Bug reports (3 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
Have Private Messages been disabled? I clicked on it and it says that I have them turned off in my profile but then I checked and I didn't see an option for it. Maybe I'm just an idiot and looking in the wrong spot.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #3
    Quite correct and thanks for pointing it out! I was indeed able to replicate the problem and I believe it should now be fixed. The option to turn PMs off but there was a loophole in the code (duh :D) that caused them to be turned off whenever a user edits their profile. Thus all you have to do is edit your profile, no need to change anything, and it should be working again. :)

    Meanwhile I will look into resetting it for everyone to fix it.


    Are the cookies working OK, cause I never log out and when I come back I always have to sign in (I did set them up in the profile), plus sometimes when I refresh the page it logs me out and sends me back to the main page.


    I've already registered, but I haven't recieved my activation e-mail. I talked to Iggy (aka Flying Dutchman), and he registered the same time that I did, and he's recieved his e-mail. I was just wondering if you could re-sent it or something.

    btw, the new forums look great.


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by nina ] ++
    Are the cookies working OK, cause I never log out and when I come back I always have to sign in (I did set them up in the profile), plus sometimes when I refresh the page it logs me out and sends me back to the main page.
    They have been working fine for me, I haven't had to relog in since I reregistered the other day.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #8
    ++ [ originally posted by nina ] ++
    Are the cookies working OK, cause I never log out and when I come back I always have to sign in (I did set them up in the profile), plus sometimes when I refresh the page it logs me out and sends me back to the main page.
    You know what? I was really struggling with the cookies at one point setting up the forums cause I had screwed up the settings. But they should be ok now, I never have any more problems.

    BUT the cookies in vbulleting forums have been known to give people a hard time, I've experienced it a lot on Xtratime for instance. I suggest you clear all your temporary files in your browser, delete all cookies, close your browser, then check if they are all gone manually. Restart your system. Now you have a completely fresh browser with no cache whatsoever. If it keeps giving you problems, I have no more ideas...

    Ian, the confirmation email has been re-sent. :)


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #12
    Yes I find it to be strange because my cookies seem to work as well as they ever have right now. On the other hand cookies are extremely unpredictable from my experience...


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #13
    About the cookies again, all settings seem to be the way they are supposed to be on the server side. So it very much looks like any problems that exist are on the client side and unfortunately it's hard to give good answers. To those who still have problems with the cookies, try another browser to see if you have more luck. I have personally had a lot of problems with cookies in IE. If you want to give them a test run, I can suggest Opera which is considered to be a "hip" browser lately, similar in functionality and rendering to IE, but probably faster. And you also have Mozilla making waves lately, no it's not an ancient version of Netscape, it's a completely different development project and as of now seems to be much more successful.


    I have the same problem but I will clear all my temp internet files + cookies then switch my system off when I leave work then I will see what happens tomorrow. Right now I can't even use the PM. But I believe everything will be fine soon.


    There are two ninas, a good one and a bad one. The good one is allowed to be a member, the bad one can only post from time to time. Or is it just opposite :shocked: :scared:
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