What a lovely morning (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
Wednesday the 18th, another glorious day...

Anders was sleeping, he was dreaming about some hot chicks and stuff... suddenly a loud crash woke him up. Anders was thinking... WTF is going on!
He put on a t-shirt, stepped out of his room and saw his mother in the BMW halfway through the garage door.
She was laughing, just sitting there, while Anders just stood there with his hands on his head... shocked.
Anders' mother got out the car still laughing, Anders asked her... "What da hell happened???" his mother replied - "HA HA HA, I forgot to put it in reverse... hahahaha"
The car was parked outside the garage. She had to go to work, she was in a hurry and forgot to put the damn car in reverse... so she smashed right through garage door, not only wrecking the door and the car, but also a few bikes and some other crap.
She couldn't stop laughing, so Anders started laughing as well. Some neighbours walked by, they started laughing as well... not with Anders and his mother but at them.
When they were done laughing, Anders' mother instructed him to clean up the mess, then she walked to work.
Anders' foot is still broken. (he broke some weeks ago while cheering/watching football on TV) He got the car out, it was still functional but not very pretty. Then he started cleaning up the mess... but he didn't get very far. A rather big piece of the garage door fell on his broken foot. Ouuuch! The god damn foot was almost healed, but the freakin' door made it even worse.

What a wonderful morning, I wonder how the rest of the day will go...

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Senior Member
Dec 13, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #6
    ++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++
    ha lol :howler: You're life sounds so dramatic at times! :D;)

    Take it easy mate!
    I will try to take easy... thanks guys.

    My life dramatic? :howler: :D
    Yeah, someone will probably make a movie about me someday... :D


    Senior Member
    Dec 13, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #11
    ++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++
    Must be, 'cause only then could you break your foot three times :howler: ;)
    and screw my brothers wifes and gf's like they do in The Bold and the Beautiful... later on I'll get a brain tumor and disappear for a while. Everyone think I'm dead, but then I come back claiming that every child on the show is mine, cuz I screwed almost all of them (the chicks, not the kids!). My brothers will get pissed and break my foot again. Then I'll jump off a mountain using a plastic bag as a parachute...

    Damn... I watch to much crappy TV...


    Jul 15, 2002
    Looking good Anders .... What an action packed morning :D
    Sorry about the leg, the car, the garage :angle:


    Senior Member
    Dec 13, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #17
    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    Kalle, just imagine how much more you could experience tomorrow ;)

    Hey, I understand your avatar now :D
    yeah I know, this month could be really special! :D

    Erik... ditto! :p

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