Best Situations (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Feb 24, 2003
Hi everyone,

Every person passes through different situations but some of their memories are stuck in their minds.:LOL: :LOL:

Have u faced something like this...:D:cool::D

Tell us................

Buy on


Senior Member
Feb 24, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #4
    I laughed by mistake ... excuse me :D

    the topic is about the memories , tell us about some of them which you can't forget.


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    OK, i guess i'll start :embarass:

    it wasn't really a "best" situation, but it's one that i'll never forget.

    One day, i was driving around with my friend. the only problem was that i was extremely tired that day because i had been up for a few days!, but i still insisted that my mind was still functioning properly.
    As i was driving (usually over the speed limit), i noticed there were two cars stopped at the traffic light ahead but there was still a lane empty between them (it was a three-lane road). Of course, i wanted to go between them to be in the first row. So i did.....except my mind wasn't all there, so i forgot to Stop! :D

    luckily, i didn't hit any cars even though it's usually a busy road. What's wierd is i didn't even realize that i did somthing wrong :doh: . The whole time, my friend is looking at me and freaking out :eek: , only after we crossed the intersection safely, he caught his breath and told me what i've done. i looked in the rear view mirror and he was right all the carrs behind me are still stopped......
    Ok here's the funney part: Once he told me what i did, i made the stupidest reaction: i actually stopped the car in the middle of the road!!! :D , i put it in reverse!!!! :LOL: and i wanted to go back through the intersection again and stop back at the red traffic light as i was susppsed to to begin with!! :LOL:



    Senior Member
    Feb 24, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #6
    Very nice Situation .... be careful next time plzzz.:D

    I worry about u :LOL:


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    thanks ...and i will be carefull (by not driving when i'm tired ;) ) :D

    Now you started this thread, u must have something to say :p


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    :groan: there you go again Martin...stalking all my posts. :p

    i hope your enjoying yourself :D

    common someone post another situation before this thread becomes the "make fun of Majed thread" :D


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    About 11 years ago my family was on vacation in England, driving around most of the country. We also stopped by Oxford. The center of town is pedestrian (or was) so we parked on the outskirts and were headed towards town when I happened to walk right into a street light, just like a cartoon situation. :D I remember it well because nothing like that ever happened to me before or after that... :D


    Senior Member
    Feb 24, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #11
    I have 2 situations...the first one happened to me last yr when I graduated from the school by a high average .......
    94.4 % science section.........

    and the other situation is personal :D


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    About 11 years ago my family was on vacation in England, driving around most of the country. We also stopped by Oxford. The center of town is pedestrian (or was) so we parked on the outskirts and were headed towards town when I happened to walk right into a street light, just like a cartoon situation. :D I remember it well because nothing like that ever happened to me before or after that... :D

    what were you looking at?! ;) (if it's what i think it is, then i dont blame you....all guys must have walked into something for that reason :D )


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Mona ] ++
    I have 2 situations...the first one happened to me last yr when I graduated from the school by a high average .......
    94.4 % science section.........

    and the other situation is personal :D

    common Mona, i'm sure there are more situations that you've experienced!
    think Harder.

    BTW, mashallah, 94.4% is great :thumb:

    hey Martin, looks like we found another geek :geek:


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    It wasn't that, I was looking back for something, can't remember what. But it had nothing to do with that. :D
    sure you were......
    "what's what they all say" :rolleyes:


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