When football is more than a passion (1 Viewer)

Dec 27, 2003
Well it is in Italy, as you may well know. I was simply wondering how deep your team's performances affect you, and more to the point how you react to a big setback on behalf of your team or your favourite players. Even more to the point, I want to know if any of you went as far as crying. I know I have.

WC 1990 : This was the first World Cup I had the chance to follow comprehensively. I was 13 at the time and it happened in my country. I was on holiday in Liguria, and the atmosphere was simply unreal. For a month, Italy was just a big green, white and red boot. It was like a dream. It was also the summer when the jolly battalion of Scottish fans that were touring the Peninsula initiated me to the wonders of alcohol. But when Donadoni missed the decisive penalty in that doomed semi against Argentina, it turned into a bad hangover. And I burst into tears.

1994 : Van Basten had been out of action for nearly 2 years already. It was obvious that he would never come back, but us milanisti still had a glimmer of hope that some day we would still see the Swan tread upon San Siro's lawn. But then came that Milan-Juventus game. Van Basten chose this occasion to enter the pitch just before the match, grabbing a mic and announcing to the 80 000 faithful : "I have something to tell you : I will no longer play football. Thanks for everything". He then made one last walk around the pitch, saluted by a standing ovation. I cried like a baby.

WC 1994 : One of Italy's worst tournaments in recent history, but the Divin Codino single-handedly took us to the final, so we weren't going to waste this chance, were we? Especially against a Brazilian team that wasn't exactly the epitome of brilliance. I watched the final in Southern France, surrounded by an army of anti-Italian frogs. When Baggino missed the decisive peno, I felt like a big ball growing inside my throat, trying to come out. Then I saw the image of Baresi, il Capitano, Kaiser Franz, the emotion-free commander-in-chief of so many won battles, who after injuring himself in the opening game had made an incredible comeback for the final where he was the best player on the pitch, I saw Baresi the Rock cry like a 10 year old on Sacchi's shoulder. He knew that at 34, he had just missed his last chance at WC glory. I knew it too. And I cried.

Euro 2000 : That cursed final against the perfidious French, how can we forget. I was already living in Belgium and had gone up to Holland two days before just to tease the Dutch (and smoke some of that wicked skunk)after we sent them out of their own tournament in the semis. I watched the game in Brussels, with an overwhelming majority of Belgians cheering for Italy. I was very confident about our chances, and after the first half I was 100% sure we'd win. Delvecchio's goal confirmed my premonition. Even Del Piero's missed sitters didn't shake my faith. But in the 94th minute...And then in extra-time...I was a big boy by then, so I didn't cry, but never had I felt so gutted, and no amount of Belgian beer could heal my wounds.

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In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
Euro 2000: I was in France the day of the final. As Italy came ahead I was joking with my brother that we should have been in Italy already (we would go there the following week). Then Del Piero's missed sitters made me worry. I witnessed how my hero choked and couldn't kill the game. But still, I was pretty sure nothing was going to get past Toldo for Italy's defense had been indestructable all tournament. Then the 94th minute came. One of the most lucky goals I had ever seen. We all knew it was finished then. But that night, seeing all those French around me celebrate, I knew this Italian squad, with Del Piero being the perfect image of it, could never fulfill its potential.

World Cup 2002: I wasn't to be consoled. Never had I been as enraged as I was back then. I was angry when Italy were robbed against Croatia. I was angry when goals scored by Inzaghi and Montella were disallowed against Mexico. I cried when Del Piero equalised against Mexico. But I am still furious for what happend on that tuesday, the 18th of June. They killed football.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
Last time I cried was when Juventus lost to Perugia 1-0 a few years ago. I sat in front of my TV, my face painted black&white, and cried, the tears turning black from the paint. I was still just a kid then.

After that, growing older, things didnt upset me as much, but there were still a few occassions when I was heartbroken. In the semis two years ago I was unbeliavably wound up. I screamed at every missed chance, yelled out profanities at the opposition players... a few of my valuable CD's died that way, smashing into a thousand pieces against the wall. Still, I was unusually calm in the final, completely without emotion, feeling totally empty after the match.

Yet, my biggest dissapointment came October 11th 2003. It was the final and deciding game of the EURO 2004 Qualifiers, Bosnia playing Denmark at home, knowing that a win would put us directly into the competition as the first team in the group and that a draw or loss would knock us out. It was a great day in Sarajevo, the whole week being all about that day, that night at Koševo Stadium. We were all like one, you had a special connection with people you had never seen before, they was your brothers and sisters, if just for that one night.

And then, the match started. Denmark took the lead with a nice Martin Jorgensen goal, but we were not discouraged. Elvir Bolic managed to equalise at the end of the first half, and the whole stadium exploded, I was in the arms of the guy next to me, who I had never seen before and who had turned his back to his knockout wife just to share his joy with me, because at that time we were like one. We waited patiently for that winner, but it never came. It finished 1-1, and we were out. I, as well as the whole stadium, was gutted. We managed to applaud our players, but we all knew they had missed a fantastic chance to make us all happy, to take our minds away from the cruel reality of everyday life. They failed, and, in turn, we felt we had failed them too.

It was a sad day for Bosnian football, and a sad day for me personaly.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
I have a way of really enjoying the upturns but somehow the setbacks don't really affect me. When my team wins, it's celebration, when they lose it's just a game.. :D The most humiliating event in recent time is that 0-3 to ManU a couple years ago, I was not happy then but an hour after the game I was over it, making cracks and having a good time again. Just the way it works for some reason..


