
Sep 23, 2003

I may be headed back to TX after 5 years in Manhattan
You know you love it there. :D

Good luck! I’m not selling my house in Austin with the hope that I’ll be back someday.
Are you entering the witness protection program or something?

nice, Dallas is on my list of possible next destinations
Dallas? Well, it is a good place for blonde cheerleader girls whose parents tell them Jews have horns.

> Recruiter contacts me on LinkedIn of own will, without me initiating anything
> "blah blah are you interested in this position?
> I reply saying I would love to know more. Why not, right?
> Give number, set up time and date.
> Time comes and passes, never receive call or message.


This is 4 or 5 times now. I despise these recruiters with all my being.
I've read about employees ghosting businesses, but this is a bit much.

why would they use (((whatsapp)))?
The noodz.

dietary mostly. Not necessarily excluding anything just being more conscious of ingredients, labels and making sure to cut back on sugars and unhealthy fats.

cutting back on alcohol consumption too.

everything in a healthier moderation.
Even moderation?

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