US Presidential Elections thread - the fate of the world to be decided (30 Viewers)

Who would you vote to be the next President of the United States?

  • John McCain

  • Barack Obama

  • undecided

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Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
Let me guess this straight, you successfully sue eachother for the most retarded things like McDonals made me fat, or a thief sues and wins a case of injurying himself while robbing a house etc. But when it comes to frigging vicious and extremely harmful outright lies and propoganda (basically the whole point of why the practice of suing was invented...), its a case of something not really doable? Am I weird, or isnt that really screwed up?


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Let me guess this straight, you successfully sue eachother for the most retarded things like McDonals made me fat, or a thief sues and wins a case of injurying himself while robbing a house etc. But when it comes to frigging vicious and extremely harmful outright lies and propoganda (basically the whole point of why the practice of suing was invented...), its a case of something not really doable? Am I weird, or isnt that really screwed up?
America. Land of the free. Land of contradiction. We're basically the Doc Holiday of the modern world minus the loyalty. Our hypocracy knows no bounds.
Aug 1, 2003
I'm sorry babe, but no no and no. Your tutor should catch up on his readings.

What does a flag pin or religion have to do with running a country? And Obama's respect for the military has never come into question. That news is pretty old, like primary election old.

As for his declaration that Obama will loose the entire south. It probably doesn't occur to him that the states with the greatest minority populations and highest amounts of poor people live in the South. In fact, Obama has been gaining in those polls pretty steadily for the last few weeks. Even the Fix News Poll has him coming on if not surpassing McCain.

I think meeting with Ahmedinijan is a great idea. Why not try a little diplomacy when it's obvious the "staying tough" strategy hasn't worked at all?

As for Iraq, it's all speculation. After all it is the Middle East aka the most unstable region ever. The Iraqi's probably did not have enough troops in 2006 to maintain a hold on their own country. They do now and it's obvious that Al Quada has strongholds in both Afganistan and Pakistan, which was the reason we invaded Afganistan first. The truth is, it's time for the Iraqis to stand on there own. We've completed our mission.

As for the invading China conspiracy, not gonna happen. 10 billion a month going into the occupation of Iraq plus whatever we have left going into Afganistan. There aren't the funds or the man power to mess with China. I don't know who your tutor talks to but invasion of China is not high on anyone's list right now. It's somewhere in between North Korea and Belize.
I dont know, from what he said from the military convention - he was (apparently) actually offered a job by the States because he has produced some pro US articles - that theres actually quite a significant number of military elites who wouldn't mind invading China if they're given the green light, going back to the whole catch em while they're still weak rather than letting em go and become a threat to the US hegemon. I don't think the states will attack China with out of the blue, but there is a potential case in Taiwan. He also said that the US are much, much stronger in terms of weapons and power, more so than they are letting on to the people.

The point is there's still some.. I don't know how to put it, the conservative American? out there, who for some unfathomable reason do take the fact that Obama doesn't wear the badge seriously etc, deemed not 'patriotic' enough. I think my tutor's main point is that the media overhypes Obama's lead, or underhypes how significant these conservative americans actually are - in reality it'll be a much closer race.

But, of course, at the rate things are going now, most people would vote for Obama I guess.

As for Ahmedinijan, that's a matter of opinion I guess. I don't mind Obama talking to him and trying to work things out, but other people (tutor included) would say that you don't sit and 'talk' with people like hitler or the Rwandan government. Ahmedinijan he believes is very much capable of a Jewish genocide if he was allowed to do so.


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
The Megwatts the state of WV put out are much more than Niagra. So it would be entirely true to state that West Virginia is responsible more the majority of power in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions because unless your power is from a hydroelectric dam then it comes from West Virginia mostly due to our coal production.
Niagara Falls is pure hydroelectric, and powers this whole area, all the way to NYC

I got lost in a blizzard of words there Osman, skärp dig :D

Nukes is the only (as if it's only) resource to scare away the boogyman? Dude, what do you know about the military of Pakistan? They're no pushovers, history shows that. You're mistaken if you think they're an Iraq or an Afghanistan. They have one of the most powerful army's in the world. It has had to been one because of its conflict with India.

I'm not bragging about the ISI, it's a known fact that they're powerful. It's ranked in the top 5 amongst all intelligence agencies in the world.
then they should be able to take care of the areas run by Al Queda and the Taliban, right ??

actually the current President, his name is Asif Ali Zardari, is very pro-US, a lot like his dead wife Benazir Bhutto...any citizen of any country would not be fond of a foreign nation coming into its airspace and bombing its territory...and what did Musharraf NOT do for the US? He destroyed his country for your invasion of Afghanistan...Pakistan is in turmoil now because he helped the US...he was also almost assassinated twice for his guys had the beef with the Afghans not us, and he was right in refusing the US on the idea of sending Pakistani troops...
he didnt take care of his end of the bargain, and help us get Bin Laden out of Pakistan...he took the money and ran

Not just lies in national debates, but outright pathetic low ball smear campaigns is like political 1o1 for that countries political makeup for some reason.

I seriously saw an ad McCain made where disgustingly enough says Obama is corrupting your kindergarden kids by teaching them "comprehensive sex ed, pretty clear the fucked up shit it hinted at (when the reality is Obama is one of 100s who voted on a bill years ago to educate kids on how to spot the warning signs for sex offenders, and proper way to protect them etc).

It doesnt matter most people knows its far from the truth, downright pathetic distortions in smear ads are quite effective propoganda , otherwise it wouldnt be so commonly used tool (I mean, how stupid you have to be to buy this crap? Depressively stupid people are...). Here's a recap of the ads, seriously wtf is up?

