Recent content by Pete

  1. Pete

    Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    It's been mentioned, but yes his birthday is this Thursday and he shares it Fantastico.
  2. Pete

    [CL] Juventus vs Arsenal

    What if we play with heart for once? What if we have another Real 03? You will miss it, and you will cry yourself to sleep tonight.
  3. Pete

    [CL] Juventus vs Arsenal

    Is it cracking you up, ThaiGunner? Is it? Is it really?
  4. Pete


    Just turn up, do you really think it'll be a sell out?
  5. Pete

    Hurra Juventus

    I physically have 'em all since around 2000. Considered selling them, but I'll wait a couple of decades I think..
  6. Pete

    zlatan vs c.ronaldo nikecommerical

    Awaits the Ibra-bashing. I have a nice way of summing up this love/hate relationship the majority of us Juventini are experiencing with Zlatan, it came to me this morning. "We still love Ibrahimovic. Like a mother who loves her junkie son." Nice vid. (Once he checks out of rehab, you'll see..)
  7. Pete

    Arsenal-Juve from the Clock End

    All added. Grazie.
  8. Pete

    Arsenal-Juve from the Clock End

    Haha, love it.
  9. Pete

    Arsenal-Juve from the Clock End

    Class, what did you say to him/he say to you? He's a reserved individual, doubt he's a fan of crowds as I saw outside Highbury after the game. We should have met up briefly to slag Capello off.
  10. Pete

    Arsenal-Juve from the Clock End - Juve arrive (awesome) - Shooting practise - Teams line up - Juventini I - Juventini II - Second half kicks off - Emerson leaves Highbury - Zlatan leaves Highbury -...
  11. Pete

    [CL]Arsenal vs Juventus

    Juventus van full of duffel bags packed with equipment, training wear, boots etc. Inside the afforementioned. Team bus arrives around 18:15 GMT. Extreme close-up of previous photo. Lined up like cattle for admittance. Those with black caps are Ultras, Vikinghi Ovest I think...
  12. Pete

    [CL]Arsenal vs Juventus

    Couple more points, sorry to bore you but I've already shared most of this in Italian (though restrictively) last night. After the game, I waited by the players exit for the Juve players. Though the majority were glum, there were a couple of things that bothered me/I'd like to note. - Camo was...
  13. Pete

    [CL]Arsenal vs Juventus

    Some points, I'll try to cover everything: - When I arrived at Highbury, there were about 2000 Juventini. Most of which without tickets. I'm surprised it didn't turn ugly, but most of them decided to watch in local pubs amicably. - The police made us queue like cattle to get into the away end...
  14. Pete

    [CL]Arsenal vs Juventus

    Okay guys, I'm setting off for the match now..let's hope I come back in high spirits and not with a scowl on my face as I did after the first leg in Werder. We are the masters of our own destiny! Tim Weise worked his ASS off to get us this far, let's not let him down now ( :D )..Forza ragazzi...
  15. Pete

    [CL]Arsenal vs Juventus

    It draws closer, folks! A mixture of optimism and feelings of impending doom on here; but remember - this is the Champions League, anything can happen over 2 legs and Tuesday is only the first half. Let's hope we have a strong one, eh?