Andrea "Il Bruco Brutto" Agnelli (49 Viewers)


Senior Member
Mar 19, 2015
Don't know what's more disappointing: this spectacular failure of the project AA has been focusing on for many years (instead of Juventus), or the way it happened. I mean, Perez was the mastermind behind this idea, but it's Agnelli who ended up being a scapegoat publicly humiliated by a clown Ceferin. He's either too naive or not very smart, both options are equally bad for his position.


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2015
the whole stuff looks better than those quotes taken out of context. still, it's a giant failure. i actually feel sorry for him as he's been let down by the english clubs very badly. time to rethink his strategy.

Agnelli: 'UEFA and FIFA face no economic risks'
By Football Italia staff

Andrea Agnelli claimed FIFA and UEFA are not facing any economic risks and suggested he is firmly at the helm of Juventus.
The interviews with Il Corriere dello Sport and Repubblica were given before the news that all six English clubs – Manchester City, Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester United, Liverpool and Tottenham – had pulled out of the Super League.
"We didn't threaten anyone, we still want to participate in the domestic competitions. The tradition of football lies in the domestic championships. Fans are important to us and must have the chance to come to the stadium every Sunday," Agnelli said.
"The bonus of €350m per year is fake. We are still involved in domestic competitions, and we will play in every stadium in Italy, Spain and England. Every week, we'll give the fans the league's games and the games of a new competition that will bring closer the younger generations who are moving away from football.
"The younger ones want to watch significant events. They are not as attached to domestic competition as the previous generations, including mine. A third of the fans worldwide follow the Super League clubs, the 10per cent follows footballers, not clubs, and the most worrying stat is that those between 16 and 24 years old have no interest in football whatsoever.
"The Super League simulates what young people do on digital platforms in competition with Call of Duty, FIFA or Fortnite," he continued.
On Monday night, Real Madrid President Florentino Perez said the Super League would save football.
"Football is experiencing a huge crisis of appeal to the new generations and the pandemic has accelerated the process," Agnelli claimed.
"We don't fear isolation. I fear much more a monopoly that prevents clubs and players from exercising their freedom under the EU Treaty. We must get out of this monopoly situation.
"We trust our initiative and we believe it will succeed in the short term. The dialogue with European institutions is open, we are exercising the freedom provided by the EU treaty.
"We wrote a letter to FIFA and UEFA Presidents to open a dialogue, the Super League goes ahead, if they offer us something, we'll evaluate it.
"For almost ten years, I have been working in international sports institutions that control competitions, with a de facto monopoly, without bearing any economic risk.
"Clubs are the only ones facing economic risks. I couldn't make them [UEFA] understand how high the financial risk is for clubs that generate value for all football stakeholders. Or maybe they never wanted to understand it, we'll try to reach an agreement with FIFA and UEFA," he insisted.
"I think they have not understood the impact of the pandemic in the world of football. UEFA is an institution that has no economic risk in the industry it regulates and with which it competes, it is important to underline this conflict of interest.
"UEFA manages and sells our rights without facing any economic risk and is a rival of us. FIFA and UEFA make big profits with our players, but they didn't help us in times of crisis. They must choose if they want to be regulators or commercial promoters."
Inter and Milan had initially agreed to join the project, but withdrew last night, leaving Juventus alone with three La Liga clubs.
"The agreements with Inter and Milan have been natural, the relationship with Marotta has always been a good one," Agnelli said.
"We lived amazing years together. Now, I can't confirm JP Morgan called Napoli, the board will decide if there will be space for other Italian clubs.
"We are creating the most beautiful project in the world and this reassures me. I am concerned about the populism that hinders dialogue on this initiative.”
Juventus coach Andrea Pirlo revealed Agnelli talked about the Super League with his players.
"The players wanted to know when the competition would begin. They don't fear they won't be able to play for their national teams again. I am firmly at the helm of Juventus, who says the contrary brings me good luck,” Agnelli concluded.


Senior Member
May 17, 2019
"I am concerned about the populism that hinders dialogue on this initiative.”

There hardly has been any dialogue, all the SL initiators are hiding in their offices and their zoom meetings waiting for it all to blow over, there was almost no public pushback from their side as the project was publicly beaten to death in 2 days..

That's the part Agnelli should be concerned about, populism is always going to be part of the equation.


Livin with Mediocre
Mar 29, 2006
the whole stuff looks better than those quotes taken out of context. still, it's a giant failure. i actually feel sorry for him as he's been let down by the english clubs very badly. time to rethink his strategy.

