Antonio Conte (378 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Dec 25, 2011
16:50- La madre di tutte le incongruenze che fa notare Chiappero: Domanda del Gip. Come mai non vanno da Masiello (Bonucci &co..) a chiedere i soldi visto che hanno vinto e la partita e' andata come volevano loro?

16:45- Facciamo rilevare come Palazzi sembri turbato, l'avvocato Bianchi potrebbe aver fatto centro.

16:40- Tocca a Chiappero, si preannuncia un intervento caldo, il più atteso del pomeriggio. Chiappero fa la differenza tra i verbali della procura federale e quelli del Pm. Con poche e semplici parole l'avvocato Chiappero dimostra come L'interrogatorio della procura sia stato un po' più superficiale e non abbia toccato punti precisi che il Pm di Bari ha curato.

Translations Again starting from the bottom

16:40 - It's Chiappero's turn , it is expected a hot intervention . Chiappero tells the differences from the verbals of the federal Prosecution and those of the PM . With simple words the lawyer Chiappero demostrates how the interrogation of the prosecution was a little more superficial and didn't touch precise points that the PM of bari has taken care of .

16:45 - We note how Palazzi seems disturbed :lol::D , the laywer bianchi may have touched the right spots .

16:50 - Tha mother of all inconsistencies is noted by Chiappero : Question of Gip . How is it possible that (Bonucci&co) don't go to Masiello to ask for the money since that they won and the match went like they wanted ?


Buy on


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2011
Ah, Gerd posted it in the Conte thread, So i thought it was him now.

But as i understand from todays reports. It looks good for Bonucci, haven't heard anything about Pepe or Conte today.
Conte is not in the trial today. I think he will be next week. It is Bonucci and Pepe today.
Apr 15, 2006
16:50- La madre di tutte le incongruenze che fa notare Chiappero: Domanda del Gip. Come mai non vanno da Masiello (Bonucci &co..) a chiedere i soldi visto che hanno vinto e la partita e' andata come volevano loro?

16:45- Facciamo rilevare come Palazzi sembri turbato, l'avvocato Bianchi potrebbe aver fatto centro.

16:40- Tocca a Chiappero, si preannuncia un intervento caldo, il più atteso del pomeriggio. Chiappero fa la differenza tra i verbali della procura federale e quelli del Pm. Con poche e semplici parole l'avvocato Chiappero dimostra come L'interrogatorio della procura sia stato un po' più superficiale e non abbia toccato punti precisi che il Pm di Bari ha curato.

Translations Again starting from the bottom

16:40 - It's Chiappero's turn , it is expected a hot intervention . Chiappero tells the differences from the verbals of the federal Prosecution and those of the PM . With simple words the lawyer Chiappero demostrates how the interrogation of the prosecution was a little more superficial and didn't touch precise points that the PM of bari has taken care of .

16:45 - We note how Palazzi seems disturbed :lol::D , the laywer bianchi may have touched the right spots .

16:50 - Tha mother of all inconsistencies is noted by Chiappero : Question of Gip . How is it possible that (Bonucci&co) don't go to Masiello to ask for the money since that they won and the match went like they wanted ?


The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
I have been following the trial of Bonucci and Pepe on, with the live updates, and it seems that Palazzi has requested many breaks today, as he keeps trying to reach plea agreements with our 2 players - and Bonucci and Pepe have rejected each offer. This looks like a real indication that Palazzi is just now realizing the weakness of his case. If this is true that he didn't understand until now how flimsy his case was then that shows either he was grossly unprepared to try this matter in court OR that he was blinded by his personal agenda and let his personal feelings interfere with his job. Either way, I am hopeful of a good result.


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2005
I have been following the trial of Bonucci and Pepe on, with the live updates, and it seems that Palazzi has requested many breaks today, as he keeps trying to reach plea agreements with our 2 players - and Bonucci and Pepe have rejected each offer. This looks like a real indication that Palazzi is just now realizing the weakness of his case. If this is true that he didn't understand until now how flimsy his case was then that shows either he was grossly unprepared to try this matter in court OR that he was blinded by his personal agenda and let his personal feelings interfere with his job. Either way, I am hopeful of a good result.

El Santo

El Enmascarado de Plata
Nov 26, 2008
I have been following the trial of Bonucci and Pepe on, with the live updates, and it seems that Palazzi has requested many breaks today, as he keeps trying to reach plea agreements with our 2 players - and Bonucci and Pepe have rejected each offer. This looks like a real indication that Palazzi is just now realizing the weakness of his case. If this is true that he didn't understand until now how flimsy his case was then that shows either he was grossly unprepared to try this matter in court OR that he was blinded by his personal agenda and let his personal feelings interfere with his job. Either way, I am hopeful of a good result.
Thank you sir for the update :beer:


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2011
17:20- Chiappero passa poi a Pepe: "Non c'è prova di telefonata di Masiello (Salvatore) a Pepe. A Cartella viene raccontata una millanteria per convincerlo a dare i soldi a Masiello (riferimento alla telefonata che avrebbe avuto con Simone Pepe).

