Boring aren't we? in the transfer market (1 Viewer)


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
We have to be the most boring team when it comes to transfer activity, everyday the press and ppl on here try to enlighten our transfer market with rumours and gossips but the powers that be just come with extremely boring players

Look at Charlton they have signed Rommedahl, no he is not the greatest but for Charlton fans who are used to small time, that is such a big time buy and more players are to come

Middlesboro have just got Viduka and thats quite a coup for them

Madrid have moved to address their defensive probs by signing Samuel and would have got Emerson as well if not for the fact that he does not wanna go there and they would probably get the best central defender in Euro2004 in Carvalho

Inter might never win anything but they excite their fans by bringing interesting players almost yearly

Milan won the league with the meanest defence and waht did they do they bought Stam right after that

Porto sold Ferreria to Chelsea and have moved to sign the best right back defensively in the tournament Serriadis of Greece

Barcelona have signed Guilly and setting their sights on Deco

While we have not seen the last of Chelsea yet

While Juve just bore the living daylights out of me by bringing in players you either never heard of or the ones you are happy to make fun of in other teams


Trezeguet to sign new contract------Yaaaaaaaaaaaaawnnnn


Last season they did the same shite by just getting Miccolli and Maresca back from loan as if that would be enuff to win Cl

They have bored me to bits with the Emerson saga and embarrased some ppl with the Vieri episode

For fooks sakes what are these ppl being paid for , do they not watch matches both in South America and in Europe, did they not see that Porto and have Portugal have some interesting players as do clubs in Argentina and Brazil instead of buying a vastly overrated Italian on loan send him off somewhere and he comes back and does didly squat for us and then they sell him off

Trezeguet has taken quite a lot of stick from fans on here and his signing a new contract was just another boring thing for me, he is not for Juve, he is better off in teams like Barcelona and Lazio where they make chances galore and all he has to do is score as his input in teams is just slightly above zero as Euro 2004 highlighted yet again

Are they trying to tell me that they could not find a gem in the left back position in Lahm and at right back Freisburger (if that is his name) was very good as well, Miguel impressed me immensely as did Grugera , do not like jankulowski while Rosicky tends to drift in and out

I hear Valencia need to sell of players like Aimar and we had been linked to Vicente but no we have done little to address our chronic lack of creativity

Even Valencia have moved to sign Corradi and Fiore ( ap player who has tormented us so badly recently)

For the life of me, I find it staggering that we have not gone for players like Trabelsi and especially Ballack

If we are relying on Appiah, Tacchinardi and maresca then Cl will be just a mirage

Word to the wise , yesterday would have been devastating for Nedved so it will be a minor miracle if he does perform well next season while Dp is on a downward slope which I am afraid to say he may never recover from

Buy on


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
Good points there...

Not only am I bored, I am slowly losing hope that Moggi will get anything going on before the transfer window closes.


Junior Member
Feb 6, 2004
i think we should wait a little bit.

of course at the moment our transfers are a joke !
zebina ? no, not really a great defender, but a bench player
kapo ? too young and without experience, so we have to wait for years
chiellini ? same as kapo

the young guys could be great players, but not yet !

...but i still hope the moggi will bring us some player like emerson, cannavaro, jankulovski or also puyol !!

till than i wait !


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2004
awesome post... but let's wait first, if we're not going to do anything in this summer campaign I'm ready to crucify Moggi along with you... But I haven't lost my faith yet, and you still forgot that we've got the biggest fish so far, Capello... :D Thank God for that...


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2004
Delbecko and Poku, with all due respect, we should not wait any longer. Pre-season training starts tomorrow, we also have to play cl qualifiers pretty soon now. We should be well prepared, there's not THAT much time left..


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2004
I mean that it's not Juve's (or actually Moggi's) style to do business that fast, he signed DV on the last day year ago, didn't he?! All I'm saying is this transfer market has only started, don't wait miracles yet...


Senior Member
May 22, 2004
Agree with that.
Some time ago there were posts about the 2 players :
Montolivio and some other guy.
They said that this is the new generation ''Del Piero'' and ''Totti''
But stil I haven't heard a bit of them.
Then, Jankulovski is a good player, but is he an attacking defender or what?
If it is a midfielder, we allready have Pavel Nedved on the left...
If his injury isn't super bad.

Then I heard on the news that Fernando Cavenaghi is one of the biggest future prospect from South-America.
Just heard Juventus once, but then ''nothing''

Gilardino deal : What will happen :S
Sell Di Vaio, keep Miccolli and get us another striker MOGGI !

Also heard that Kakalov is a great future player for low money.

It seems like we've lost Ferrari to Roma, and Mexes, so whats next?
Play AGAIN with Birindelli - Ferrara - Montero - Iulliano?


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
There's a lot to be said for building from the bottom - players who've come through the Juve ranks are going to care more about the club's success than their wage packets (think of the Inter model turned on its head).

That said, pressing too hard on negotiations can leave you paying over the odds (anyone who follows the transfer dealings of Man Utd will know what I mean).