Agnelli: 'UEFA and FIFA face no economic risks'
By Football Italia staff


Andrea Agnelli claimed FIFA and UEFA are not facing any economic risks and suggested he is firmly at the helm of Juventus.
The interviews with Il Corriere dello Sport and Repubblica were given before the news that all six English clubs – Manchester City, Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester United, Liverpool and Tottenham – had pulled out of the Super League.
"We didn't threaten anyone, we still want to participate in the domestic competitions. The tradition of football lies in the domestic championships. Fans are important to us and must have the chance to come to the stadium every Sunday," Agnelli said.
"The bonus of €350m per year is fake. We are still involved in domestic competitions, and we will play in every stadium in Italy, Spain and England. Every week, we'll give the fans the league's games and the games of a new competition that will bring closer the younger generations who are moving away from football.
"The younger ones want to watch significant events. They are not as attached to domestic competition as the previous generations, including mine. A third of the fans worldwide follow the Super League clubs, the 10per cent follows footballers, not clubs, and the most worrying stat is that those between 16 and 24 years old have no interest in football whatsoever.
"The Super League simulates what young people do on digital platforms in competition with Call of Duty, FIFA or Fortnite," he continued.
On Monday night, Real Madrid President Florentino Perez said the Super League would save football.
"Football is experiencing a huge crisis of appeal to the new generations and the pandemic has accelerated the process," Agnelli claimed.
"We don't fear isolation. I fear much more a monopoly that prevents clubs and players from exercising their freedom under the EU Treaty. We must get out of this monopoly situation.
"We trust our initiative and we believe it will succeed in the short term. The dialogue with European institutions is open, we are exercising the freedom provided by the EU treaty.
"We wrote a letter to FIFA and UEFA Presidents to open a dialogue, the Super League goes ahead, if they offer us something, we'll evaluate it.
"For almost ten years, I have been working in international sports institutions that control competitions, with a de facto monopoly, without bearing any economic risk.
"Clubs are the only ones facing economic risks. I couldn't make them [UEFA] understand how high the financial risk is for clubs that generate value for all football stakeholders. Or maybe they never wanted to understand it, we'll try to reach an agreement with FIFA and UEFA," he insisted.
"I think they have not understood the impact of the pandemic in the world of football. UEFA is an institution that has no economic risk in the industry it regulates and with which it competes, it is important to underline this conflict of interest.
"UEFA manages and sells our rights without facing any economic risk and is a rival of us. FIFA and UEFA make big profits with our players, but they didn't help us in times of crisis. They must choose if they want to be regulators or commercial promoters."
Inter and Milan had initially agreed to join the project, but withdrew last night, leaving Juventus alone with three La Liga clubs.
"The agreements with Inter and Milan have been natural, the relationship with Marotta has always been a good one," Agnelli said.
"We lived amazing years together. Now, I can't confirm JP Morgan called Napoli, the board will decide if there will be space for other Italian clubs.
"We are creating the most beautiful project in the world and this reassures me. I am concerned about the populism that hinders dialogue on this initiative.”
Juventus coach Andrea Pirlo revealed Agnelli talked about the Super League with his players.
"The players wanted to know when the competition would begin. They don't fear they won't be able to play for their national teams again. I am firmly at the helm of Juventus, who says the contrary brings me good luck,” Agnelli concluded.
FFS whoever came out with the 350m and how we wanted to separate from our leagues has really won. Disinformation and Malinformation were both used by the media to screw him, and SL. Never mess with the media, but really wish the actual facts were brought out then and there as it's all too late now. :-(


Second coolest member!
Apr 5, 2006
FFS whoever came out with the 350m and how we wanted to separate from our leagues has really won. Disinformation and Malinformation were both used by the media to screw him, and SL. Never mess with the media, but really wish the actual facts were brought out then and there as it's all too late now. :-(
Today it is so easy to manipulate public opinion is actually scarry. Boris Jhonson used blatant lies stuck on the side of every public bus to scare British people and make them vote YES for Brexit. This comes to mind first.


Senior Member
May 6, 2012
“I’ve never regretted signing Cristiano Ronaldo, if I could go back in time, I will do it again, and I have no regrets about Andrea Pirlo either,” he said.

He is too stuborn to admit his mistakes, doubling down instead. He's gotta go.


May 27, 2007
I don't think our bad decisions over the past 2-3 years were bad because Agnelli focused on SL. He built a whole team around him. Even if Agnelli had more free time, nothing would have changed, because he wouldn't lecture the coach nor he would be there to motivate the team. Other people invooved at the club do that. We made wrong moves with Paratici and our coaches. Those were wrong calls, but it's not like we wouldn't see those moves if Agnelli had more time on his hands. Those were just bad moves. Even in companies you see wrong people coming for certain position, you get to see them reppaced eventually. But you don't ever see boss of that company stepping down, not as long as there's profit coming.

SL thing was/is painfully bad excecuted, possibly idea overall. But asking for his head is wrong imo. Like always, people remember only negative things, everyone forgets how shit we were. It was Agnelli who shaped everything and turned us into success over the years.

Him having less respect among elites is nonsense imo. He's not the only one there but plenty. Also, who the fuck cares what others think of us? It's not like everyone loved us before. You bring respect by winning and being a force in what you do. Agnelli should keep running the bussiness without a doubt imo. Focus on fixing things and just keep going.

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