Amauri "The Immovable Object" Carvalho de Oliveira (97 Viewers)


Senior Member
Mar 9, 2006

Amauri: «Operation come-back»
«After a year like the one which just passed there is a great will to start from scratch and work to have a different sort of season». The message sent by Amauri to the press in Pinzolo is clear: the team and himself personally reflect a great will to come-back because what happened last season left its mark. «The supporters cannot be happy with me for last season and I am not happy either – continued the striker. It had been a while since I had such a bad season. I am indebted with the supporters and the club and must make up».

The reasons for the difficulties encountered last season are clear to Amauri: «I had the wrong mentality. I am self-critical and I did not repeat the things I did during the first season. These are small details which at the end leave their effect. Whether the ball was hot? It was less hot for me because I did not really touch it. Champions, however must see their responsibility and this perhaps is what I lacked».

Asked whether his performance might have been effected by the rumours of a possible call-up to the national team: «A lot was said. I liked certain things and didn’t like others.I could have made it to the World Cup and I didn’t because it was my fault and because of the bad season. It was certainly not one of the best World Cups for Italy but I still would have liked to be there. There is still time, however, and I know where I can get. If I were to say that my first thought is about the national team, however, I would be lying. My first objective is to train well with Juve. If there is the opportunity, now that I am Italian, I will be the happiest man in the world, but at the moment I am not thinking neither of Brazil nor Italy but only of getting back to being the Amauri who joined Juve and left a good impression».

With regards to the transfer rumours which at the end of the championship saw the possibility of him being transferred, Amauri said: «I am in a great team and I never thought of leaving. I want to stay here and show my worth. I came here to win. This has not happened up to now but the will is the same».

Another player in search of a come-back is Diego, who has a great relationship with Amauri: «This year I can see that everyone wants to make up, including Diego. If he will be playing as forward? He has already been fielded as a forward in the past and also as a midfielder. He is a versatile player. He is not a striker because he is not capable of heading the ball like me», he concluded while smiling.

The subject concerning the Brazilian players also saw Amauri being asked about Felipe Melo and the difficulties encountered by the Juve midfielder during the World Cup: «Instead of speaking so much of him we should be helping him because he is a great guy. He had a difficult season with Juve and had difficulties during the last World Cup match, a tournament in which he started-off well. He must be more tranquil, analyze what he did this season and when he returns we will have to give him a helping hand because he needs and deserves it. I want to stress this because it is not only my personal thought but that of the whole team».

In the last few days much has been said of the transfer market and the possible signings for the forward line: «It is not a problem – stressed Amauri -. I think of myself and I know I could compete with anyone».

This year, Amauri is reunited with Del Neri, a coach with whom he worked at Chievo: «The mentality is the same and in fact we have already started working on specific areas. What striker me most about this coach is that he only fields who is in the best condition. It will be up to me to create difficulties for him. His scheme favours the strikers and for me, a penalty area player who needs crosses, this is good».

Finally, with regards to the objectives of the coming season, Amauri stated: «In the past nobody spoke of the scudetto at Juve and the team used to win it. I will do the same things: I will not speak of scudetto and we’ll see if this rule is respected. We have players capable of doing well. Let us play this season and we’ll just wait and see».

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Disciple of Gonzo
Feb 11, 2009
I'm sure he'll make a comeback , when he's on form , the man is like a mini-drogba

i HOPE he finds some form this season, IF he does indeed stay with us...but as for comparing him to drogba. Its a joke. Amauri's main strength is his heading. Drogba is superior on that score. When it comes to using the feet, shot technique...its like comparing a 90 year old one legged hag, with a gladiator.


Disciple of Gonzo
Feb 11, 2009
gladiators shot the ball well?
its a comparison of english, we use various parallals and similes to denote contrasting positions, such as 'chalk and cheese'...'the faint squeal of a mouse on a praire of 1000 wolf cubs howling in unison'. The point is that one element seems massively stronger than the other. I had assumed that other languages did the same...though perhaps your native tongue, deneb, does not.


Apr 14, 2005
its a comparison of english, we use various parallals and similes to denote contrasting positions, such as 'chalk and cheese'...'the faint squeal of a mouse on a praire of 1000 wolf cubs howling in unison'. The point is that one element seems massively stronger than the other. I had assumed that other languages did the same...though perhaps your native tongue, deneb, does not.
actually neither one of those examples were similes, and my native language is not pedant so yes it's not part of it. And despite your wildest efforts to explain your figure of speech you fall short as this here is an implied analogy: metaphore.


Disciple of Gonzo
Feb 11, 2009
actually neither one of those examples were similes, and my native language is not pedant so yes it's not part of it. And despite your wildest efforts to explain your figure of speech you fall short as this here is an implied analogy: metaphore.
I was trying to do you a favour, deneb, but you have responded with obvious spite...I did NOT suggest that either one of my examples was a simile. they are YOUR words, not MINE. And for native english speakers, even the most common of folks, similes are as often used as metaphors. If you seriously consider what i wrote before as my 'wildest efforts' to explain myself, you have grossly underestimated both my love and command of the english language. I was NOt mocking you, in fact, i sincerely believed that your native tongue was south american, likely either spanish or portuguese....I actually believed you hadn't an even useful, let alone proper, grasp of english, as due to reading other posts, I had concluded that you were a south american expert, leading me to believe your native tongue was portuguese or spanish...

If you wish, truly, to be pedantic...then I am certain you mean METAPHOR, not 'metaphore'...which with your spelling, and in light of you attempting to mock, combat, play with, my english skills, simply has no place in the english language...