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
The most sorrowful match in my memory is the 2003 Juve-Milan Final. During the game I was more tense than I have ever been during any soccer match, almost to the point of not being able to watch. When the final penalty was struck by Sheva, I was shocked. Then when I finally realized what happened, rage took over my body, and I could not control myself; kicking a soccer ball as hard as I could, breaking a lamp in my house. Then tears filled my eyes. That was the last time such feelings came over me.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2003
first time I cried was back in 1998 when Azzurri lost to France in penalty shootout in the semi final

then I mourned when Azzurri lost to France again in the final Euro '00 due to golden goal by trez

third time I cried after Juve lost to Milan in CL final......

lastly, I cried when Leeds were relegated to the Div. 1....

am I just pathetic or football is more than passion?


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
The final two years ago against Milan,of course,sparked the largest reaction i've ever had to a football match.

After we missed the first two penalties,i was practically crying.Hope filled me again after Del Piero scored and i realized we still had a fighting chance.Then Sheva stepped up and for the moments before his foot struck the ball i froze and stopped breathing.

As the shot hit the back of the net i could only hear and feel my heart beating,it was as if my insides had been emptied inside out,leaving only my heart in my torso.i could feel every heartbeat shake me.Needless to say,i cried buckets.

I skipped school that day,had coffee with a fellow juve fan and over the next two days things greadually went back to normal.

of course i did experience the loss we had in 98' as well but somehow that one didn't compare with the one against Milan.I guess it was all the hype and emotional matches against Barca and Real that built up to that climax.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2003
nice thread Kaiser..

the first time I cried for a football match was in 1996, when we played Saudi Arabia in the final match of the asian cup.. it ended for the suodies in penalty shot-out.. I remember that day, I didn't went home, I stayed at the stadium till all the people were out.. my elder brother and my cousins were looking for me for two hours.. they thought I was lost, but I was just setting there where they left me, motionless, brainless, and crying like a little baby..

1998, when we lost to Madrid in the final.. that was just too much.. I couldn't sleep that night.. I started to hate Madrid since then..

2001, when lost the scudetto to lazio.. the god damned rainy day.. we lost to perugia and lazio won.. I get a hold of myself, tried to not cry, but then I broke the remote control..

two years ago, when we lost to Milan in the final.. well, all of you juventinis know how I felt.. it was like a bad dream that lasted for a month...
Jan 7, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Gandalf ] ++

1998, when we lost to Madrid in the final.. that was just too much.. I couldn't sleep that night.. I started to hate Madrid since then..


that has got to be the most painful game ever (for me)

after that i grew up and realized that they arent gonna win the cl. might as well accept it.

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Martin ] ++
I have a way of really enjoying the upturns but somehow the setbacks don't really affect me. When my team wins, it's celebration, when they lose it's just a game.. :D The most humiliating event in recent time is that 0-3 to ManU a couple years ago, I was not happy then but an hour after the game I was over it, making cracks and having a good time again. Just the way it works for some reason..

mmm what a way to drown your sorrows. making crack cocaine....


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Donny, Josh was just trying to be funny.. :undecide:

Gee guys, it's weird to see people could care so much about this but I like the fact that you don't mind saying it instead of being afraid to admit to it. :)


Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe
Nov 1, 2004
I am a Nigerian, born in Italy, and always supported 2 teams, Juventus and Nigeria's Super Eagles.
13 February 2000, Nigeria versus Cameroon African Nation's Cup Final. When Ikpeba missed that penalty and Song scored his...
I felt like taking poison.
I walked around Surulere (a suburb of Lagos twice the size of Peckham in London) that night in a daze, missed work the next day and sent my girlfriend packing when she said: 'But it's only a game!'
23 May 2003, Juve versus Milan UCL final. When I arrived at Old Trafford that day, it was ovbious to me (paranoia you may call it) that the majority of the fans there were in support of Milan. I failed to get up from my seat for 30 minutes after Sheva converted that penalty.

I hate penalty shoot outs. They suck!!! :sad:


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++
I think the more heartbreaks that occur for the club, the more I'm drawn to it.
Don't be ridiculous, now you're talking like a Roma fan..

++ [ originally posted by chxta ] ++
13 February 2000, Nigeria versus Cameroon African Nation's Cup Final. When Ikpeba missed that penalty and Song scored his...
I felt like taking poison.
But that wasn't a miss (!) It was the dumb linesman that was looking at the ball instead of the goalline, the ball came off the crossbar and bounced inside the goal before it went out. Tv replays showed it was a goal but the ref ruled otherwise, it was a giant howler.


The Farmer
May 27, 2004
The biggest dissapoitent for me was Juventus-Milan CL final in Manchester...
I had been looking forward to that match for many days and even in the extras i believed that we would win.
But when Milan won was I really dissapointet and I saw the game with my friend who is a Milan fan and when he started to laugh and cheer began I to cry.
Not that I cry often but I was really sad and when im really sad I cry....

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
Juve - Real Madrid (2002-2003) I was so happy about the game, but I almost started crying when Nedved got booked and he couldn't play in the final

Juve - Milan (CL Final) I was very calm after the game, but I didn't want to meet anyone for two days.

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