Calciopoli or Morattopoli.. inter fake orgasm (7 Viewers)


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2010
Inter remind me of OJ Simpson, theyve gotten away with murder but in the end they have found themselves in the shit thanks to their own stupidity.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2008
Inter remind me of OJ Simpson, theyve gotten away with murder but in the end they have found themselves in the shit thanks to their own stupidity.
We can only hope the analogy holds true, they go bankrupt, and are forced to start selling the fake ass trophies in their showroom to make ends meet.


The Informer
Dec 19, 2003
Moggi and Giraudo lost another appeal in the Italian courts about their bans and now have the European(Strasbourg) court left.

edit: TAR still an option.


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2007
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #16,068
    They didn't lose. The appeal was rejected. It's more of teh "we decide not to decide" crap.


    The Informer
    Dec 19, 2003
    lose, rejected, say they are incompetent, whatever. They are still banned and their only hope are the European courts. We shouldn't expect anything good to come out from the Italian justice system.


    Senior Member
    Oct 14, 2007
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #16,072
    Luciano Moggi, la radiazione (ieri confermata dall'Alta Corte di giustizia del Coni) «è una sentenza politica, su questo non ci sono dubbi». «Come ho sempre detto - ha aggiunto intervenendo a Sky Tg24 - io andrò fino in fondo e cioè alla Corte europea per i diritti dell'uomo. L'Alta Corte del Coni si è uniformata alle precedenti sentenze, che sono state sentenze in copia che non hanno tenuto conto dell'insussistenza dei fatti dimostrata dalle montagne di documenti prodotti dalle difese».

    «Hanno cominciato così e vogliono finire così - ha proseguito Moggi a Sky Tg24 -. I due processi sportivi hanno detto che non c'erano illeciti, anche al processo di Napoli è emerso che il campionato 2004/05 era regolare, che il sorteggio degli arbitri era regolare, che le ammonizioni mirate non c'erano». «Andrò alla Corte europea per i diritti dell'uomo e vediamo cosa succede. Ci troviamo di fronte ad accuse che non hanno riscontro nei fatti, è una cosa grave ma così è. Ci difenderemo nelle sedi più opportune. Qua sono sempre le stesse facce», ha concluso.


    Luciano Moggi, the ban (confirmed yesterday from the CONI court) “is a political sentence, on this point there is no doubt”. On SkyTg24 he added “As I always said, I’ll go all the way to the end and thus the European Court of Human Rights. The CONI Court aligned itself with the preceding sentences, which were carbon copy sentences that disregarded the lack of proof demonstrated by the mountain of documents provided by the defense.”

    “They started this way and want to end the same. The two sporting trials confirmed that there were no illicit violations (those would be Article 6 violations or match fixing/attempted match fixing), even in the Naples trial it emerged that the 2004/05 season was regular, that the referee draws were regular, that there were no planned player suspensions”. “I’ll go to the European Court of Human Rights and we’ll see what happens. We find ourselves facing charges that are not supported by facts, it’s a grave situation but this is how it is”. “We will defend ourselves in the most opportune courtrooms. Here the faces are all the same” he concluded.


    maitre'd at Canal Bar
    Nov 7, 2005
    Luciano Moggi, la radiazione (ieri confermata dall'Alta Corte di giustizia del Coni) «è una sentenza politica, su questo non ci sono dubbi». «Come ho sempre detto - ha aggiunto intervenendo a Sky Tg24 - io andrò fino in fondo e cioè alla Corte europea per i diritti dell'uomo. L'Alta Corte del Coni si è uniformata alle precedenti sentenze, che sono state sentenze in copia che non hanno tenuto conto dell'insussistenza dei fatti dimostrata dalle montagne di documenti prodotti dalle difese».

    «Hanno cominciato così e vogliono finire così - ha proseguito Moggi a Sky Tg24 -. I due processi sportivi hanno detto che non c'erano illeciti, anche al processo di Napoli è emerso che il campionato 2004/05 era regolare, che il sorteggio degli arbitri era regolare, che le ammonizioni mirate non c'erano». «Andrò alla Corte europea per i diritti dell'uomo e vediamo cosa succede. Ci troviamo di fronte ad accuse che non hanno riscontro nei fatti, è una cosa grave ma così è. Ci difenderemo nelle sedi più opportune. Qua sono sempre le stesse facce», ha concluso.


    Luciano Moggi, the ban (confirmed yesterday from the CONI court) “is a political sentence, on this point there is no doubt”. On SkyTg24 he added “As I always said, I’ll go all the way to the end and thus the European Court of Human Rights. The CONI Court aligned itself with the preceding sentences, which were carbon copy sentences that disregarded the lack of proof demonstrated by the mountain of documents provided by the defense.”

    “They started this way and want to end the same. The two sporting trials confirmed that there were no illicit violations (those would be Article 6 violations or match fixing/attempted match fixing), even in the Naples trial it emerged that the 2004/05 season was regular, that the referee draws were regular, that there were no planned player suspensions”. “I’ll go to the European Court of Human Rights and we’ll see what happens. We find ourselves facing charges that are not supported by facts, it’s a grave situation but this is how it is”. “We will defend ourselves in the most opportune courtrooms. Here the faces are all the same” he concluded.
    He's completely right, and he's gonna win in Strasbourg.


    Senior Member
    Dec 25, 2011
    mah now conte is involved in scomessopoli , usual gazzetta articles that drop dirt at us . On the other hand galliani doesn't want cagliari-juve to be played in trieste , he is advising it to be played at firenze , since he's at it he could have said to play at milan , he pratically wants to decide where the match will be played which is just laughable


    Junior Member
    Apr 29, 2010
    From Football Italia:

    "FIGC Vice-President Demetrio Albertini has warned Juventus not to act as if they’ve won 30 Scudetti. “It would be an act of provocation.”
    There are rules and sentences from the sporting justice system that determined certain anomalous situations. I don’t want to take a position on who was right or wrong, but I will point out Ben Johnson had his Olympic gold medal revoked when he failed a drugs test. Putting a third star on the shirt would only be an act of provocation. Anyone can wear the jersey they want to, as only the Scudetto or Coppa Italia symbol is added for the reigning holders.”

    And I was somehow under the impression that the FIGC declared themselves incompetent to discuss the matter...Talk about "anomalous situations"...

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