Antonio Conte (43 Viewers)

How would you rate Conte's (dis)appointment?

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Jul 11, 2006
This will ruin Juventus image even more, don't tell me that it has nothing we do with Juve, me and the Juve fans knows that but the international football scene doesn't just like what happened in recent years in regard to Morattopoli.
Jul 1, 2010
Long story short

Pratically ex napoli keeper has called grava and cannavaro to fix the match samp- napoli 1-0 . Althrough they refused , they have failed to denounce it . Obviously when they were called by the naples prosecution they said it never happened .

Now in theory they should be investigated for Omitted denounce , but naples prosecution has simply archived it . :lol:

Corrupt bastards.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2003
This will ruin Juventus image even more, don't tell me that it has nothing we do with Juve, me and the Juve fans knows that but the international football scene doesn't just like what happened in recent years in regard to Morattopoli.
It has nothing to do with Juve. :D No but seriosly, unfortunately you're right, the ignorant media in England especially will be all over this like a bad rash. As will player and club perceptions who won't skim the surface of shiny headlines like Juve coach in match fixing scandal. Or Juve legend Bonnucci banned for 3 months in fixing scandal. Or Future Juve #10 Pepe banned.


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2010
This is just getting ridiculous. I don't know how much a club team can take. The media are trying to tear apart this team even though the club has nothing to do with any of this. I hope the civil courts will notice how messed up the sporting court is and find conte alessio and the other coach not guilty but Bonucci and pepes case seems a nit more serious.


Apr 14, 2005
Eccoci a Gianello e al Napoli. L’ex terzo portiere del club di De Laurentiis ha avuto il via libera dai medici per poter venire a Roma visto che era malato e poco più di una settimana fa aveva presentato il certificato per evitare l’interrogatorio: una colica renale e lo stress gli impedivano di essere nella Capitale. Alle 18.15 Gianello si è presentato, accompagnato dal suo avvocato Eduardo Chiacchio. Poco meno di due ore dopo l’ex terzo portiere degli azzurri e oggi in serie D, al Villafranca, era fuori. Cosa ha detto Gianello ai procuratori? «Ha confermato quello che ha detto alla Procura di Napoli», ha spiegato l’avvocato. Gianello nei mesi scorsi aveva raccontato agli inquirenti napoletani di una presunta combine per Sampdoria-Napoli (1-0 per i liguri) del 16 maggio 2010. Per aggiustare quella partita avrebbe chiesto la collaborazione di Paolo Cannavaro e Gianluca Grava offrendo denaro. «Cannavaro e Grava diedero immediatamente e con estrema decisione una risposta negativa», ha detto ai pm.

Cannavaro e Grava, che sono stati ascoltati dalla Procura della Figc una settimana fa (il 6 luglio) hanno smentito il contatto ma Gianello insiste. Di certo quella partita non è stata taroccata ma il secco no del capitano e di Grava non è stato seguito da una denuncia dei due giocatori. Da qui il possibile coinvolgimento del Napoli per responsabilità oggettiva. È un caso particolare, questo, che dovrà essere accertato con cura. Gianello ha detto la verità? Oppure ha millantato perché sollecitato alla combine da chi voleva scommettere? E non avendo il coraggio di proporre la combine ha inventato tutto, ossia il colloquio con Cannavaro e Grava? L’ex terzo portiere, che a Marassi il 16 maggio 2010 non era neppure in panchina, dovrebbe tornare in Procura, ma in quella della Repubblica di Napoli per raccontare la sua verità. Difficile che Gianello ritratti la prima versione, ma qui siamo alla sua parola contro quella di Paolo Cannavaro e Grava che smentiscono il contatto.

Long story short

Pratically ex napoli keeper has called grava and cannavaro to fix the match samp- napoli 1-0 . Althrough they refused , they have failed to denounce it . Obviously when they were called by the naples prosecution they said it never happened .

Now in theory they should be investigated for Omitted denounce , but naples prosecution has simply archived it . :lol:

once more this is dedicated to those who cheer for napoli and the like in europe


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2010
Is there a chance for Conte to be declared innocent?
Yes I think so because mr. So called reliable witness has changed his story 4 times but in a sporting court that for some reason was still deemed reliable but there is no way juves lawyers will not find a way to discredit him in a civil court. Go back a page and someone posted it better then I just did


Capo di tutti capi
Jan 5, 2006
Yes I think so because mr. So called reliable witness has changed his story 4 times but in a sporting court that for some reason was still deemed reliable but there is no way juves lawyers will not find a way to discredit him in a civil court. Go back a page and someone posted it better then I just did
But who are we dealing with? Sporting or civil court? Who'll give the final decision?
Jul 1, 2010
Oh ok I thought we were already dealing with the civil court.
No, the witness would be dismissed straight away in a proper civil court. Conte would also be innocent until proved guilty.
Sporting courts are rubbish.

---------- Post added 26.07.2012 at 13:25 ----------

Thanks, but I guess going to civil court might take some time, no?


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2010
It may take a while but if conte is found guilty and we appeal it in a civil court will contes assumed ban be implemented or would it be put on hold till the civil courts verdict be reached?

I hope he doesn't bargain and his lawyers take it to civil court.

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