What are the fans like? (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
I think we all have certain prejudice towards fans of certain clubs, which causes us to expect certain things from certain fans, some rub us the wrong way, some tend to be downright ignorant and some are good people. What do you think about the fans, based on your soccer friends, people you know, classmates, coworkers etc?

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Senior Member
Aug 26, 2003
I think Inter fans are annoying - they really are. I have a few friends and classmates who are Inter fans and good god they make me pull my hair out.

Roma fans are uptight and arrogant. They talk a lot of crap without backing things up - actually they have nothing to back themselves up since their club is so crap.

Milan fans are pretty decent. Sometimes they are cool (when we gang up on Inter together :D) but sometimes they can be annoying too.

Madrid fans - I HATE THEM.

ManU fans - Glory hunters

Arsenal fans - similar to Roma - talk a lot of crap but at the end of the day have nothing to show.

.so yeah :D i pretty much get pissed off by all Non-Juve fans :D



Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Most of my friends are Arsenal fans, but that's probably because of the wide coverage (compared to other leagues) of the EPL in Australia.

They're much like most Arsenal fans I know, over-hyping their team for beating teams like Wolves, and never admitting that Juve and Serie A are better even when their team, who aren't even the English champions, get their faces rubbed in the turf by an Italian team that hasn't won the title as far back as the mind can remember.

They're also much like Wenger, in that they refuse to acknowledge the existence of incidents that bring their club's integrity into question.

"So what do you think of Martin Keown now?"


"okay, nvm, bye" :rolleyes:


Senior Member
May 18, 2003
I am a Real Madrid fan :extatic: :strong:...and besides Real, I like many teams like: Juve :star: , Roma :heart:, Milan :cool:, Lazio :thumb:, Inter :rolleyes:, Valencia :angel:, Barcelona:undecide:........many....:groan:

But as I read above, Juve fans don't show respect to other teams or other fans. Being a fan of a team doesn't mean despise other teams or their fans...

Also, we must not generlize....not all fans are hateful or annoying...there're different types of fans....:):)


Senior Member
Dec 22, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Mermaidah ] ++
I am a Real Madrid fan :extatic: :strong:...and besides Real, I like many teams like: Juve :star: , Roma :heart:, Milan :cool:, Lazio :thumb:, Inter :rolleyes:, Valencia :angel:, Barcelona:undecide:........many....:groan:

But as I read above, Juve fans don't show respect to other teams or other fans. Being a fan of a team doesn't mean despise other teams or their fans...

Also, we must not generlize....not all fans are hateful or annoying...there're different types of fans....:):)

that's right Mermaidah! I don't hate teams, I just don't like them :p :D


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2003
I detest manure fans-I have met very few that aren't complete jerks. Talk about stuck-up!!! and the problem is that they keep winning the epl, so they do have something to back it up with.
Real madrid fans are often annoying, but not nearly as bad as manure fans. it used to be that everyone I met supported manure, but now it seems like everyone supports real-I can't help wondering how many of them are real fans........I agree on the arsenal fans....I pity them

Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
i dont mind them, as long they dont piss me off! :fero:

i would never kill somebody..i would never...i would never..unless they piss me off


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
You want annoying???

Try living in the Boston area and dealing with Red Sox fans.


A case study in misery and misplaced arrogance.


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
Manchester United fans are usually under the age of 10.

Liverpool fans are stuck in the 80's. "Next year... next year...." - "Next year, what?!" - "Next year, we'll win for sure" - "Next year you'll suck as always! Shut it!"

The Real Madrid fans I know are pretty much the same as us, but a bit more arrogant.

Roma fans only know one word. Try explaning them that Juve are better and they will say... "Totti!"

Milan fans are probably the most arrogant ones.


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2003
++ [ originally posted by USA Juventini ] ++
You want annoying???

Try living in the Boston area and dealing with Red Sox fans.


A case study in misery and misplaced arrogance.
:LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL: That is so true! I know lots of people from Boston-it drives me crazy. Also, I happen to be a yankees fan........


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2003
I'm a Liverpool fan-and I'm 16. but I know what you mean. liverpoolfc.tv is the teams official website, and it's crap. Houllier is always saying "Next year is the year" blah blah blah. but no Liverpool fans I know are like that-they aren't stupid


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by HWIENIAWSKI ] ++

:LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL: That is so true! I know lots of people from Boston-it drives me crazy. Also, I happen to be a yankees fan........

Did you see where the Sox put Manny Ramirez on waivers??

As if someone would be stupid enough to pick up the remaining 5 years and 110 million dollars left on his contract.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Strange for me, cause it seems that you prejudge people depends on club they support: these fans are always....sth, and those fans are always... sth.

I never say that eg Roma fans are... sth and Inter fans are... sth, cayse it's huge simplification.

I have friends, who support different clubs and we never had any fight about that.
I dislike Real and Arsenal much, but I didnt have conflict with them, cause of that. Sometimes we joke about our clubs, but only for fun, not to hurt anyone.
They can see Juve's advantage, and they also can see disadvantages of their teams. They are not blind and biased towards Juve.

And before matches, even if Juve plays against one of them, we say: hey good luck with this match, the better will be winner :thumb:

So if it comes to people I live with, friends etc, I cant complain about any fans of any teams.


Jul 15, 2002
Vit these are not really bad people per se in life but just when it comes to football something transforms them into nutters.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
i think there are nice people, ignorant asz-holes, smart people and complete idiots fans for every team.

Juve have them, Inter have them....it also depends on who you support when you talk to them...

i dont like Generalizations...


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
i think there are nice people, ignorant asz-holes, smart people and complete idiots fans for every team.

Juve have them, Inter have them....it also depends on who you support when you talk to them...

i dont like Generalizations...
I agree, and that's more or less what I was trying to say :)

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