Segnaliamo anche come il responsabile dell'ufficio stsmpa Albanese abbia dato copia ai giornalisti dell'attestato della Procura Bari dove è chiaramente indicato che Bonucci non è indagato.

16:50- La madre di tutte le incongruenze che fa notare Chiappero: Domanda del Gip. Come mai non vanno da Masiello (Bonucci &co..) a chiedere i soldi visto che hanno vinto e la partita e' andata come volevano loro? Chiappero legge De Tullio che dice: "io ho pagato solo Masiello". Chiappero fa notare come le dichiarazioni di Masiello facciano acqua da tutte le parti. Se si va in profondità si trovano incongruenze imbarazzanti. Per esempio altro elemento che fa notare Chiappero: "Pm a Masiello- a Bari c'era il rischio che non finisse in pareggio? - Risposta di Masiello: "Si c'era". Masiello avrebbe dichiarato di aver detto nell'aerorporto di Bari che erano in nove d'accordo e che volevano 90,000 euro". Se erano in nove Bonucci non c'era. Strano che non ci sia una domanda di accertamento da parte della Procura Federale. Ricompare il riferimento sul possibile accordo con Bonucci in autobus, tracciato come millanteria allo stato puro. Si fa anche notare come Il Pm di Bari, il 21 luglio, come nonostante le indagini, Bonucci non sia indagato da questa procura. Bonucci non e' indagato. Per la procura di Bari e' solo testimone, come può esserlo per quella federale?


16:50 - (This is an update on the the part of 16:50 that i translated earlier so i will continue translating only the new part)

Chiappero reads De Tullio who says : "I have paid only Masiello" . Chiappero also notes how the declarations of Masiello have holes from every side . If we go deep on them there are embarrasing inconsistencies . For example another element that Chiappero notes :
Pm to Masiello -
"At the bari match there was a chance that the match didn't end in a draw ?"
Answer of Masiello :
"Yes there was"
Masiello has declared to have told in the bari airport that there were nine people who knew about it and had agreed and they wanted 90.000 euro . If they were in nine bonucci wasn't there . Strange that there is no question to make sure if he was there from the federal prosecution . The reference of the possibility of the deal with bonucci reappears in the autobus . It is also noted how the Pm of bari , at 21 june , althrough the ongoing investigation , doesn't consider bonucci and he is not investigated . For the prosecution of Bari he is only a testimony , how can he be investigated by the federal prosecution ? "


Chiappero than goes to pepe : "There is no proof of the phone call from Masiello (Salvatore) to Pepe" . To cartella they brag so that they convince him to give the money to masiello (The bragging is refered to pepe's phonecall , so i think it means that masiello bragged about a phonecall that didn't happen to convince him that the match was fixed and to give him the money , since that match how we have seen until now it is still not clear if it was fixed or not)


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2011
18:10- Pepe e Bonucci sono andati verso Salerno, dove giocheranno stasera. I due giocatori non hanno rilasciato dichiarazioni. Ai più sono apparsi tranquilli, consapevoli della loro forza e fiduciosi che la loro verità venga a galla.

18:00- Si e' chiuso da pochissimo il dibattimento, tra poco le parole di Chiappero.

Nel frattempo l'arringa dell'avvocato di Belmonte.

Volendo fare chiarezza. Per la magistratura ordinaria non c'è reato. Bonucci sarebbe solo e soltanto un testimone, per la procura sportiva (che non ha fatto domande approfondite come si nota dagli atti), Bonucci avrebbe fatto illecito. A questo punto la corte dovrà valutare se credere ai pm o a Palazzi.


18:00 - The debate has been closed , in a little we will hear the words of Chiappero .

To make things clear . For the ordinary court there is no crime/offense . Bonucci is simply a testimony , for the sportive prosecution (who hasn't made made deep and clear questions) bonucci has committed illicit . At this point the court has to consider if they will believe The Pm's of Palazzi .

18:10 Pepe and Bonucci going to Salerno , where they will play tonight . Both players have released a statement . They seemed calm and aware of their streinght and faithful that the truth would come out .



Oct 28, 2010
I have been following the trial of Bonucci and Pepe on, with the live updates, and it seems that Palazzi has requested many breaks today, as he keeps trying to reach plea agreements with our 2 players - and Bonucci and Pepe have rejected each offer. This looks like a real indication that Palazzi is just now realizing the weakness of his case. If this is true that he didn't understand until now how flimsy his case was then that shows either he was grossly unprepared to try this matter in court OR that he was blinded by his personal agenda and let his personal feelings interfere with his job. Either way, I am hopeful of a good result.
Really hope that's the case. I hope that motherfucker is exposed.

"Tribal laws" :lol:

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