Zeman slaps Totti upside the head (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Zeman launches Totti attack
Thursday 3 February, 2005
Lecce boss Zdenek Zeman has hit out at his former Roma pupil Francesco Totti, following last night’s 1-1 draw.

The tactician was furious after he claimed the Italian international was responsible for the dismissal of Cristian Ledesma.

The Argentine youngster was sent off for pushing Totti in the face, a gesture that Zeman insists was provoked by the Giallorossi captain.

"I’ve spoken to the lad about the incident," the Czech said. "He shouldn’t have done what he did but there was a motive behind it.

"He was repeatedly insulted during the game and reacted with his hands after hearing one too many swear words.

"This happens a lot against us, it occurred in the tie against Messina too. We are a young side and we often fall into the trap."

The tactician and Totti had previously shared a splendid relationship after Zeman’s two-year stint in Rome between 1997 and 1999.

Despite being reduced to 10 men, Lecce, without the Fiorentina bound Valeri Bojinov, equalised with a late goal from Mirko Vucinic.


Out of my way, fool. Zeman will just kick anyone's ass :D

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Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
Its nice to see a comment from Zeman that isnt slating juve for once....and a brilliant choice of target as well!


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2004
Seen it, blah blah blah...isnt this the same guys you were telling to shut up, when he starting going on about the 'whitewash' of a investigation in the 'Drug-cheats' at Juve?


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #5
    I never told him to shut it, I think he should speak him mind because it's quite entertaining. :D


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2004
    It is rather entertaining, it is more entertaining in my opinion, to see Juve fans trying to argue that he is lying! :D


    Sep 23, 2003
    Did you see what Totti was getting into with Aronica when they played Messina last weekend? Totti's gone all trash talking lately.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
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  • Thread Starter #12
    Ledesma blasts ‘cheat’ Totti
    Friday 4 February, 2005
    Lecce ace Cristian Ledesma has no regrets about pushing Francesco Totti in the face – and his subsequent dismissal – in Wednesday’s game against Roma.

    The Argentine youngster was sent-off in the 1-1 draw after he angrily reacted to a comment made by the Roman.

    "I’m not sorry for what I did because Totti is not a fair player," said the 22-year-old midfielder.

    "I will never reveal what he said to me as that is something which will remain between him and me.

    "If I’d made the same mistake to fair honest players like Paolo Maldini or Roberto Baggio then I would apologise immediately. But with Totti it ends here."

    Lecce boss Zdenek Zeman also criticised Totti for allegedly provoking Ledesma but the No 10 has defended himself.

    "Whatever happens on the pitch should remain on the pitch," said the Giallorossi captain.

    "Everything should finish when the whistle blows at the end of the game. But the bruises and marks from the kicks that I receive always seem to remain…"



    "Top Economist"
    Mar 16, 2004
    I would take Ledesma over Totti and Totti over Zeman. I would also take 27 viles of Estrogen and inject them into Zeman, simply for him to become the person he always wanted to be.


    The Linuxologist
    Dec 24, 2004
    I would also take Ladesma's side on this, Totti's behaviour on the pitch is really provoking and anything but fair...I also think that he is a bit of a paranoid, hits and kicks are part of football. He shouldnt jump to conclusion that every hit was on purpose!


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    there are too many words to use to describe totti in a negative way...so stick to one......dickhead.


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    dickhead can sufficiently sumise totti...so from now on, when i reffer to dickhead...think totti,

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