Beauty in the eye of the beholder (3 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++

Yes, less than the mentioned players but yes I do.

Glad you brought up Totti. I don't understand people who think Totti is looks so good. And exactly because his face always did look older than he was. At 21 he looked like he could be 27. He doesn't have that element of youth. He doesn't look bad but completely uncomparable to Nesta for instance.

And Pippo, he's starting to look older now, facial features have become more definite and that makes him less handsome IMO.
Alberini?? You see and I thought I gave example of really ugly player :D

And I agree about Totti. And here I just can't imagine that he can be good looking for anyone :eek:
And he looks exactly like you described: old.

Buy on

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
I think its his hair.....

about the baby-facedness, or 'youth' making people more attractive- does anyone have any insight??

I think beauty is sort of a spectrum thing, with the definition of facial features being the variable....

i dont like to look at a face that looks like it was made of lego(very defined), but at the same time a mushy blob of dough(not defined at all) doesnt quite please the eye...something in between is too plain, average but slighty off-centre would do very well...

Other contributing factors: full lips, big, dark eyes....

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Ally ] ++

Alberini?? You see and I thought I gave example of really ugly player :D

And I agree about Totti. And here I just can't imagine that he can be good looking for anyone :eek:
And he looks exactly like you described: old.
vittery dittery dock! the mouse ran up the clock!!

anyways, vit i think your tastes are different to the average person. way different :D

about totti- i think he looks old too, but i think its his jaw and hair and physical build complement each other....that is, without looking at his face in detail, staring at close-ups, and examining every square inch of his physique :yuck:


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #44

    No, I don't think so. In fact there are quite few I would say are actually ugly.

    I think we're pretty much done with the youth thing, here are some players who look good but don't look as young as the others I mentioned before.

    Raul (not anymore)
    Pippo (Pippo of today should really be on the list instead of that one)
    Chivu (again, young but not that young)
    Sergio Conceicao


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #45
    You know I never thought I could agree this much with lac on any topic.. :angel:

    ++ [ originally posted by lacrease ] ++
    I think beauty is sort of a spectrum thing, with the definition of facial features being the variable....

    i dont like to look at a face that looks like it was made of lego(very defined), but at the same time a mushy blob of dough(not defined at all) doesnt quite please the eye...something in between is too plain, average but slighty off-centre would do very well...
    Definitely, there's a balance to be kept. If you look at Pippo now and the way he looked 5 years ago, he's gone from having pleasant facial features to very distinct features, definitely makes him look older.

    ++ [ originally posted by lacrease ] ++
    about totti- i think he looks old too, but i think its his jaw and hair and physical build complement each other
    Again, I absolutely agree.


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by lacrease ] ++
    I think its his hair.....

    about the baby-facedness, or 'youth' making people more attractive- does anyone have any insight??
    There is sth in that. Cause people found very attractive Robert Redford, cause of his baby-faceness. Even if he were 50


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    I think we're pretty much done with the youth thing, here are some players who look good but don't look as young as the others I mentioned before.
    Noone from your list I would call good looking.
    I can only add: and Montella is ugly.

    Maybe Kluivert is not so bad, but not my type definitely.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #49
    I think we'll have to reject your testimony on account of your taste being so weird :p


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    i dont know...

    this "Youth" theory contradicts the fact that many women like Macho Men!

    this topic is very complex :stress:


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    I think we'll have to reject your testimony on account of your taste being so weird :p
    Weird, but good, remember that ;)

    I like very good looking people - such beauties.

    But I often like people who aren't very beautiful, but there is sth... something in them.
    But sometimes they are really ugly...


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #52
    No, weird is not good. Weird is weird, that's why they call it weird ;)

    ++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
    this "Youth" theory contradicts the fact that many women like Macho Men!

    this topic is very complex :stress:
    Yeah but they might like them for other reasons, the youth argument doesn't have to apply in every case. Moreover, some "macho men" have young faces.

    Complex it's supposed to be ;)


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Ally ] ++

    But I often like people who aren't very beautiful, but there is sth... something in them.
    But sometimes they are really ugly...
    Yeah, I agree with you on that one.
    For me, at first time I saw Nesta, I think he's not that cute...If I can choose, I'd prefer Becks with his beauty and fine hairstyle. But I saw somthing from Sandro Nesta....I don't know, maybe his charm or something. Plus he's got a good personality both out or inside pitch, very down to earth even people of Rome called him Prince of Roma or Romulus-Remus (together with Totti). Maybe that's why he looks different with another good looking players.
    Charming...that's my opinion about Nesta :)


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #56
    That's kind of a bad example though, considering Nesta is considered to be pretty, sort of among the general public.. ;)


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    But that's exactly my opinion about Nesta. ;)
    Becks maybe a good looking player but for me Nesta is different ...There's something on him that makes him more attractive :)
    Sorry I have no better example for that :D ;)


    Senior Member
    Sep 2, 2002
    Vit: I think Liv Tyler is absolutely gorgeous! :)
    She has phenomenal skin, and such full lips, deep eyes...
    How anyone could not find her attractive is beyond me.

    As for Totti (going back a bit here) I agree with lac about his complimentary features.
    Becks is ok but nothing special to me, Nesta is the same really.

    OK, here's another guy I think is extremely good looking: Goran Visnjic (Dr Kovac from ER). I can't decide if he has youthful features or not, to be honest. I think I'm actually drawn first to his charisma, which then ups his physical attractiveness.
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