What I'm trying to say is this: go Moggi, go Moggi, go Moggi! :p
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
We have to be the most boring team when it comes to transfer activity, everyday the press and ppl on here try to enlighten our transfer market with rumours and gossips but the powers that be just come with extremely boring players

Look at Charlton they have signed Rommedahl, no he is not the greatest but for Charlton fans who are used to small time, that is such a big time buy and more players are to come

Middlesboro have just got Viduka and thats quite a coup for them

Madrid have moved to address their defensive probs by signing Samuel and would have got Emerson as well if not for the fact that he does not wanna go there and they would probably get the best central defender in Euro2004 in Carvalho

Inter might never win anything but they excite their fans by bringing interesting players almost yearly

Milan won the league with the meanest defence and waht did they do they bought Stam right after that

Porto sold Ferreria to Chelsea and have moved to sign the best right back defensively in the tournament Serriadis of Greece

Barcelona have signed Guilly and setting their sights on Deco

While we have not seen the last of Chelsea yet

While Juve just bore the living daylights out of me by bringing in players you either never heard of or the ones you are happy to make fun of in other teams


Trezeguet to sign new contract------Yaaaaaaaaaaaaawnnnn


Last season they did the same shite by just getting Miccolli and Maresca back from loan as if that would be enuff to win Cl

They have bored me to bits with the Emerson saga and embarrased some ppl with the Vieri episode

For fooks sakes what are these ppl being paid for , do they not watch matches both in South America and in Europe, did they not see that Porto and have Portugal have some interesting players as do clubs in Argentina and Brazil instead of buying a vastly overrated Italian on loan send him off somewhere and he comes back and does didly squat for us and then they sell him off

Trezeguet has taken quite a lot of stick from fans on here and his signing a new contract was just another boring thing for me, he is not for Juve, he is better off in teams like Barcelona and Lazio where they make chances galore and all he has to do is score as his input in teams is just slightly above zero as Euro 2004 highlighted yet again

Are they trying to tell me that they could not find a gem in the left back position in Lahm and at right back Freisburger (if that is his name) was very good as well, Miguel impressed me immensely as did Grugera , do not like jankulowski while Rosicky tends to drift in and out

I hear Valencia need to sell of players like Aimar and we had been linked to Vicente but no we have done little to address our chronic lack of creativity

Even Valencia have moved to sign Corradi and Fiore ( ap player who has tormented us so badly recently)

For the life of me, I find it staggering that we have not gone for players like Trabelsi and especially Ballack

If we are relying on Appiah, Tacchinardi and maresca then Cl will be just a mirage

Word to the wise , yesterday would have been devastating for Nedved so it will be a minor miracle if he does perform well next season while Dp is on a downward slope which I am afraid to say he may never recover from
I must say that I too am dissappointed with the performance of our management team in the transfer market, but for different reasons. I think that there are many many players out there who are available in our price range and who would be delighted to play for a club like Juve. Moggi knows that and he sometimes gets them, but I'd rather he didn't if they aren't going to play.

The core of our team is a good one and it's been very successful in the past. The problem is that our fringe players have decreased in quality. We've got sub-par players like Camoranesi, Di Vaio, and Appiah. Now, it's not necessarily Moggi's fault that those players aren't panning out the way that we all hoped they would, but don't you think it's time he did something meaningful? I mean, I think it's time that Moggi made a big signing. This will acomplish two things: 1. it will take pressure off of the current players, 2. it will give our squad some much needed talent. I don't honestly care what position he plays, or what nation he hails from, or how old he is. I just want a big signing because everybody involved in Juventus needs it.


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
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    ++ [ originally posted by Poku ] ++
    I mean that it's not Juve's (or actually Moggi's) style to do business that fast, he signed DV on the last day year ago, didn't he?! All I'm saying is this transfer market has only started, don't wait miracles yet...
    You do not think that last minute buys almost always result in over pricing of players? Can you honestly tell me that Dv is value for money?
    Everyone keeps going on about Inter by this and that as a yardstick to our own relative success on the transfer market but at the end of the day they still have fans who come and watch them play week in week out as they have players that excite them

    Compare that to our fans who cannot be arsed unless Inter, Milan, Roma are in town cos lets face it who wants to watch Tacchinardi, Montero, Appiah etc week in week out?

    I mean even clubs like Birmingham are pushing the button a little bit to better themselves and Bolton are not frightened to go for anyone nowadays as their audacious bid for Rivaldo proved

    We just stick to some silly policy which is so boring its like watching us play:D

    How many supposed youngsters have we bought who have actually made the grade

    Incredibly since Dp and tacchinardi, they have all failed to make an impression on a regular basis

    If thats not a damning indictment on our policy, I wonder what is

    All they do is buy this players and use them as part exchange to buy more expensive players

    Mikhail, your statement might be true for smaller clubs but a club of Juve's stature, no matter who you are , you are proud to play for clubs like Juventus, its just we go for bums more often than not


    Senior Member
    Jul 13, 2002
    Juventus should't buy just for the buyings sake but I do want to see some activity on the transfer market on the defensive side (read: Buy Cannavaro)


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2002
    you put my thoughts into words,denco.

    to those of you who think we should not expect to have signed big players by now or that we should wait longer,doesn't it strike you that we will have lost out on all the players worth buying by the time we take action and if other teams can make their transfers early then why can't we?


    Senior Member
    Jun 14, 2004
    I have had the pleasure of meeting Moggi, my impression of him is that he isn't that clever really, I belive he has lost his pulse on the transfer market, its weird when we buy players, we always pay over the odds for them, Buffon for £32Million, that's just mad even he is the best in the world. Not happy with the progress of our summer transfers at all, its probably going to be the worst one yet, and I thought last year was bad.

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