300 (2 Viewers)


New Member
Mar 17, 2007
I saw 300 the other day, and at first I did not think much of it. However, afterall I searched through the exact written history of the Battle of Thermopylae, my respect for the fim greatly increased. Throughout the whole movie I was worried the details of the greatest battle in history would somehow be distorted and left the theatre pondering its validity. However, while searching through the fine historical marks of the battle it seemed like the director of 300 was very true to the prior accounts of Leonidas and Sparta as a whole.

The battle scenes of this film are everything one could ask for. But I was more concerned with the historical validity of the film, and I'm quite pleased to see that it was fairly on par, taking note of what I have learned of Thermopylae and according to Cronios' account. Afterall, he would be the person to know much of the history.

Overall, I would say this film is by far the best of the year thus far. The dialogue within 300, which coincides with the actual accounts, like Cronios said, is one of my favorite parts of the movie.


Junior Member
Dec 13, 2005
Technically it's not a bad movie. But I want to speak about the sh*t story of Movie that is far away from reality.

This Movie was made and protected by USA to hurt Iranian hearts! Shame on them. And at first shame on ourgovernment and stupid president!

USA government is hurting our emotions. They just say their against the Iran's government and want to release the Iran's People and Iranians are good. But they just say and we don't care about them. It's been proved to us that their much worse than our government.

But let face the truth. Greeks, Chinese, Persians and Romans has built the ancient history. In 2500 years ago Persians had Law written on Stones. Greeks and Romans have made the culture of Europe and Empires like Chinese, Persians and Egyptians have builted the history of the east and the world. But Sorrily in this movie Persians are shown Wild!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's shame! It's a shame!

War was one of the things that used to happen between thes Empires. Chinese to Persians. Persians to India, Greeks to Persians (Alexander), Persians to Egyptians, Romans to Persia(that they caught all the books and science to Europe and it was the start of development in Europe), Arabians to Persia(That made persians to be Muslim), Persians to Greeks(300), Monqols to Persia (that they used to burn everything in their attack) But you should know that it's not a reason that they're wild. In 2500 years ago Persia had Law and a simple Democracy and they cancelled the master/slave system(in time of Great Koorosh). In about 2000 years ago Greeks had people like Plato and they invented Democracy. Egyptians have built that enormous buildings. But in just 400 years ago America was in a wild atmosphere and they hade tha jungle's law!!! The Black was the slave of White. I don't want to say these because NOW they have a good culture. But they shouldn't tell lies to the world.
Gladiator was a really better movie. In that movie Barbers were shown wild and they were wild! But none of persians and spartans and greeks have been wild.

Thank you. And excuse me because of dictation mistakes!


Junior Member
Dec 13, 2005
I saw 300 the other day, and at first I did not think much of it. However, afterall I searched through the exact written history of the Battle of Thermopylae, my respect for the fim greatly increased. Throughout the whole movie I was worried the details of the greatest battle in history would somehow be distorted and left the theatre pondering its validity. However, while searching through the fine historical marks of the battle it seemed like the director of 300 was very true to the prior accounts of Leonidas and Sparta as a whole.

The battle scenes of this film are everything one could ask for. But I was more concerned with the historical validity of the film, and I'm quite pleased to see that it was fairly on par, taking note of what I have learned of Thermopylae and according to Cronios' account. Afterall, he would be the person to know much of the history.

Overall, I would say this film is by far the best of the year thus far. The dialogue within 300, which coincides with the actual accounts, like Cronios said, is one of my favorite parts of the movie.

The details are not very wrong but the Persians were not wild like this film. they had glory and very nice clothes with a great culture.


Senior Member
May 29, 2006
i watche dthis film last night, is it just me or do any of you find that the story is rushed and fought out poorly. it goes too quickly and shows no build up. a big dissapointment to me. and why are some of the persians african :S


Senior Member
May 29, 2006
The details are not very wrong but the Persians were not wild like this film. they had glory and very nice clothes with a great culture.
well, the persians arent made out to be that bad, i thought they were decorated very nicely with many jewels.

and they cant make the enemy of the main character to be good and respectfull can they?


Jun 7, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #29
    They are black because the Persian empire was that vast, that extended as far as Egypt/north Africa,
    an empire of 1000 nations and countless mercenaries included all the races of the region...most likely they were used as translators because of their contact with the Greek civilization through commerce...

    The Persians in the film should be represented as they were, covered in gold (to demonstrate that they were part of a very very wealthy army that every poor Greek soldier would tend to desert to, on sight) !
    Just like the Greek historians described them...

    Dressed on silk and other exotic materials Greeks have never seen before.
    I m not familiar with their exact equipment,
    i can only comment that they got our red caped Spartans, just right .
    Just like the Greek historians described them...

    The Persians werent presented as wilds, they were presented (some of them) as weird, freighting monsters, because they have to look like the intimidating invader, an average Greek soldier would be scared to face.
    Just like the Greek historians described them...

    Gill said it right:
    "they cant make the enemy of the main character to be good and respectful, cant they?"
    i was also dissapointed by that, they should have praised the "King of Kings" more,
    thus giving even more importance to the 300's efforts and glory,
    but they didnt have the time for further introductions, the film was already too long and the comic had even less info than that, the producers actually exceeded themselves if someone considers, from where they ve started.

    I do not want to interfere to any political disputes, this film is not like the kingdom of heaven or the passions of Christ, its not even like the controversial Alexander,
    this film's point, is to entertain the viewer, based on a known history fact.
    The producers had NO fault or intention to insult anyone,
    they had to port the comic to the cinema and a damn fine job, they did.

