Where is our right side???? (1 Viewer)


Bench Warmer
Dec 23, 2002
I think Juve focused on their left too much that they forgot about the right side. We have all of our strength concentrated on the left side (Nedved, Zambrotta, Del Piero and subs as Pessotto and Kapo), but in the right we don't have that much…
* Camoranisi is injured or out of his form most of the time.
* Thuram hates to play on the side
* Birindilli is not good enough for Juve
I think that in the coming winter break we need to think about a good player on the right someone like Oddo.
What do you think?

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china man

Junior Member
Sep 6, 2004
lastime zambrotta play right midfield!!!!!!buy a new left defenders and problem solve like ashley cole??how about NIGEL DE JONG???he is good ,strong full back,can play defender/defensive left/right/centre also why didnt moggi consider buying him???for the time being quaresma also good in right!!!shaun wright philip??any body into simao sabrosa??he is good also and young!!!erm how about babangida???


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2002
I disagree. Zebina had a good pre-season, Kapo can play on the right, Olivera played great there in pre-season, Zambrotta can fill this position if needed and Camoranesi is not always injured or out of form, as he was very constant last season. Don't know why Camo is so unpopular in here, as he was always a good player for us.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
if we buy Maxwell, then move Zamby to Right back and play Thuram as a Central Back.........but that just doesn't seem right....hmm....


Senior Member
Aug 25, 2002
I don't think we will buy Maxwell, because the transfer window is closed.

Olivera can play on the right... He has a great form and if he will play on the right, then Neddy can play on the left and DP in the middle...


Bench Warmer
Dec 23, 2002
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    ++ [ originally posted by A_LAcki ] ++
    I disagree. Zebina had a good pre-season, Kapo can play on the right, Olivera played great there in pre-season, Zambrotta can fill this position if needed and Camoranesi is not always injured or out of form, as he was very constant last season. Don't know why Camo is so unpopular in here, as he was always a good player for us.
    Camo is a great player and I like him, but before when ever he was in a bad form there was miccoli who would cover the right side. Now we lost miccoli and we replaced hin with a striker so we lost one right sided midfielder.:down:


    Senior Member
    Mar 31, 2004
    our left side is better than our right side, but I don't really see that as a problem since Olivera and Zebina have been good, and Camo can only improve... :fingerscrossed:


    ★ ★ ★
    May 4, 2004
    this thread is stupied imo...

    there is nothing wrong with our right side...

    we got Olivera, Camo, Zebina, Blasi (can play there too) Birindelli, + we can use Zambrotta if we want too, but we dont have to, we allready got great right midfielders...!

    and i hate it that many ppl here think camo sucks, but wait and see, he will get back... its just that F'ing form....!


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    Left = Zambrotta, Pessotto, Nedved, Kapo
    Right = Birindelli, Zebina, Olivera, Camoranesi

    Not too bad IMO.


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    in pure essence, so far, our left sid eis one man, rambo, with neddy shifting centrally.

    Our right side we have the consitantly inconsistant camo, and the unproven oli, with kapo we have a left/right midfielder.

    IMo, we have no effective width bar rambo...until oli/ kapo is proven.
    Aug 26, 2003
    i think in our midlefield is really strong enough and is nothing missing!

    we have players like Nedved, Zambrotta, Camoranesi, Olivera, Kapo and even Appiah or Blasi could play on the right, so i am sattisfied!


    Senior Member
    Aug 13, 2004
    Just because our left midfield is the best in the world, doesnt mean the right is bad, its good enough. And Zambo most belong at LB and have the left side totally on his own, because that is when he is best.


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    Let's not forget that Olivera and Kapo are capable of playing on either wing, and if necessary we can change to 4-3-1-2 where Blasi and Appiah can put in a shift or two.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
    Camoranesi needs to go.

    Let Kapo/Oliveira fight it out for the right side, and leave Zebina back there at RB as well.

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