What Miserable Players u have !! (1 Viewer)


Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
Jan 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by laresca ] ++
guys by getting so serious the inter fans laugh at us getting so worked up about some little retard-child! chill out!
It's our ground lar .. no one can step foot and mess-up with Juve here :fero:


Senior Member
Sep 1, 2002
++ [ originally posted by laresca ] ++
guys by getting so serious the inter fans laugh at us getting so worked up about some little retard-child! chill out!
I completely agree with you, even though this is our ground, he's succeeding in making us mad.:groan:


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
At least we didn't get beaten by a Helsingborg or concede 6 in the Derby Match.
"I knew this before but I really really hate him", "a phrase from Slam Dunk, written by Inoue Takehiko.


Juventus FC - Philippines
Dec 20, 2002
Man, in the last 14 years, we've celebrated:D:D:D a lot of scudettos while inter had none!?!?:down::down::down: That's jus so sad. They must really miss this feeling:


New Member
Dec 29, 2002
if juve are so rubbish how come we took the title last year and made it our 26th scudetto, not only that you went from 1st in the league and ended up 3rd and you just about qualified or the champions league. and you don't have the best goalkeeper because did you forget bufon when buffon was sold to juve he was the highest sold goalkeeper so i suggest you get you facts right before you start calling us rubbish and don't forget what happened when we last played you , you just about scraped the goal, and apparently your strikers are that rubbish that you needed toldo to score for you. at the end i've just got 2 words for you ( 26 scudetto's.) OK.

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
nice to see a new post, mela88...welcome to the forums...:)

btw such things dont happen everyday :D

to DPF- whtever u say dude, just remember its LAC not lar ;) (if u remember, in my previous incarnation i was the LACerase, not the laresca) ;) :D

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
what u trying to have revenge aca?? ;) :D actually it would have been so much fun if the hater would have actually come back and tried to defend himself and his view lol :howler:

aca, maybe if u get a group of intelligent laziale and we get some intelligent juventini we can invade some inter forum and beat the crap out of their faces...:D

Forza Inter

Junior Member
Jan 1, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #34
    hey guys . .
    why in the hell are u SO OFFENSIVE ??
    just face the reality , cause ur team sucks so much to the extent that i can't bear watching any game for ur team on TV.
    As for the scudetto u won last season, it was only our BAD LUCK that made a miserable team like Juventus win the trophy , but this season i'm 100% sure that we'll win it, & if there's any team that will be our mail-rival , it will for sure be AC MILAN only !!
    I think that if Juve ended this season 4th or 5th it will be a great result for them looking at their players' momentum

    hope that u will finally understand football . . .


    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
    ok, all here we go ;)

    ++ [ originally posted by I_Hate_Juve_ ] ++

    just face the reality , cause ur team sucks so much to the extent that i can't bear watching any game for ur team on TV.

    first of all from your appearence, you are in no way objective concerning juventus...since you hate them so much u are biased...so u can in no way tell us what reality is that we have to face, my dear lebanese brother.....

    complaining that our team sucks is kinda stupid because in history we have won 2 times as many scudettos as you have...even if we give u 15 years u wont catch up even if u win the scudetto every single year...

    that says enough...hehe...

    this season we arent concentrating on serie A simply because we're after bigger fish- namely a good CL run that will build up to a CL trophy in the coming years...and so far we have done very well...

    jesus, hater, is that all u could muster up?? im worried for you...:D hehe took so long and thats all u could say??

    maybe next time u will bring up some points we could debate...not some illusion of 'reality' u seem to make place for in your mind, along with terrorist tellytubies, a kung-fu-master big-bird and a pedophile duck named hector...


    Senior Member
    Oct 9, 2002
    I'm so sad that this guys is lebanese . . .
    but anyway , like i said before:



    Senior Member
    Dec 16, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by I_Hate_Juve_ ] ++
    hey guys . .
    why in the hell are u SO OFFENSIVE ??
    just face the reality , cause ur team sucks so much to the extent that i can't bear watching any game for ur team on TV.
    As for the scudetto u won last season, it was only our BAD LUCK that made a miserable team like Juventus win the trophy , but this season i'm 100% sure that we'll win it, & if there's any team that will be our mail-rival , it will for sure be AC MILAN only !!
    I think that if Juve ended this season 4th or 5th it will be a great result for them looking at their players' momentum

    hope that u will finally understand football . . .

    Just hear this:


    The Pado

    Filthy Gobbo
    Jul 12, 2002
    I really have to laugh at this stupid piece of shit Inter fan. He wants to talk of the greatness of "Inter Milan FC", but he does not even know the name of beloved Second Class club. In fact, Internazionale Football Club does not have the word "Milan" in its name.

    I don't have any problems with Inter. They are are nice club that competes for a UEFA Cup spot every year. We never have to worry about Inter trying to win a Scudetto, and their fans are well behaved. I also like President Moratti. He is a man with a lot of class, and he would be absolutely disgusted to know that a fan of his club had such little class and so little intelligence and to post such crap on a Juventus fan site.

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