Vikings (5 Viewers)


May 27, 2007
Last episode spoiler!!
Pfff, can't believe they killed him ffs... Floki you fucking retard :sergio:

I don't want to open that @igortudor :D For that reason I avoid Wiki and reading books of that period. Hell, my friend even wanted to spoil for me from a video game but I almost punched him.

Last episode was great but pffff....


( ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)
Aug 26, 2009
This show is hardly a historical show anyway. They messed up so many dates and characters that it's hard to spoil now.

They even made Alfred the Great a bastard and even got his mother wrong :lol: (Aethelwulfs other wife gave birth to Alfred).


Senior Member
Jan 15, 2015
@Dule90 I follow the same spoiler policy. Just wanted to read up on Ivar the Boneless if he really was boneless or not and then BAM :D
@radekasTypical for History Channel as there is lots of unauthentic and unrealistic stuff in regard of Viking civilizations. But it doesn't bother me.

PS: Found some dutch footballer's grandfather. Arjennar Robbrok, loves to cut inside his enemies.



Senior Member
Jan 15, 2015
up to date :matri:
-Screw Floki. During the course of the recent 1.5 seasons he has turned from an excentric likable punk into an 1-dimensional perma-nagging wimp. DA GAWDZ DA GAWDZ DA GAWDZ!!! I hope he gets blood-eagled. Heartbreaking scene at the end.
-Old man escaping from Wessex scene also was touching. Poor lad obviously didnt want to die.
-Authors keep comparing christianity and paganism. Example of the week: Dealing with adulterers :D Dat Judith girl is hawt. Enjoyed the mutilation scene probably more than I should have.


( ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)
Aug 26, 2009
Man, the history is getting more and more messed up with each episode. Now Paris is the capital of Carolingian Empire? :sergio: It wasn't even very important back then. Also this should be taking place around year 800 when Charlemagne was still alive and well yet we are talking about his grandson here which would mean that the Emperor (who never should be in Paris, his capital would be Aechen) would be Charles the Bald.

Charles the Bald had a daughter named Judith who was married to Aethelwulf of Wessex btw.

Odo became the Count of Paris in year 882 and he was the legendary defender of Paris. Too bad that this would mean that Charles the Bald is already dead and the Emperor is actually Charles the Fat. Or it could be Charles the Simple (that would make the most sense judging by his actions in the episode) but that would mean that Odo was already the King of Western Francia from 888 to 889 and removed. Charles the Simple had a daughter named Gisela btw. And she was married to that Rollo guy later.

What a clusterfuck :lol:. I think at some point they've decided that history is an obstacle. This Emperor is like 4 Emperors combined into a SuperEmperor :rofl:.

I still like the show though, I wish it would at least try harded where it comes to the actual history :lol:.


Dec 17, 2007
Ragnar becoming more and more of a monk looking man. Walking with a stick, bald head.

I have a feeling he has something in store for floki.


May 27, 2007
Man, the history is getting more and more messed up with each episode. Now Paris is the capital of Carolingian Empire? :sergio: It wasn't even very important back then. Also this should be taking place around year 800 when Charlemagne was still alive and well yet we are talking about his grandson here which would mean that the Emperor (who never should be in Paris, his capital would be Aechen) would be Charles the Bald.

Charles the Bald had a daughter named Judith who was married to Aethelwulf of Wessex btw.

Odo became the Count of Paris in year 882 and he was the legendary defender of Paris. Too bad that this would mean that Charles the Bald is already dead and the Emperor is actually Charles the Fat. Or it could be Charles the Simple (that would make the most sense judging by his actions in the episode) but that would mean that Odo was already the King of Western Francia from 888 to 889 and removed. Charles the Simple had a daughter named Gisela btw. And she was married to that Rollo guy later.

What a clusterfuck :lol:. I think at some point they've decided that history is an obstacle. This Emperor is like 4 Emperors combined into a SuperEmperor :rofl:.

I still like the show though, I wish it would at least try harded where it comes to the actual history :lol:.
I always thought if history was even their aim the first place. I mean, is it really possible that they don't know history? I wouldn't blame the director but if he's making a show about then they should get the tiniest details, no? And it's not like Vikings are the only ones messing it up. Same was did with Alexander which came out like ten years ago and same goes for pretty much every single movie that has history in it. So why do they do it? I'd MAYBE understand if they did it to make it more entertaining, but why twist facts about Alexander who had a pretty epic story behind him (both him and his father), so why not follow it? Same goes for everything else.


( ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)
Aug 26, 2009
I always thought if history was even their aim the first place. I mean, is it really possible that they don't know history? I wouldn't blame the director but if he's making a show about then they should get the tiniest details, no? And it's not like Vikings are the only ones messing it up. Same was did with Alexander which came out like ten years ago and same goes for pretty much every single movie that has history in it. So why do they do it? I'd MAYBE understand if they did it to make it more entertaining, but why twist facts about Alexander who had a pretty epic story behind him (both him and his father), so why not follow it? Same goes for everything else.
I think the goal, at least for Vikings, is to put all of the most famous Sagas and historical Viking facts into one show centered around one character (Ragnar). The problem is that both the Sagas and the historical Viking raids happened across like 200 years so it looks ridiculous for anyone who has any knowledge of actual history.

Though that doesn't explain the simple facts like:
- Judith being daughter of Charles the Bald not Aelle
- Alfred being the son of Athelwulf and his first wife. Judith was his second wife and didn't give him any children I think. I am not even mentioning the terrible "Aethelstan's bastard" plot.
- Paris not being the capital city of Carolingian Empire.

And this is only from the last few episodes. They could surely put some attention to details like that but oh well.


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
Man, the history is getting more and more messed up with each episode. Now Paris is the capital of Carolingian Empire? :sergio: It wasn't even very important back then. Also this should be taking place around year 800 when Charlemagne was still alive and well yet we are talking about his grandson here which would mean that the Emperor (who never should be in Paris, his capital would be Aechen) would be Charles the Bald.

Charles the Bald had a daughter named Judith who was married to Aethelwulf of Wessex btw.

Odo became the Count of Paris in year 882 and he was the legendary defender of Paris. Too bad that this would mean that Charles the Bald is already dead and the Emperor is actually Charles the Fat. Or it could be Charles the Simple (that would make the most sense judging by his actions in the episode) but that would mean that Odo was already the King of Western Francia from 888 to 889 and removed. Charles the Simple had a daughter named Gisela btw. And she was married to that Rollo guy later.

What a clusterfuck :lol:. I think at some point they've decided that history is an obstacle. This Emperor is like 4 Emperors combined into a SuperEmperor :rofl:.

I still like the show though, I wish it would at least try harded where it comes to the actual history :lol:.
Well said, I lost complete and UTTER hope that this series even even bother staying 5% true to history after this episode due to what most you mentionned (especially after the line of "my grandfather charlemagne"...). They piss on Viking history from the get go and just show fractions of it, ok, but even now they even piss on well known continental Europe history, FFS, its laughable. I think the only thing they will make "real" is that Rollo will marry Gisela, rest of it, they just gonna wing it as usual with massive differences to actual history. The final straw for me was Judith giving birth to Alfred the Great, not only is the wrong mother, ok that I can semi accept, but its the wrong fucking father, they made him a bastard, and its frigging Athelstan so they are just rubbing it in at this point.

From now on I will utterly give up on viewing this as even tiny bit historical fiction series and just pin all my hopes on the upcoming new series by BBC based on Bernard Cromwells book series Saxon sagas, specifically the first one "Last Kingdom", about Uhtred Ragnarsson, Lord of Bebbanburg :touched: And ofcourse heavily involving Alfred the Great. They have commissioned 8 episodes for the first season. The books take liberty with history too, but not to the bizzare way this tv series is, so I'll excited. Plus I love the book series :)


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2005
This thread reminded me of the film by Mel Gibson about vikings, which was supposed to star Leo DiCaprio.
Didn't happen tho :(


Senior Member
Jan 15, 2015
Guys, if you trusted History Channel in terms if historical accuracy you've clearly never seen any documentation conducted by them. In this particular show apart from historical mistakes the viking culture in terms of clothing, armory and daily routine are depicted terribly wrong. I never pulled my excitement for the show from historical proximity but from likable characters, juicy fighting scenes and unexpected twists.

Unrelated: Does anybody else notice how Christoph Waltz-esque Linus Roache portrays King Ecbert? :D Not necessarily in the last ep but during Ragnar's presence in Essex when he played them all. That overly polite articulating while being a villain reminds me of him, especially when it comes to overacting with nose, mouth and chin.


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
Dont see Waltz-esque but King Echbert is a total delight this season. And I dont think about the network and more the showrunner, the guy who did Tudors, I doubt they write the script or decide shit for him, he is the one completetely disgregarding the historical part in historical fiction ALOT MORE THEN USUAL standard for tv and movies, who usually piss on accuracy anyways, I dont expect a documentary, its fun first and foremost, but he is just taking it to a joke level jumping a century or two FFS.


( ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)
Aug 26, 2009
Unrelated: Does anybody else notice how Christoph Waltz-esque Linus Roache portrays King Ecbert? :D Not necessarily in the last ep but during Ragnar's presence in Essex when he played them all. That overly polite articulating while being a villain reminds me of him, especially when it comes to overacting with nose, mouth and chin.
True. I also noticed that Ragnar is very Johnny Depp's John Sparrow-esque when it comes to the way he talks, moves and gestures.

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