Aaah, the drama in Rome... (6 Viewers)



Senior Member
Mar 31, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #41
    don't know if it's true or not. I'm reporting only for information sake.

    Today a local radio station reported that an empty bottle of cognac has been recovered in Frisk locker room and the doctor who visited Frisk at Gemelli Hospital affirm that Firsk was drunk and the injury was very very light (at most it required a bandaid). The doctor (and AsRoma) requested a blood test for alchool but Frisk refused (in italy due to privacy rules, you cannot order a blood test if the person don't agree). This radio station reports that some players during the match noted the fact and also that the linesmen before the match asked Frisk "do you feel sick?".

    I don't know if it's true or not. in any case it will not bring any good since there is no proof (even if it would explain frisk behaviour)


    I saw this in roma-forums...

    Buy on

    The Arif

    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
    :LOL: Arif

    My name on their forums is Lippi. :D
    Yeah I know. They banned you two? :D

    Well, I think it has soemthing with my sig, coz it was sooo anti roma, and I don't know what does it mean (it's in italian btw), i just got it from :D


    Senior Member
    Mar 31, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #45
    ++ [ originally posted by Arif ] ++

    If it was posted somewhere else, maybe I'd believe it, but in Roma forums? :howler:
    yeah, same here, I think that it's just funny... :D

    Anyway, I'll check out have they banned me yet...

    The Arif

    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Erkka ] ++

    yeah, same here, I think that it's just funny... :D

    Anyway, I'll check out have they banned me yet...
    and if they didn't, check out page 33 IIRC of Messina - Roma thread, and see if they said something to me. :D


    Senior Member
    Mar 31, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #47
    yeah, they thrashed you straight away... They haven't banned me though... :D


    Senior Member
    Mar 31, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #50
    "Lawdy Clawdy! A Juvemerda fan who has a grip on reality! Che vinca, che perda, la Juve resta merda . . .
    Now go home and stop cluttering up our forum with your pish"

    "well, Simon, unfortunately rubentini are not that wise. I confess it was me to edit it's post. I know it's not fair but i did it only because i cannot edit his signature, which (for the ones who cannot understand italian) it's very offensive for asroma and for us romans in general.

    This is just a confirmation that there aren't good rubentini. I just PM to webmaster to ask the ban of this bastard. i hope it will be the first. the others will follow if they don't behave.


    "Don't be sorry, you did what was right, that Rubentino was insulting our city and team, that is not the type of thing that should be said"

    "This is just a confirmation that there aren't good rubentini. >>

    They really are a disgraceful, despicable group of people. Bravo Zed."

    The Arif

    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Erkka ] ++
    "Lawdy Clawdy! A Juvemerda fan who has a grip on reality! Che vinca, che perda, la Juve resta merda . . .
    Now go home and stop cluttering up our forum with your pish"

    This is just a confirmation that there aren't good rubentini. I just PM to webmaster to ask the ban of this bastard. i hope it will be the first. the others will follow if they don't behave.


    "Don't be sorry, you did what was right, that Rubentino was insulting our city and team, that is not the type of thing that should be said"

    "This is just a confirmation that there aren't good rubentini. >>

    They really are a disgraceful, despicable group of people. Bravo Zed."
    :rofl: suckers

    ++ [ originally posted by Erkka ] ++
    "well, Simon, unfortunately rubentini are not that wise. I confess it was me to edit it's post. I know it's not fair but i did it only because i cannot edit his signature, which (for the ones who cannot understand italian) it's very offensive for asroma and for us romans in general.
    Aww. Poor man. He couldn't edit my sig. :D


    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Erkka ] ++
    "Lawdy Clawdy! A Juvemerda fan who has a grip on reality! Che vinca, che perda, la Juve resta merda . . .
    Now go home and stop cluttering up our forum with your pish"

    "well, Simon, unfortunately rubentini are not that wise. I confess it was me to edit it's post. I know it's not fair but i did it only because i cannot edit his signature, which (for the ones who cannot understand italian) it's very offensive for asroma and for us romans in general.

    This is just a confirmation that there aren't good rubentini. I just PM to webmaster to ask the ban of this bastard. i hope it will be the first. the others will follow if they don't behave.


