: the first 100 days (1 Viewer)

How do you assess Capello's work so far?

  • He does a fantastic job.

  • So far it's ok, but I expected more.

  • There isn't any real difference between Capello's and Lippi's Juve.

  • He is overrated. I'm not convinced by him.

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Senior Member
Mar 31, 2004
I'm impressed what he has done to some players, specially Olivera... And I wouldn't have even dreamed that Zebina plays so well...

edit: and yeah, I voted for 1st option...


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I voted for option #1

Especially compared to last season, I think he's done a great job, especially in terms of our defence


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2004
He has done fantastic, great solid defense, Zebina is so ****ing excellent too, and Olivera is finally in the first team. Thanks to him we got Cannavaro and Zlatan too, and also thanks to Moggi for making it possible.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2002
I think he has done extreamly well so far, much better than I ever dreamed of. The defence and midfield look greatly improved from last season, and the side looks compact and disciplined. And the results have been immense: 6 out of 7 matches won and only 1 goal conceded. Hope he keeps up the good work!:cool:


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2002
I guess there should be another option.

" he has done excelent job.and still more to come" ;)

I voted the first one.this is kinda new team and I never ever expected to see juve doing so well that fast :cool:


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
He's opened the season very well but we're in October, there's no telling how it'll end. Thus so far he's not too different from Lippi.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Results don't mean anything for time frames shorter than a full season. It doesn't matter what he's accomplished until now if we finish mid table.


Sep 23, 2003
The injuries on offense are going to be one of Capello's first regular season tests. He's done well so far, but it's soooo early to tell. And we have yet to face any teams from Milan or Rome.

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