Why not go for the full house, and join the other retards, and suggest that i have smoked too much weed tonight??? when the reality is that i am stone sober, annoyingly bereft of greenery and solely able to, though not wanton to, consume, smirnoff and fresh orange juice...along with the roast spuds from yesterday, and a lump of topside i overcooked to the status of old boots...

this is the problem with this site. far too many spastic egos...far more interested in themselves, than Juve.


Disciple of Gonzo
Feb 11, 2009
And this exchange, shows so clearly, the problem I have with many elements in this community, for their ego, their online persona, comes first and foremost before any proper debate about juventus....and I find myself embroiled in a voltaile discusssion with a child, who attempts to mock my english when his own english is far below the standard I set for myself...I am far more interested in discussing Amauri, than you, why try to pick my lines to pieces, when if your english is as competent as you suggest, you would clearly, as would any englishman, understand what i was saying initially???? for want of confrontation??? for want of cementing or defending your online persona??? for your ego???? its bullshit.

I would rather just say...Fine, Deneb. What do you think of my suggestion that the comparison of Amauri and Drogba, is like comparing someone incredibly strong, let say hercules...with someone exceptionally, physically, wee herman???


Apr 14, 2005
actually the only one taking this to heart is you, the only ego that's too big for juventuz and us lowly members is yours. You fucked up, get over it. oh :D and i dont care what you drink or smoke. As for me, spelling metaphor wrong you re gonna have to forgive the fact that i have a life and a job that takes precedence over correcting typos and kitsch sentence embellishment, but hey at the very least i know the meaning of that which i type ;) cheers


Disciple of Gonzo
Feb 11, 2009
actually the only one taking this to heart is you, the only ego that's too big for juventuz and us lowly members is yours. You fucked up, get over it. oh :D and i dont care what you drink or smoke. As for me, spelling metaphor wrong you re gonna have to forgive the fact that i have a life and a job that takes precedence over correcting typos and kitsch sentence embellishment, but hey at the very least i know the meaning of that which i type ;) cheers
my dear deneb, i only 'fucked up' by allowing myself to bite at your smarm drenched comments...and well, sometimes I guess, when I have danced with the vodka vixen too deep into the darkness of these cold wintery nights, I lose myself somewhat...and express myself with Feeling and very little reason. No harm done, Dickens...all is forgiven now.:rndh:


Moggi's Assistant
Jun 1, 2010
my dear deneb, i only 'fucked up' by allowing myself to bite at your smarm drenched comments...and well, sometimes I guess, when I have danced with the vodka vixen too deep into the darkness of these cold wintery nights, I lose myself somewhat...and express myself with Feeling and very little reason. No harm done, Dickens...all is forgiven now.:rndh:
hey! I'm black I take offence to that emoticon!


Apr 14, 2005
hey! I'm black I take offence to that emoticon!

say it loud! i m black and i m proud!

my dear deneb, i only 'fucked up' by allowing myself to bite at your smarm drenched comments...and well, sometimes I guess, when I have danced with the vodka vixen too deep into the darkness of these cold wintery nights, I lose myself somewhat...and express myself with Feeling and very little reason. No harm done, Dickens...all is forgiven now.:rndh:
try absinthe

Now now gents, let's focus on the true enemy of our language, American spelling.

It's Colour :andy2:

rightio neighbor!


Must be patient
Nov 13, 2008
Brazilian-born Italian striker Amauri (30) is set to start his third season at Juventus and stated today : "I want to redeem myself from last season, which was terrible for me and the club. I am ready and highly motivated to do much better. I am looking forward to impress everyone, especially some fans and journalists who wanted me out of Juventus. .... I hope to score at least 20 goals in the upcoming new season. .... I know our new coach Luigi Del Neri, we worked together at Chievo in 2003 and he gave me the opportunity to debut in Serie A then".

Sure sure buddy


Disciple of Gonzo
Feb 11, 2009
try absinthe

I got bang into the Green Fairy routine last year...Just a month or three, which proved long enough to cost me my relationship with an english harlot, almost my job, and 2/3rd of my liver. Interesting liquor. And whilst drunk with a dash of hot water, with the sugar on spoon, burned into the mix, is a pleasant comes nowhere near the potency of straight absinthe, mixed with a double vodk and coke. the flavours and sugar and alcohol, marry so perfectly. I liked nothing better, last year, during this traumatic period of self destruction, than donning top hat and blazer, waltzing into a bar, slammin my tiny fist on the counter and demanding 'one fuckacino, at the double, barman', to the bar lady...nobody laughed, but me. I can still see my ex harlot, from the corner of my eye, observing such showmanship on my part, with barely feigned contempt and digust...I should have scalped that bitch when I had the chance.

forza amauri!
Mar 24, 2006
Brazilian-born Italian striker Amauri (30) is set to start his third season at Juventus and stated today : "I want to redeem myself from last season, which was terrible for me and the club. I am ready and highly motivated to do much better. I am looking forward to impress everyone, especially some fans and journalists who wanted me out of Juventus. .... I hope to score at least 20 goals in the upcoming new season. .... I know our new coach Luigi Del Neri, we worked together at Chievo in 2003 and he gave me the opportunity to debut in Serie A then".

Sure sure buddy
Fine , he is going to stay with us for another season , he should do better this year under right coach but definitely not as a starter .


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
cant do much worse than he did last season. but del neri knows how to get the best out of him and i reckon he can be useful, but not a starter. The needs to decide which striker to keep out of the 3, trez, IQ and him. if it is him, sell the other two and buy dzeko already. keep DP, Diego and giovinco and we have enough support their for them.

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