    "Don't be sorry, you did what was right, that Rubentino was insulting our city and team, that is not the type of thing that should be said"

    "This is just a confirmation that there aren't good rubentini. >>

    They really are a disgraceful, despicable group of people. Bravo Zed."
    :rofl: Bunch of losers.


    New Member
    Sep 25, 2004
    I find it rather amusing that you guys are laughing at the standard of debate on other forums when yours seems to be confined to quoting and insulting with such pearls of wisdom as "bunch of losers". The problem with forums like this is that they are open to abuse, not only by opposing fans like me but by fans of your own team. Over at Roma-Addict we have just had some lunatic making veiled threats of violence against other forum members and spamming the forum with dozens of stupid, spiteful topics and then asking if his ban can be revoked. This guy professes to love Roma but he's messing up our forum. The fact that you guys seem to have time to come across and laugh at us during a period of profound misfortune has led a most members to reject you out of hand - on forums dedicated to one team it's only natural that some will resent the presence of other fans. It's just like being in a bar for a game with supporters of both sides present, except the rules governing behaviour in bars don't apply on the internet so a lot of stupid sh!t keeps happening. You could expect some fair debate in a normal bar, but if a Juve fan walked into a Roma supporters' club in Rome during the Juve-Roma game he would have no right to expect to even be served a drink. It can be fun to trade insults over the internet, but a lot of dumb stuff gets said that would never be said in real life. If you were invited to a Roma fan's house I sincerely hope you wouldn't leave a turd under his pillow, but that's what a lot of you seem to be doing on Roma-Addict. Have some respect.


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    First of all, welcome to the forums Ooft

    ++ [ originally posted by Ooft ] ++
    I find it rather amusing that you guys are laughing at the standard of debate on other forums when yours seems to be confined to quoting and insulting with such pearls of wisdom as "bunch of losers".
    Nobody was laughing at the standard of debate on your forum, and having been there myself, I can say that the laughing matter isn't the standard of debate, but the narrow-mindedness of the community there.

    Of course people are going to be wary to a certain degree when fans of another team join their forum, but it takes two to have a petty argument, and you'd be painting with a thick brush to assume that it was the infidel Juve fan who started by coming out with all guns blazing, insulting and swearing at everyone.

    I registered at roma-addict and posted there a few times myself, and while I received a decent welcome from some members, there were others who basically said "I don't give a toss how well you behave or how sensible your discussions, you're a Juve fan so your presence and comments are rubbish to me". Now I don't know about your personal views or values with regards to fans of rival teams, but I can guarantee you that no fan from an opposing team who's joined juventuz forums has had the doors shut in their face and insults hurled at them simply for their allegiance. In fact, fans from other teams who have intelligent, insightful things to discuss are most welcome here, because it gives us a reality check of what's going on outside the black and white world of football.

    That's why some of our members are pointing and laughing at the community over there; because you guys live in your little Roma world, sniggering and name-calling at rival teams and their fans without even considering for a second that people just may have something intelligent to contribute to a discussion, and that not every fan of a rival team is there to laugh at your team. Some of the members I've talked to in my short time at your forums have been genuinely pleasant to talk to, because they understand that there are opposition fans who just want to discuss football. On the other hand, you have an unfortunate group of people who just want to close their eyes, yell "FORZA ROMA. RUBENTUS MERDA", without stopping for a second to construct a logical argument, simply because the person on the other side supports a different football team. It's really sad.


