Andrea "Il Bruco Brutto" Agnelli (110 Viewers)


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
I cant honestly believe I read couple of pages of bitching about how unclassy/unworthy Agnelli is for celebrating too much after a much awaited scudetto :howler: What an unclassy tard, he was just singing and toasting "siamo noi, campione di'italia siamo noi" too much :lol:

Badass J Elkann

It's time to go!!
Feb 12, 2006
I cant honestly believe I read couple of pages of bitching about how unclassy/unworthy Agnelli is for celebrating too much after a much awaited scudetto :howler: What an unclassy tard, he was just singing and toasting "siamo noi, campione di'italia siamo noi" too much :lol:
honestly im not bothered whether he was drunk, or happily partying, he has every right to. like Andrea Agnelli us fans are also the face of the club, we represent the club, everything that gets chanted be it good or bad will reflect back on the club as a whole, so if the president wants to get drunk cause he is celebrating the team's victory that is fine with me, he has reason to, it's not like he is a known alcoholic


Livin with Mediocre
Mar 29, 2006
My three cents.

Andrea's always expressed how much of a Juve fan he is and whilst he went overboard, I dont see what crime he has done. Theres way too much hatred for the guy all because of what he did to DP. In terms of what his achieved then lets not get forget his achieved greatness by winning us a scudetto. Yes not personally him but if it wasnt for him being president we wouldnt have had got Conte and so on. His stance against our unfair treatment of calciopoli has been solid. Whilst many clubs have presidents who dont give a shit about the club, we have someone who does. We should be proud of that, how he acts is a different thing and depends on how you see it. I personally think he acted like a drunken fan, maybe something many of us would have ended up being if we were the president. Dont care how he looks or what he might do in celebration, as long as he loves the club and always looks out for it and helps to make our rivals tremble then Forza Andrea. Uno di Noi


Sep 23, 2003
Seriously. Most of the time we've been bitching and moaning how Andrea Agnelli doesn't give a rat's ass about Juve.

If anything, his getting publicly loaded altered that view a little for me. :heart:


Senior Member
May 26, 2009
He's a fairly young man, regardless of his position and the pretenses of decorum and "class" (the irony of certain segments of the forum bashing him for the absence of this particular quality is overwhelming) he's supposed to maintain. That, and he unquestionably loves the club.

I think it's great that he let loose with the fans. Humanises him, at least in my eyes. I'd take an Agnelli getting wasted in celebration rather than some stuffed shirt thinking he's above it all.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2005
OMG i just read the past few pages :lol2: Is sheik doing this in every thread? :D

Sheik, you gotta get laid man! First the Del piero thread then the giovinco thread and now this :D Didja snap or something?
Apr 15, 2006
WΏΏdy;3677433 said:
OMG i just read the past few pages :lol2: Is sheik doing this in every thread? :D

Sheik, you gotta get laid man! First the Del piero thread then the giovinco thread and now this :D Didja snap or something?
Well what are you waiting for? Come to Bangalore and well make sexy time! :flirt:


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2005
You're scaring me with your recent revolution :D seeing i do everything that you are mobilising against.

Imma get you drunk and make you say fuck Agnelli and Fuck giovinco on video.
Mar 30, 2006
You know, Andrea got a little loaded in public, which Gianni wouldn't have done. Not cool, but it's not like the guy started shouting insults and dropped his pants.

Meanwhile, if Lapo did what Andrea did, it would probably get the reaction, "Oh, no big deal. At least it wasn't him doing lines of coke with a naked tranny again."
I have read in magazines (Esquire and Time) that Gianni in his younger days used to party with the best of them and was a bit of a wild one who used to like to bed celebrities. I dont know how true those accounts are, but I dont see anything wrong with a bit of partying and fun if you are young and doing well in your career. Welldone to Andrea for bringing success to Juventus so quickly.. he deserves to go nuts celebrating. A president his age winning the title is a rare thing in football.

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