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  1. chrisss91ita

    Racism fine again!!

    è proprio quello che ho fatto. ti sembra stò continuando a scrivere? e non sono stato certo io a iniziare
  2. chrisss91ita

    My night at San Siro (Milan-JUVE) - 25-Feb-12

    don't need appear, need to do You think to yourself, I think to myself. thanks
  3. chrisss91ita

    Racism fine again!!

    Trequartista: guarda quello che stanno scrivendo e dimmi come faccio a non insultare questi codardi cojoni.
  4. chrisss91ita

    My night at San Siro (Milan-JUVE) - 25-Feb-12

    I know, i'm tired
  5. chrisss91ita

    My night at San Siro (Milan-JUVE) - 25-Feb-12

    nzoric come in rome and tell me your opinion on me behind a monitor are all capable If you do not have the balls stop posting and me too i will stop post
  6. chrisss91ita

    Racism fine again!!

    infatti sono un'idiota anchio che mi abbasso al loro livello... ma è difficile controllarsi visto che fanno ironia su ogni singola parola, fare un discorso serio è impossibile
  7. chrisss91ita

    Racism fine again!!

    io non ho mai visitato il canada, e non conosco i canadesi. come reagiresti se cominciassi ad insultare il canada e i canadesi? specialmente io che sono italiano, visto che il mio paese ha molti più problemi ed è meno avanzato del vostro. ti sentiresti in diritto di difenderti e potermi...
  8. chrisss91ita

    Racism fine again!!

    non rispondere a quell'idiota ;) è un cojone
  9. chrisss91ita

    Racism fine again!!

    ecco perchè: Il Regno d'Italia dopo la prima guerra mondiale avviò una colonizzazione che ebbe il culmine, sotto l'impulso di Mussolini, soprattutto verso la metà degli anni trenta con un afflusso di coloni provenienti in particolare da Veneto, Sicilia, Calabria e Basilicata. Nel 1939 gli...
  10. chrisss91ita

    Racism fine again!!

    was missing at the call the HIPO's idiot...
  11. chrisss91ita

    Racism fine again!!

    yes I had guessed alone if he's Libyan is even worse what he says
  12. chrisss91ita

    Racism fine again!!

    but you're English? it seems you are drunk You know nothing of Italian history, stop watch juve videos on youtube and open the books that are more important This is another provocation (falsity), so stop now
  13. chrisss91ita

    Racism fine again!!

    it's cool to have friends from other teams? ah annamo bene.... :)
  14. chrisss91ita

    Racism fine again!!

    I'm not barbaric, but if you insult my country I become racist, ignorant, and all that you want. avoid insulting me and I avoid saying stupid things continue, and I will continue to defend myself and my country
  15. chrisss91ita

    Racism fine again!!

    I live in Rome, so I know and I have friends in roma e lazio ultras. this is understandable or is anomaous?
  16. chrisss91ita

    Racism fine again!!

    I'm sorry to insult you, I had no intention, but if i'm provoked i have insults for all I say again because I know exactly what happened and I did not need to read the newspapers, that inglesotti came to Rome were not very smart but stupid. Who gets drunk and causes he must to pay, it is...
  17. chrisss91ita

    Racism fine again!!

    no reason??? AHAHAH your friends have been very stupid, like you here is the reason do not get me started;)
  18. chrisss91ita

    Racism fine again!!

    no...chidd putten i mamt :)
  19. chrisss91ita

    Racism fine again!!

    come've never seen a Roman in your life, close your idiot moth please.... ;)