Valon Behrami (1 Viewer)

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Senior Member
Jan 30, 2004
It seems Moggi is interested in buying the 19-year old youngster Valon Behrami from Switzerland playing for Verona. Behrami is an attacking midfielder, playing as wide midfielder most of the time. He is being compared with Camoranesi.

Moggi would like to buy Behrami in january, so a move to other interested clubs like Liverpool and Tottenham would be off. Behrami probably won't join us any sooner than in June though, if he is bought.

Buy on
May 4, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Dominic ] ++
It seems Moggi is interested in buying the 19-year old youngster Valon Behrami from Switzerland playing for Verona. Behrami is an attacking midfielder, playing as wide midfielder most of the time. He is being compared with Camoranesi.

Moggi would like to buy Behrami in january, so a move to other interested clubs like Liverpool and Tottenham would be off. Behrami probably won't join us any sooner than in June though, if he is bought.
I really hope we get him, he is from Kosova... omg.. plzz moggi buy this player... PLZZZ!!!
May 4, 2004
this is from

with bad translation

Behrami, the blow of Moggi 27 12 the 2004

Juventus thinks next to the future and the last negotiations that regard the square of Turin of are the clear demonstration. Valon Behrami, 19 years Grace, Luciamo Moggi has always great attention for the young talents and often it succeeds, thanks to its ability and its driven in net of observatories to anticipate the competition. The case of Valon Behrami seems this, centrocampista of the Verona, than it is being revealed like one of the more interesting players of the series cadetta. Behrami, 19 years, is a skillful centrocampista with detached equips offensives and in the 4-3-3 of Ficcadenti it exalts its technical caretteristiche. The boy has Swiss passport, also being of origins to Kosovare , and has already toed make one's debut in rossocrociata Under 21. Many English squares, between which Liverpool and Tottenham, they had put the eyes on pairs he already two ani ago when the Genoa captured it from the Uproar for little euro. Finding space in the from Liguria club little, this summer the Verona has taken it on loan with right of redeems and with the scaligera square it is finding its full consacrazione. Hour waits for alone the great jump in the maximum series. Moggi and Capello have visionato various cassettes of the player and have endured expressed a positive judgment. The Juve could bloccarlo to January and leave it to Verona until the term of the season.

and true.. he has swiss passport but he rejected the swiss NT and choose to play for Albania insted... True Kosovar ;)


Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
Oct 27, 2004
hahahahha :) Well, Olivera is a more exciting player when he's having a good day, but he isnt better than Camo right now. Maybe in the near future, cuz I dislike Camo. But to say Oli is better is a joke :) sorry but that is the case. Camo is great in Defence and okay in offence. Olivera is good in offence and crap in defence I think.
Jul 12, 2002
Camo and Oliviera are both poor. Camo is shite on most days, and Oliviera has some serious gaps in his game. If thie Behrami guy is supposed to be the next Camo, then he's the last player we need. How about we buy a real right winger? I mean, he switched Zamby to leftback and now we've got two attacking midfielders who are not wingers trying to play on the right. Maybe we could buy someone who's a winger...


Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
Oct 27, 2004
Ian, how would Fredrik Ljungberg do? He is great ;)
mouhahahha 2 svenskar i Juventus :)

Or Christian Wilhelmsson :p
May 4, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Ramin ] ++

Behrami is an a Iranian surname. I wonder how he mixed up with switzerland and kosova.
well Ramin.. as Arif said Behrami is an albanian name too.. or lets say its a muslim name, thats why...
and he live's in switzerland but is born and comes from Kosova...
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by David Del Piero ] ++
Ian, how would Fredrik Ljungberg do? He is great ;)
mouhahahha 2 svenskar i Juventus :)

Or Christian Wilhelmsson :p
Ljungberg? I've always been a big fan of his, but I don't think he's for Juve. First of all, his form right now is not so good, and second I don't think that he'd really fit our style of play. The Swede we should really be looking at is Kallstrom...


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2004
uventus, gia' presi Nonda del Monaco e Behrami del Verona
Mar 28 Dic, 12:56 PM

Juventus attiva nel calciomercato in prospettiva della prossima stagione. La societa' bianconera infatti si e' assicurata due giocatori di sicuro talento: Shabani Nonda e Valon Behrami. Nonda, in forza al Monaco, e' in scadenza di contratto e il direttore generale juventino Moggi si e' inserito con astuzia nella trattativa tra la societa' monegasca e il giocatore congolese. Nel momento in cui il rinnovo con il Monaco e' parso impossibile la Juventus e' riuscita a strappare un accordo con il procuratore del giocatore: contratto di tre anni a 1,3 milioni di euro a stagione.Altra trattativa pressoche' conclusa e' quella con Behrami del Verona. Esterno svizzero di origine kosovara, Behrami, che ha 19 anni, e' una delle grandi sorprese della formazione veneta. Ha gia' debuttato nella nazionale under 21 svizzera e gioca da centrocampista esterno con propensioni offensive. Behrami rimarra' a Verona fino a giugno quando la Juventus decidera' se lasciare il giocatore per un'altra stagione in Veneto o prenderlo subito.(Corriere dello Sport)

It says that juve have already signed nonda and Behrami. About Behrami it stays to be seen if he is brought to juve in june or leave him another season at verona. I say we bring him in now.
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