
May 27, 2007
Honestly as bad as it sounds I would start here

and go for citations and sources.

Unfortunetly Slavic mythology was the biggest success of Christian Church goal to destroy anything non-christian so nowadays it's not popular, therefore not many people write/make movies about it. Most of our mythology doesn't even have any real sources :sad:. And we don't have cool comic book heroes. I did love me some Czarnobóg in Nei Geiman's American Gods though.

There was one 2003 Polish movie named "Stara Baśń" ( which takes place in the country of Polans in IX century if you are interested in actual movies.

As for documentaries I didn't happen upon anything anywhere on youtube or streaming services. And I would love to.
Yeah. I have hard time finding due to lack of real source. But I read on several placed that Poland has/had some. I came across a book from Louis Léger who writes about it. It has plenty of information and I think it's quite decent, explains a lot of stuff, although not a fun-book in a sense it's entertaining, but more like a study. Still, I found it very helpful. But it's really a huge pity as I think it's very interesting. Thanks for those links. I did read plenty, still searching for some.

By the way, I had a comedic take on Morana when I was writing a short story. It was picked among 20 best so it will get published this year probably. :D

Buy on


( ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)
Aug 26, 2009
Yeah. I have hard time finding due to lack of real source. But I read on several placed that Poland has/had some. I came across a book from Louis Léger who writes about it. It has plenty of information and I think it's quite decent, explains a lot of stuff, although not a fun-book in a sense it's entertaining, but more like a study. Still, I found it very helpful. But it's really a huge pity as I think it's very interesting. Thanks for those links. I did read plenty, still searching for some.

By the way, I had a comedic take on Morana when I was writing a short story. It was picked among 20 best so it will get published this year probably. :D
Nice one :tup:.

I actually made an oral presentation about slavic gods for my secondary school final exam 16 years ago :D.

If only our ancestors learned to write like their germanic neigbours, we would probably had more to learn.


Sep 13, 2011
@radekas @piotrr do you guys by any chance know or have some source about Slavs mythology? Either some movie from torrent, documentary on youtube or something? I find it hard searching so I thought you might have some, if there are subs of course.
Sorry but i don't reckon any. Took a look on Polish youtube, there are some audiobooks on this topic (mitologia słowiańska) but none with english subtitles.


Sep 23, 2003
Honestly as bad as it sounds I would start here

and go for citations and sources.

Unfortunetly Slavic mythology was the biggest success of Christian Church goal to destroy anything non-christian so nowadays it's not popular, therefore not many people write/make movies about it. Most of our mythology doesn't even have any real sources :sad:. And we don't have cool comic book heroes. I did love me some Czarnobóg in Nei Geiman's American Gods though.

There was one 2003 Polish movie named "Stara Baśń" ( which takes place in the country of Polans in IX century if you are interested in actual movies.

As for documentaries I didn't happen upon anything anywhere on youtube or streaming services. And I would love to.
Lithuanians were pagans and druids and worshipping gods of thunder up until the time of Martin Luther.

They're even making a comeback.

How long have you been in Thailand? Lael, and is it really better than Egypt?
Stranded Russian beach chicks with no money and no ticket home? Have you thought about your human trafficking business idea yet?

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