A Pathetic democracy!!! (1 Viewer)

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Crusader of Justice
Jul 28, 2005
How come its always innocent israelis? you never said anything about innocent palestinians being targets. It gets on my nerves when people talk about things they have no clue about. Even proffesors here in the U.S are saying about exaggeration of the holocaust. The media does a good job of giving their people the mushroom treatment-feed them shit and keep them in the dark.

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Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Juve_Kosova said:
I think it is brainwashed to blow up yourself for someone, or something, not to add the killing the innocents with it..


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
scorpion10 said:
Out of the whole article you only understood the part about having 10 children. I know times have changed and having many children isnt possible but the whole point of me posting this thing is about the zionism and the racism that people seem to ignore.
I used the children issue as an example. I could dissect the whole article, but I'm not going to. This is juventuz.com and nobody would pay much attention to it.

Racism people seem to ignore? Indeed. The article was drenched in it, yet you hailed it..?


Dec 16, 2003
Tom said:
Its VERY high in fact, I'd wager much more so than your own in any case. Yes, I do happen to believe that arabs (not all, but more than you are willing to concede) are willing to blow themselves up in the name of allah
Saying more than we are willing to concede is somehow lame. Again, thats not the right Image you're taking it about Arabs. Though I have to admit that they've putting us down with some acts that they've done. It's true that they do blow themselves in the name of Allah(Believing they'll be in heaven). And as I said being "Religion Fanatic" is ONE of the reasons. But also not to forget on the other hand that you should try to make little re-search and see what could be the reason they're doing this.

I'd also like to know from you If the Vietnamese and Japanese and many other countries that passed during war were blowing themselves in name of allah....

People go on about how its a peaceful religion but there's only so many times thats going to wash. Its the ONLY religion where this happens, the minute anyone criticises the religion and you're all up in arms demanding sacrifices!
I don't believe "peaceful" is found in any religious book. History has proven that.

Though I'm Lebanese 100 times before I'll ever call myself Arab you're still taking this Image about Arabs that they always carry bombs with them and whenever you go you might get killed and that they're full of washed up minds...

The thing is that If you should know what's the INSIDE before you judge on the outside, I bet you wouldn't be saying the same things you're saying now, No offence to anyone but I doubt in anyother place you can find, kind people with good heart that are always willing to welcome you no matter what nationality you are no matter where you coming from what relg you are. Thats how you should think about them because thats a Fact....Thinking they carry guns always and TNT is pathetic. Though I can't deny there ARE lots of Terror groups....And yes groups....

If you ask me the world would be a much much btter place without Islam, terrorism would be virtually annulled and people might just be able to get along. Its ridiculous really how a load of teachings with no grounding in reality can inspire such hatred and stupidity. Thats life I guess
Thats harsh If you ask me.

Following your way, Life would be also better without {Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and etc).....

And just to open your eyes...In Islam world they don't take you to school where the teacher comes inside with her hands full of Bombs and Bullets teaching you how to hold a gun and etc....No offence but It seems that Media has been washing up ppl's mind.


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
hambon said:
Those are some very bold statements Tommy Boy, i take it you have Phd in political science with all those unbiased facts and Pin point history....how old are you by the way....is it past your bedtime??

I dont have time now to give you any facts and history...but i will comment on those ill thought out words....mabey you should stick to the house & trance thread like altair said....because obviously you are a very narrow minded biased person when it comes to stereotyping Arabs (blowing them selves up) and for relegion in general....at least Erik,Ze tahir,mikhail,Altair....have all brought forth facts and true history not just outrageous comments like that. Please my friend do not insult religions with that ease. And i dont just mean islam...any other religion for that fact....these are the beliefs of people and should be respected and not steretyped....not all muslims are arab you know...do some more reading before you come up with things from thin air......:disagree:

These type of comments got your friend Seven banned.....i know you probably dont mean any harm.....but when it comes to any religious talks there must be respect.....
Alright then, if what I was aying was all tripe then where's the proof that allah, mohammed or whoever else actually existed? I'm not insulting them, its an opinion. I think that these religions have no basis in reality and are all entirely made up. Thats not an insult, its an opinion, which i think you'll find cannot be contradicted by any evidence whatsoever.


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
Zé Tahir said:
You seem like you know your shit. Please forgive me and accept my rebirth, for I have been blind for the past 21 years

:shifty: :shifty:
Its your decision, but I think you'll find atheism has many perks. For one you can shag whoever you want and for two you can get trolleyed whenever you want. Sweet!
May 4, 2004
Tom said:
way to justify blowing yourself up.. :toast:

For some people YES IT IS.. And i can only agree on what there doing.. When u dont have any other options, then blowing yourself up for thoes things can be the only thing that might work.. I dont blame the people who does it, as it shows what they will do for there country, freedom etc....
I only have RESPECT for thoes people..!
May 4, 2004
snoop said:
I think it is brainwashed to blow up yourself for someone, or something, not to add the killing the innocents with it..
Well thats how u see it.. But they dont have other options.. What can they do?
ohhh yeah, they can throw stones while israel are using f16, tanks etc...!!!!