    New Member
    Sep 25, 2004
    The main problem is your timing. We've never heard from any of you until the manager who won us our third Scudetto and one of our true fuoriclasse players (I think you know I'm not talking about Zebina) move to Juve in controversial circumstances, our replacement manager leaves and we start dropping points while you carry on merrily winning all your games. Of course you're going to get a hostile reaction from many people because no matter what your intentions it appears as though you have simply visited our forum to rub salt in our wounds. Then when your less reasonable brethren start following en masse and posting lowbrow insults it looks like an orchestrated movement by members of this forum. In other circumstances you may have been made welcome by more of our members but the fact that you chose to visit after the rivalry between Roma and Juve really heated up . . . I think you should have known what you were in for. I don't think it's fair to say criticise our "little Roma world" when you chose a particularly sensitive time to enter it. I'm sure I won't be welcome here on March 7 if we have taken six points off you in our two meetings and ended your title tilt. . . . okay, I know that's not likely to happen, but you guys would be smarting if it did and nothing I could say or do would stop me from getting roundly abused on this forum.
    Jan 7, 2004
    ++ [ originally posted by Ooft ] ++
    The main problem is your timing. We've never heard from any of you until the manager who won us our third Scudetto and one of our true fuoriclasse players (I think you know I'm not talking about Zebina) move to Juve in controversial circumstances, our replacement manager leaves and we start dropping points while you carry on merrily winning all your games. Of course you're going to get a hostile reaction from many people because no matter what your intentions it appears as though you have simply visited our forum to rub salt in our wounds. Then when your less reasonable brethren start following en masse and posting lowbrow insults it looks like an orchestrated movement by members of this forum. In other circumstances you may have been made welcome by more of our members but the fact that you chose to visit after the rivalry between Roma and Juve really heated up . . . I think you should have known what you were in for. I don't think it's fair to say criticise our "little Roma world" when you chose a particularly sensitive time to enter it. I'm sure I won't be welcome here on March 7 if we have taken six points off you in our two meetings and ended your title tilt. . . . okay, I know that's not likely to happen, but you guys would be smarting if it did and nothing I could say or do would stop me from getting roundly abused on this forum.

    Welcome. I am one of those who didnt bother joining the forum.

    you talk about timing. when did you expect us to "come" when juve lost 4-0 to roma ? when juve was conceeding 4 goals from lecce ?

    secondly talk about "controvercial" buying. MEXES anyone ?

    the main difference between Juve and Roma is that (well except the managment that sent you guys in so much debt) is that juve fans havent been heard lately to cause trouble.


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Ooft ] ++
    The main problem is your timing. We've never heard from any of you until the manager who won us our third Scudetto and one of our true fuoriclasse players (I think you know I'm not talking about Zebina) move to Juve in controversial circumstances, our replacement manager leaves and we start dropping points while you carry on merrily winning all your games. Of course you're going to get a hostile reaction from many people because no matter what your intentions it appears as though you have simply visited our forum to rub salt in our wounds.
    You make a good point about the timing, but I guess it was a natural order of events that some people visited your forum to, let's face it, make fun of you guys. They then posted the link to your forums here, inviting everyone else to come and join in the fun. Now I'm not trying to justify the actions of anyone who visited Roma-Addict simply to mock Roma fans, in fact I think it's disgusting to degrade people in the name of football, and I understand that there's going to be a naturally hostile reaction to opposition fans, but to make a generalisation based on a handful of examples isn't fair IMO.

    Now I know that nobody's looking to be politically correct or fair in this situation, but I get the feeling that the reaction would have been similar, if not identical, had Juve fans joined in any other situation. I apologise if this is making too much of a generalisation, but the following (made up) quote doesn't seem too out of the question.

    "oooh, look who it is. A pathetic Rubentus fan who wants to join Roma because he's realised that his team suck. Piss off, we don't need gloryhunters like you."
    ++ [ originally posted by Ooft ] ++
    I'm sure I won't be welcome here on March 7 if we have taken six points off you in our two meetings and ended your title tilt. . . . okay, I know that's not likely to happen, but you guys would be smarting if it did and nothing I could say or do would stop me from getting roundly abused on this forum.
    I guess I'll never know until it actually happens, but I'm quite certain that you won't receive as poor a reception as our fans have received over at your forums.

    We have fans of Lazio, Inter and Milan here, and when it comes to direct rivalry, we manage to get some entertainment from the friendly rivalry. One of our more prominent Laziali members here was around when they pipped us for the scudetto, and constantly pokes fun at us for losing to Lazio all the time, but I don't see anybody taking it personally and telling that member to go f*** themselves.

    You're probably right that the timing was a lot worse in this situation, and I understand the sensitivity of the situation at hand, but I can't seem to convince myself that the welcome would have been any warmer had the situations of the two teams in question been reversed

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