Republican presidential candidate John McCain on Friday denied his barrage of hardball negative advertisements against Democratic rival Barack Obama amounted to "lies."

The Arizona Senator defended his campaign's tactics against Obama, which claimed his opponent called Republican vice presidential pick Sarah Palin a "pig" and advocated teaching sex education to kindergarten children.

"Actually, they are not lies," McCain said on the ABC television chat show "The View."

The Obama campaign had argued that McCain's camp deliberately misinterpreted Obama's recent comment that Republican claims to represent change were like putting "lipstick on a pig" as a sexist remark aimed at Palin.

"He shouldn't have said it. He chooses his words very carefully, this is a tough campaign," McCain said.

Earlier this week, the McCain campaign debuted an attack ad claiming that as a state lawmaker in Illinois, Obama backed a bill to teach "comprehensive sex education" to kindergartners."

"Learning about sex before learning to read? Barack Obama. Wrong on education. Wrong for your family," the narrator of the advertisement said.

In reality, the legislation allowed local schools to teach "age-appropriate" sex education, meaning that kindergarten kids could be warned about sexual predators and inappropriate touching but not taught about sex.

The Obama camp hit back angrily at McCain over the advertisement.

"It is shameful and downright perverse for the McCain campaign to use a bill that was written to protect young children from sexual predators as a recycled and discredited political attack against a father of two young girls," said Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton.

"Last week, John McCain told Time magazine he couldn't define what honor was. Now we know why."

The intense McCain barrage on Friday prompted the Obama campaign to launch a counter-attack, with ads which branded McCain as out of touch with the economic travails of everyday Americans and guilty of using smears against the Democrat.


Unimagineably pathetic.
welcome to the world of politics.....

You'll alll hate me for this, but I'm going to say it anyway: in this respect Americans are retarded, just the way many Italians are retarded. I don't know what it is about certain countries that makes propaganda and the spreading of lies on their territories okay. In Belgium you see very few political ads (in Italy you see lots), and ads such as the ones McCain uses would be illegal. All Obama would have to do in Belgium is press charges, although it's quite likely that the state of Belgium would decide to sue McCain, even if Obama didn't do anything. Disgraceful really. And pretty funny, because you know who else use these tactics to win discussions?

That's right: Vinman.
I love you too, fuckface !!:p

I won't object to that. It's true. Many Americans are indeed retarded. I get to interact with them on a daily basis.
as do I

People who have common sense and are not racist will probably vote for Obama. History suggests that the party in office during rough economic times never wins the next Presidential election.
I have a ton of common sense, and I am (still) undecided

I dont trust Obama just like I dont trust Mc guys act like Obama is the second coming of Christ, and that he can walk on water. If he gets into office, I'd be surprised if he kept 20% of his promises

Yeah, I find that fascinating as well. Especially because Obama has truly been insulted. It's not about opinions anymore, it's really nasty. If I were American and I wanted to vote for McCain before all these ads came up, I wouldn't vote anymore now.

Another thing I noticed is how McCain likes to say: let's talk about facts, let's talk about actions. And then he goes on about things Obama supposedly did wrong or didn't do. And then afterwards it becomes clear that the facts are completely different.

Spot on about the socialism by the way. You know what, I'm going to piss a Republican off :D.

Hey, Vinman, which European country still has communists?

That's right: ITALY

Although that's a bit shortsighted.
No shit, Sherlock

I know the city of Livorno is loaded with them....where are the fascists when you need them ??:D


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
I'm not convinced by Obama yet, really. He just doesn't seem to have a general plan or anything. Or at least, it didn't come through on this side of the Atlantic.

But for the love of God, surely no sane person would ever vote for McCain?

I've been told that Democrats have a more proctectionist trade policy, so for Europeans, we're better off with Republicans. Ummm yeah right, I really feel the benefits of 8 years of some republican guy in office now!
Well, that's the thing isn't it? I'm not completely convinced by Obama yet, but he does look like an intelligent fellow. Which is a lot compared to McCain. Besides, it's simply criminal to vote Republican after eight years of Bush.

Vinman, for the love of God, don't vote McCain. Just stay at home.


Sep 3, 2006
dunno if its true, but I saw a documentary where it said that Obama is a 32nd level Freemason, and Hillary was also in the society 'cos of Bill...McCain would definitely be in there I guess


Second coolest member!
Apr 5, 2006
dunno if its true, but I saw a documentary where it said that Obama is a 32nd level Freemason, and Hillary was also in the society 'cos of Bill...McCain would definitely be in there I guess
If Obama really is a 32nd level of Freemason than he is one level short of being on the highest level!! If bot Obama and Maccain are in Fremasonary then i dont know who will win but if Obama is the only one then he will surely win!!! I am so fucking scared of Freemasons i cant even explain!!


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
Oh you know he's in Pakistan? How did you find him, Google Earth?
dont know where he is, and dont really care TBH

"took the money and ran" is an expression we use here in the USA, it just basically means he was paid, but didnt keep his end of the agreement


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
Not all Americans are dumb. Not all Americans are uneducated. Some have common sense and are cultured.

But many, many, are fucking retarded.
sure this wasnt taken in West Virginia ??:p

just to give you both sides of the coin, let me take you to the corner of Jefferson Ave and Clinton Street in the city of Buffalo, in front of the A-1 Liquor store, and ask an Obama supporter a few questions (I know he's a supporter because he's wearing an Obama t-shirt)

me- "sir, I see you are an Obama supporter....can you tell me why you are supporting him ?"

supporter- "because he's black"

me- ""sir, do you know what he stands for, or what he is promising the American people if he gets elected?"

supporter- "doesnt matter, he's black, and he's got my's about time we goona get a brother in the White House"

so you see, Andrew, ignorance is everywhere, with both parties
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