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
Juve_Kosova said:
For some people YES IT IS.. And i can only agree on what there doing.. When u dont have any other options, then blowing yourself up for thoes things can be the only thing that might work.. I dont blame the people who does it, as it shows what they will do for there country, freedom etc....
I only have RESPECT for thoes people..!
What the fuck?! ARREST THIS MAN!! :shocked: :eyepatch:


The Linuxologist
Dec 24, 2004
Tom said:
way to justify blowing yourself up.. :toast:
Tom, you are living in a country that people have rights, you know whats for you and whats against you. You are sitting in ur plush seat and having it easy ( I am having it easy also). But neither you or me have the right or the proper understanding of the mental state of a man who his wife is raped, his children maimed, and his farm burnt down. Niether you or I could possibly fathom the mental state a person would be in with such autrocities. Desperate men do desperate things...even you know that.


Sabet is a nasty virgin
Oct 2, 2001
Juve_Kosova said:
Well thats how u see it.. But they dont have other options.. What can they do?
ohhh yeah, they can throw stones while israel are using f16, tanks etc...!!!!

still I woudn't do such a thing, maybe because I am not a fanatic of anything, country, religion , people, race etc..


Sep 23, 2003
Man, I think the saddest part of this is that we have entire societies that measure their self-worth by their own perceived level of victimization. One of the biggest head-butts I see in the Middle East is that a lot of Israeli identity has gotten caught up in Jews being the world's whipping boys. Then you get Palestinians who have their own legitimate argument for how many of their own kind have been treated with the same persecution at the hands of these so called victims.

What you get is almost this escalation of victimhood... "My people have been slighted and suffered more than you" horse crap. That mentality is always destructive for all parties involved. It's negative, self-defeating, combative, and dwells in a very hopeless state. IMO, it's that attitude that is one of the many things that is holding back the economic and social advancement of some races in the U.S. even.

What really interests me is how issues of past offenses and crimes against humanity were handled in places like South Africa, Rwanda, etc. (To some extent, and some there can correct me, I believe this is happening in parts of the former Yugoslavia.) In many of these places, people have taken the approach that the only way for everyone to get past things and move to a better place is to acknowledge the past but to move on. Rather than prosecute all the war criminals, there's almost a cathartic renewal of the social consciousness by acknowledging and trying to move on past grudges and old, built-up animosities.

It's hard to forgive, and it sounds too simplistic to do so because it's very difficult. But some places are doing it and, IMO, succeeding because of it. I don't know if something like that is a feasible answer in Palestine and Israel. But there are examples in the world to prove that the situation isn't completely futile and hopeless for humanity.


Apr 14, 2005
Erik said:
ETA, the Balkan wars and even the IRA have little to do with religion. Religion might be an aspect those cases but was never the driving force. The IRA's main goal is the unification of the Irish island as I recall. ETA wishes to establish their own state and the Balkan wars were mostly about ethnicity and independence.

And Bin Laden's main goal is to get the american forces out of the peninsula, whats your point?


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Altair said:
Erik said:
ETA, the Balkan wars and even the IRA have little to do with religion. Religion might be an aspect those cases but was never the driving force. The IRA's main goal is the unification of the Irish island as I recall. ETA wishes to establish their own state and the Balkan wars were mostly about ethnicity and independence.

And Bin Laden's main goal is to get the american forces out of the peninsula, whats your point?

Too bad hes a coward.


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
Altair said:
And Bin Laden's main goal is to get the american forces out of the peninsula, whats your point?
I would argue Bin Laden's motives are strongly religious and I base my opinion on what I know of that particular part of history. His strong involvement in the Soviet-Afghan war was frequently marked by religious statements indicating he saw it as a war of Muslims vs Atheists (the Soviet regime being famous for denouncing all religions). His tolerance of American involvement in the Middle East in that time (think in terms of helping Saddam Hussain maintain his position) was quite likely based on a situation where he realised help was needed and where he chose to side with the lesser of two evils. The atheist Soviets clearly being worse than the Christian Americans, who at least believed in the same God, be it that they followed a different prophecy.

When the Soviet empire collapsed, Bin Laden adopted a new strategy in order to bring (his version of) Islam to absolute power. The atheists (Soviets) were now defeated, the next step was to defeat the last remaining superpower not directly on the side of Muslims; Christian America. I would base that on his outings, which focus on a very strong religious foundation to his struggles and declared wars, as opposed to outings of a very different kind made by European terrorist organisations such as ETA. In other words: where ETA would use words such as 'oppressed', Bin Laden would be more eager to use terms along the lines of 'oppressed Muslims'.

Said verbalisations lead me to conclude that Bin Laden's convictions are based upon religious convinctions, as opposed to convictions found in ETA, the IRA and other European organisations that would never make more of religion than just one of many aspects of their struggle, instead of the single fundamental aspect.

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
All these arguments are pointless, because at the end of the day, it's quite obvious that anyone who is trying to whipe out the "non-Muslims" off the face of the earth, whether it be Hamas, Al Qaeda, or Jamaat-e-Islamia, they are all using religion as their tool to win support. And because Islam is not just a religion, but a way of life, it is very close to everyone's heart. So when you have a part of the world where illiteracy, ignorance and backwardness is prevelent, you can convince mass people to do what ever you want.

Islam has existed for more than 1400 years, and is today the youngest and fastest spreading religion in the world. If Islam is this evil religion as it is being made out to look by Muslims themselves and by the West, then please do explain why Jews, Christians, and followers of other religions were allowed to live side by side with the Muslims. Why didn't they expell the Jews from the Middle East? Why weren't they and the Gypsies expelled from Spain? Why were the Christians allowed to share Mosques so they could practice their religion? Why were the Christians given protection from Prophet Muhammad?
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