    I will speak about the historic mistakes later, but its funny to see my fellow Greeks to accuse this film of polluting our history with Orcs and magic and the Iranians to blame the UsA propaganda.
    Persians just happened to be the invading enemies in real history, its not like Americans had any choice and they blamed them of all ppl

    The film is more of a biography, it has v.little politics, if they wanted to do politics, they would have presented other things, like the Persian army bribing Greeks and order them to annihilate entire villages, or finance Greek civil wars, years and years before the invasion etc etc

    Frank Miller's intentions were to present an epic tale presented by Leonidas side only, as i said its not a documentary...


    Junior Member
    Dec 13, 2005
    The Persians werent presented as wilds, they were presented (some of them) as weird, freighting monsters, because they have to look like the intimidating invader, an average Greek soldier would be scared to face.
    Just like the Greek historians described them...

    Gill said it right:
    "they cant make the enemy of the main character to be good and respectful, cant they?"
    i was also dissapointed by that, they should have praised the "King of Kings" more,
    I do not want to interfere to any political disputes, this film is not like the kingdom of heaven or the passions of Christ, its not even like the controversial Alexander,
    this film point is to entertain the viewer based on a known history fact.
    The producers had to fault or intention to insult anyone, they had to port the comic
    to the cinema and a damn fine job they did.

    I will speak about the historic mistakes later, but its funny to see my fellow Greeks to accuse this film of polluting our history with Orcs and magic and the Iranians to blame the UsA propaganda.
    Persians just had to be the invading enemies in real history, its not like Americans had any choice and the blamed them of all ppl

    I think they were presented exactly WILD. They were shown like Barberians in "Gladiator" !!!

    They have polluted the reality as you said! The magic and the other wizards in the movie are just for more sale!

    And Yes they blamed them of all but every time a political problems occurs between Iran and USA they do the same. The film "Alexander" was made exactly at the time of starting nuclear program of Iran. You're Greek and you've studied about it surely. Alexander was a genius, fearless person that used to kill everyone in his attack to Iran. He burnt everything and Perspolis too. But they didn't show the reality...

    Or the story of National Geography. They wanted to hurt or patriot feelings too. They wrote the name of the "Persian [and always willbe persian] Golf" Wrong. They wrote it "Ar*bian Golf"!!!!!!!!!!!

    And now sanctions are coming to us so another movie in that way but this one has got more sales than the Alexander.

    The government of USA has extremely asked from Hollywood to make Movies and Games against Iran! This was the first. We'll see more!!!


    ★ ★ ★
    Aug 8, 2006
    @ sianconero:

    dude its just a f*cking movie!!! calm the f*ck down! its amazing how you're conspiracy theory runs from a comic book artist (frank miller) secretly teaming up with the powers of the U.S. to subliminally take shots at iran. get off all this socio-political bullsh*t.


    Junior Member
    Dec 13, 2005
    @ sianconero:

    dude its just a f*cking movie!!! calm the f*ck down! its amazing how you're conspiracy theory runs from a comic book artist (frank miller) secretly teaming up with the powers of the U.S. to subliminally take shots at iran. get off all this socio-political bullsh*t.

    You're Blind And never want to see the truth. Hollywood is exactly under tha statements of the us government. What you said wasn't related to what I said!!! And I said that the whole story exactly the truth (So Frank Miller has done nothing wrong). I said the showing is against the reality. We shouldn't pollute the history with Politics and magic and lies, even if it's a comic or a story.:smoke:


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2006
    How Eliados looks at his wife... she nods... the negotiator keeps saying "This is madness... This is madness.." And the Great Eliados responds:
    "This is SPARTAAAAAAAA!!!" And they kill all of them.

    This is sick movie:) I loved it... the effects were great. Those who don't like it better read books or watch documentary; These movies are for popcorn:)

    Well Done!!!

    P.S. The Spartan Kings were thought to be direct decendants of Heracles:) ;)


    Senior Member
    Jul 12, 2006
    As I read Spartans lived in LACONIA:) Is it the same people who talked pretty much less than other nations?:)

    There is a saying "Express it laconically" etc.

    Great People ;)


    Jun 7, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #37
    Thats right!

    The Greek letter for " L " is " Λ "
    You can see this letter on their shield...


    Jun 7, 2004
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  • Thread Starter #40
    How Eliados looks at his wife... she nods... the negotiator keeps saying "This is madness... This is madness.." And the Great Eliados responds:
    "This is SPARTAAAAAAAA!!!"
    IIRC it didnt happened that way, Leonidas said smth like:
    earth and water you want? go get them...:D

    Other points of disagreement with history were:
    -the waves of the Persian army were formed of 10,000 men or so but the Spartans werent fighting alone
    -the end, of course, was a little different,not v.different in essence though, i cant comment further to avoid spoilers...
    -i dont think Leonidas wife got sodo...ed:oops: well such a thing couldnt be discussed in a school anyway
    -the oracle said smth like "Sparta will loose a King or will perish", that really concluded Leonida's choices, but also proved his valor and self sacrifice,
    i cant think of a reason they chosed not to be accurate here
    -Xerxes didnt bleed...his brothers and generals though...left a piece or two on the battlefield
    -although the Persian army had aces to war elephants (and Rhinos???)
    i dont think they carried them along though, i may be wrong here, i ve red somewhere that they had a few beasts with them...

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