What of Nedved's future? (1 Viewer)

Should Nedved be sold this summer?

  • Yes, Pavel Nedved should be sold.

  • No, Pavel Nedved should not be sold.

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Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
i love him, but his ageing. lippi extracted evry last bit out of him the season before the one just ending.

if money wasnt an issue, id keep him for sure until he retired. but if chelsea are going to offer good money, by all means, he should leave.

i just hope that moggi replaces him with a player who is capable of doing more and being more creative as well.

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Junior Member
May 3, 2004
u know that inzaghi is a milan fun>?
btw i hate inzaghi ' [ not becauz he left ] but becauz all his acting on the pitch ' he is like a ***** '
bout nedved ' he is great player ' its a pitty to see him leave
Aug 1, 2003
yeah inzaghi's a diver. at times so is nedved. but that's not the point. the point is, our fav players come and go in Juventus. well, some of them anyway. sometimes the just have to be sold. face the cold, hard truth.


-'Tuz Fantasy Master-
Apr 19, 2003
Yeah it is very sad actually...
But we all know that if we are to sell him so only now,his price is high now.
also with his sale we can get some players we so want...

But if he wants to stay.get better and give everything for Juve,win the Cl,and end his carieer here,so...he should stay...

My feelings about that one really complicated...

i don't want him to leave.but i also want bring new good players without benching Neddy.IMPOSSIBLE ....sad.


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2004
Agree, but people are obsessed with the "hot" Rothen crap, what has he proved?, i'll prefer top quality like Nedved.

Forza Pavel Nedved! you are a loved legend by true Juve fans!


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2002
Nedved didn't really have a bad season. Since January he wasn't the old Pavel, but zhe will be back, when Emerson will help him! Can't await that!


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
++ [ originally posted by delpiero10 ] ++
Agree, but people are obsessed with the "hot" Rothen crap, what has he proved?, i'll prefer top quality like Nedved.

Forza Pavel Nedved!
I really like Pavel very much, and will like it if he stays until retirement, but that doent mind that Jerome rothen is a vey good player also. I just prey that he doesnt shine in the game of today, because transfer price will run higher.....
May 17, 2003
OMG, if Neddy leaves.....We would be letting go one of our LIMITED stars.... And then probly replace him with another star..I mean, can't we have a couple more of Stars playing for us at the same time????? And wats the frieken harm of keeping him?!?!?! He's done a hell lot of shi* for us in the past three years. SO I SAY KEEP HIM. FULL STOP


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by A_LAcki ] ++
Don't worry Lilianna! Nedved won't leave! Moggi isn't stupid and Nedved loves Juve more than money!
If only the world was that simple :down:

Nedved may love Juve more than money, but Moggi loves Juve more than Nedved


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
I love money more than Juve, but I also love Juve more than Nedved, hence I love Nedved less than money, hence we should sell Nedved.

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