US Presidential Elections thread - the fate of the world to be decided (42 Viewers)

Who would you vote to be the next President of the United States?

  • John McCain

  • Barack Obama

  • undecided

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The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
Andy, I had no wait at all to vote! I guess everybody in my precinct voted last week. Then I realized I missed the vote to merge Rhode Island with Delaware, and instead voted for the merger of Venezuela and Colombia.

Oh well, thankfully we have term limits in this country!


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
You know Venezuela and Colombia, along with Ecuador were a big country like 200 years ago. It was a bad idea. Rhode Delaware Island sounds way better :D


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
im arguieng with some 40 yr old republican here. hes telling me im ignorant and i shouldnt have an opinion because i have no right to


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
This is absolutely amazing. Now CNN is calling Ohio a "Green State", which means the State is waaay to close to call. This could go on for a week.


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
ok well i sat an watched boring numbers all night, only to learn "o no sorry we wont know tonight" , so now im stuck andi ts 12 30 and i havnt began my homework :wallbang:


approaching curve
Oct 3, 2004
Great stuff!
Now we can enjoy Bush killing more innocent people in Iraq and the American people showed how cold-blooded they are once again.



Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by pecker ] ++
Great stuff!
Now we can enjoy Bush killing more innocent people in Iraq and the American people showed how cold-blooded they are once again.

Please don't start with this, we've got enough threads for this kind of 'discussion'


approaching curve
Oct 3, 2004
Why not? :undecide: That's how i feel right now. I'm sick of tired of the war. I stayed up all night watching the election. Saw people who said "we can't pull back out of iraq now, we don't wanna go home with nothing". I got so pist, what did they want? Diplomas?

GRRRRRRR pecker not happy!


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2001
I would not have chosen President Bush mainly because of his idiotic economic politics that's about to ruin America. Still I can understand why the american people chose Bush.
His foreign poilitcs and especially the war in Iraq has seemed like a very stupid thing to me. But so far this politics has fulfilled its purpose, to stop the terror. There has not been any terror attacks on the US since 9/11. If Bush would have told me this at the night of september 11, 2001, I would just have laughed at him. If this was a work of his I leave unsaid, but it is hard not to give him credit for it.
Terrorists might be planning new attacks right now but until the election there was none and as the national security was the area with the highest priority it makes sense that the americans chose him.
I who do not live in USA might not be as afraid of the terror as they are so if they believe Bush is the man to prevent it then they might very well have made the right decision.


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2004
Hah this is the best day in 4 years!, thank you America!, -you ppl are the best!. Bush is the ideal leader as he has proved, a role model for the missinformed socialistic loosers in most of europe and the rest of the world.
In your face all Bush/USA haters, you are all loosers!!!

finally my last post on this stupid forum.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Nothing is final as of yet, however it looks as if President Bush will be re-elected as of 7:00 this morning.

Look, for everyone here on this forum who is starting to rev up and start the hate machine for the Americans who voted for Bush (which includes myself and a couple of others here), consider this for a moment:

Bush has taken foreign policy and hacked and slashed it to pieceswith the war in Iraq.

Bush has taken a 200 billion dollar surplus and turned it into a 500 billion dollar deficit.

Bush has taken outsourcing to a new art form, with hundreds of thousands of jobs being lost.

Bush initiated the Patriot Act, which is basically an infringement on our civil liberties disguised as a mechanism to detect terrorists in our country.

However, it looks like President Bush is going to be re-elected.

Blame the Bush supporters? Why? We were here all along, and weren't going anywhere.

You want to throw blame around, well here's a list:

The democratic party, for putting out an indecisive, spineless, joke of a candidate by the name of John Kerry. There were numerous others who were far better potential candidates, such as General Wesley Clark. However, Gen. Clark didn't have the good fortune of marrying into a billion dollar empire and having the necessary funds to put forth a stronger challenge.

The American people, but not all of them, and not the ones who went to the polls and supported either candidate. I'm talking about the ones who talked up a storm about wanting to see a change, but when they got to the polling booths and realized they had to wait a couple of hours, they realized that going home and watching Seinfeld re-runs or Access Hollywood was more important than having a hand in shaping our country's future. By the way, great job P. Diddy woth your "Vote or Die" campaign. In 2000, 17% of all voters were between the ages of 18-29, and in 2004, that number was...............................................................................17%. But its not all bad, Diddy. I'm sure you mad quite a pretty penny with that new clothing line.

And finally, Mr. John Kerry himself. Does anybody really know what he was all about? Was anyone really convinced that he would stick to anything that he said that he would do? Does anyone really have an idea of what he would do in the first place?

When the Democratic mantra, and the mantra of all those celebrities who endorsed Senator Kerry was "Anybody but Bush", that isn't exactly a ringing endorsement for your own candidate. In other words, a well-groomed dog who can roll over on command would have qualified as a candidate, because that dog wasn't named George W. Bush.

Bottom line, John Kerry was a weak candidte, and wanting to make a change just for the sake of making a change is not enough reason to do so when it comes to something as important as an election. There HAS to be some sort of solid base of standards, morals and principles with which people can relate to, and there just wasn't very much substance there.

I was not happy with either candidate, as it was easily the worst I've seen in my 16 years of voting, but to me, there just wasn't enough with Senator Kerry for me to change my mind. And this is coming from someone who has voted Democrat in the last 4 elections

For those who are claiming fraud in Ohio or bogus states such as Florida, consider this:

Bush leads Ohio by roughly 150,000 votes, and there are only 170,000 provisional ballots to be counted. Bush won Florida by 400,000 votes so there is no controversy there.

God Bless America, and God bless those who stood up and made their voice and vote heard, regardless of whom they voted for. Its time to turn this country around, and restore it to the great country that had the respect of its own people and the world.

Oh yeah. Hillary in 2008


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Sergio, good points.

++ [ originally posted by Sergio ] ++
Its time to turn this country around, and restore it to the great country that had the respect of its own people and the world.
I think you're in for a big disappointment but that may or may not have been the case no matter who won.

++ [ originally posted by _Emerson ] ++
finally my last post on this stupid forum.
I have never said this about any poster before but that's a blessing.
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