Batman V Superman and the DC Cinematic Universe (3 Viewers)


Jun 7, 2004
:rofl: :heart:

I think Skinny legs is even sexier!
ok he is cute and all and i can understand your gay sympathy for him, but common,
those girls are top class, even females cant help but admit it!
No human soul can deny their sex appeal, for once quit trolling and tell us about yr pick, contribute smth for a change!
Dont you have an opinion of yr own for anything, do you always to disagree with everything?

Buy on


Beppe Marotta Is My God
May 26, 2009
ok he is cute and all and i can understand your gay sympathy for him, but common,
those girls are top class, even females cant help but admit it!
No human soul can deny their sex appeal, for once quit trolling and tell us about yr pick, contribute smth for a change!
Dont you have an opinion of yr own for anything, do you always to disagree with everything?
:rofl: this is too much

I'm usually a Brunette >> Blonde man, but this time Ima stay patriotic to my peoples and choose Margot Robbie.

Maybe if I paid €15m for her I could get her as a sex slave and me and you can hit that three way!


Jun 7, 2004
suicide squad may dissapoint, but Margot wont ( plus there is no bad movie with Will Smith)

BvS had that WW, but they could find a prettier Lois, she was decent as the sporty jurnalist though, that ocassionally could shed a tear... but she does fit more on the random blonde moniker.

:rofl: this is too much

I'm usually a Brunette >> Blonde man, but this time Ima stay patriotic to my peoples and choose Margot Robbie.

Maybe if I paid €15m for her I could get her as a sex slave and me and you can but that three way!
ha ha, finally a true answer!


Always spot on
May 6, 2012
So... I watched this spectacle too. I'm too lazy to write a proper review, so I'll just list the things I liked and didn't like. :D

- Ben Affleck is surprisingly good as Batman. A Batman movie directed by Affleck would be really interesting.
- The setup, getting Batman and Superman to fight each other, is as good as it can be. The reason for Batman to dislike Superman makes sense.
- The first 15 minutes or so is a good showcase for Zack Snyder's talent in terms of visual storytelling. Great introduction to the characters.
- Better than Man of Steel

- It's a mess. It's insanely incoherent with tons of superfluous stuff. The Wonder Woman character, for example, is completely unnecessary and is obviously only there for the sake of introducing her for the Justice League movie. It should have been at least 30 minutes shorter. Would have benefited a lot from a tighter narrative.
- Superman is just as boring as you'd expect. But at least he's not the sole protagonist.
- Jesse Eisenberg is as bad as you'd expect after watching the trailer.
- The Golem thing was a really bland villain. Quite anti-climatic watching them battle that thing.
- Superman saying "Martha" as the reason for Batman to stop fighting Superman was cringeworthy. It's quite insane that they couldn't come up with a better reason. Terrible writing.


Jun 7, 2004
i never really liked Ben Affleck, i consider him too one sided, once you have seen of his facial expression, you have seen them all.
In a cross character film like that, where all character are one dimensional and shallow, he can fit the bill, adding the muscled frame Bruce Wayne needed and finally a dark non ridiculous voice, but once the introduction is over and more is asked of him, could he cope?
Luckilky we wont know, as in the next films he will have a similar role.


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #169
    Good but not great. Bit disappointed.

    Liked most of it but there was a lot I didn't.

    If you want to watch this movie just watch all the trailers and TV spots as they showed you all the best bits.

    This film has really let me down.
    Jul 10, 2006
    It was great for the action. Beautiful looking movie. But about 45 mins too long. They tried to be funny at times but it always fell flat. Superman was done well, total badass. Batman is a cunt for most of the movie. The script was weak. Don't go into it expecting Marvel like quality.

    6/10. It would be a one thumb up (siskel) and one thumb down (ebert).
    BIG DADDY!!!

    BIG DADDY!!!

    Senior Member
    Mar 12, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #175
    So Doomsday in the comics doesn't grow stronger with every powerful attack and grow those bone thingies as a result? M'kay.
    In the comics was he created by Lex Luthor?

    In the comics was he created in about 6 hours?

    And by the way Doomsday didn't kill Superman in the comics he just beat him into a coma.
    BIG DADDY!!!

    BIG DADDY!!!

    Senior Member
    Mar 12, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #178
    So you're saying Zack can't take any liberties? EVERYTHING has to be in line with canon?
    Of course he can take liberties in fact I insist on it.

    That's why I never had a problem with the collateral damage in MOS or him killing Zod.

    Are you serious? Did you even watch the whole movie?
    Of course I watched the whole movie?

    It says in the comics Doomsday beat Superman into a coma and thats what happened
    Apr 15, 2006
    Of course he can take liberties in fact I insist on it.

    That's why I never had a problem with the collateral damage in MOS or him killing Zod.

    Of course I watched the whole movie?

    It says in the comics Doomsday beat Superman into a coma and thats what happened
    Then WTF are you complaining about? Doomsday was fine here.

    Yes, and superman wakes up from the coma at the end of the movie. Or at least it's hinted that he does. All this process is that doomsday IS something like he is in the comics.


    Grazie Ale
    Nov 9, 2006
    One of the better comic movies i've seen in recent years. I understand yesterday how important it is to see these kind of movies at the cinema to enjoy them on the big screen. I think Affleck as Batman was better then i expected. Alfred was meh, Lois was good, Lex was not scary at all but we knew that from the trailer..

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