US Presidential Elections thread - the fate of the world to be decided (19 Viewers)

Who would you vote to be the next President of the United States?

  • John McCain

  • Barack Obama

  • undecided

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X Æ A-12

Senior Member
Sep 4, 2006
Palin was such an awful choice by Mccain. Her nutjob views have become way to much of a liability and her appointment completely backfired on his campaign.


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
we could have stayed and carpet-bombed them into submission....or sent even more troops to wipe everyone out

be real, they couldnt beat us.

So you can kill even more civilians than you have already be real.
firts off, Nick, learn how to use the "quote" feature

and secondly, when the enemy hides among the innocent...


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004

I called it. I knew it was going to be FIX News.

And as soon as I saw it, I clicked the big X on my web browser. :lol2:

Seriously, stop watching that ridiculous fraud of a news organization.


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002

I called it. I knew it was going to be FIX News.

And as soon as I saw it, I clicked the big X on my web browser. :lol2:

Seriously, stop watching that ridiculous fraud of a news organization.
none of it is false....or are you afraid to admit it ??

William Ayers and the good reverand are ANTI- AMERICAN, and Obama is closer than close with both

thats enough reason NOT to vote for him


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
we could have stayed and carpet-bombed them into submission....or sent even more troops to wipe everyone out

be real, they couldnt beat us.

So you can kill even more civilians than you have already be real.
I can't tell if you meant to reply to me or if you're sarcastically replying to Vin. Anyway here's some food for thought. For everyone really.

Vietnam is not geographically suited for a land invasion. You cannot move large amounts of troops over that kind topography. That's the reason the US could never get enough troops in the mountainous regions to force out the NVA or the VC. So Vietnam became a war of oneupmanship between who could take the next hill or village. And we all know how it ended... with Ho Chi Men City as the capital.

I just want to reiterate that John McCain does not know how to win wars.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
so, when's the last time you took your helicopter over there to survey the situation, Andy ?
It's even being admitted by people in the military we are losing control in Afghanistan and along the Pakistani border. There is no doubt we are losing there.

Last night, 60 Minutes interviewed the Delta Forces command leader who led teams into the wilderness of Afghanistan. He wanted to conduct a risky entrance Al Qaeda wouldn't suspect when his team was vastly outnumbered, but he was sure they could win. Al Qaeda wasn't ready for him. But sure enough, approval for the mission was denied by somebody higher than him, perhaps even the President. Osama Bin Laden could have been taken right there and then, but the leader wasn't allowed to do his job, which he still regrets today almost five years later.

That fact is a HUGE loss to me. I mean, we could have been done with this crap five years ago, but no. We're still there. And I wonder why...

I'll say're unpatriotic !!

I see you are backpedaling from the 9-11 "conspiracy" doubt our intelligence community fucked things up by not sharing info with each other (which also happens with police departments as well, seeing as though sometimes ego's get into the way of solving cases), but our government in no way, shape or form knew anything about these attacks before they actually happened (the vague info Bush got months before about a possible hijacking wasnt enough to deter this tragedy)

Again, it's foolish to rule out anything, and it's obvious that what we are being told by the government regarding 9/11 is not entirely accurate. The degree to how far the inaccuracy goes nobody knows. Something is clearly amiss to me and I believe it's foolhardy to trust everything your government tells you.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
none of it is false....or are you afraid to admit it ??

William Ayers and the good reverand are ANTI- AMERICAN, and Obama is closer than close with both

thats enough reason NOT to vote for him
It's funny how you blast me for keeping an open mind to what happened on 9/11, yet then you believe in some conspiracy theories yourself.

Obama visited Ayers house? Big fucking deal. Doesn't mean anything.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Geez Vinnie come on. Do you really watch Sean Hannity for anything more than comic effect? Seriously Vin, you really watch that crap? Hannity and O'Reilly are the two most racist pricks on television. And on top of that they're both half to three quarters simple. At least watch Tucker Carlson or something. He's not a racist and he's never worked for ET.

Anyway I'm happy Obama has such "radical" connections. As if ministers giving controversial speeches in their own churches are something we should frown on in America.

Should a president be blind to his countries flaws? We've had eight years of "blind rhetoric" and look where it's gotten us. We have less money and less rights than ever before. Realistically, the majority of those claims are cut together and fabricated in the strong fundamentals of gotcha journalism. Except they haven't gotten shit.

It's really a stretch to call Barack Obama anti American when the prick in office is behind some of the most anti American policy in the history of our country. Talk about "It's not what your country can do for you"... It's been how much can the tax payer do for us with this administration.

The guy running against Obama has said on multiple occasions, in public, that even though we may not agree with our President and his policies we should follow him any way. And people that make between 40 and 120k a year still want to vote for him. Does the Patriot Act or Executive Order Whateverthefuck ring a bell? Legislation like that is some of the most socialist, anti American bull shit ever produced. Talk about Big Government, isn't that the opposite of conservative doctrine or does that only concern executive pocket books? And McCain wants to continue this shit? Are you kidding me? This country needs to wake up and quit electing the retards the want to drink beers with.

Look its not about Democrat or Republican in this election. In fact after this election I'm registering Independent because I can stand half the tools in my party. This election is about choices. It's about right and wrong. A good choice and a baaaaaad choice. In case no one has noticed the economy is in a bit of a panic right now and as far as foreign policy goes we're not on the best terms with the world right now. There is only one candidate with the knowledge and background to at least point the economy in the right direction and he isn't the guy who's already says he know zilch about the economy. There is only one candidate with the vision and charisma to establish the US as a forerunner in the eyes of the rest of the world, organize our allies in an effort to actually make ground in the war on terror instead of merely faking it, and overall ensure US security is better than what it is today. It's not the moron who says that we should stay in Iraq for a hundred years while Al-Quaeda and friends merely side step and continue building in another country.

Barack Obama is really the only choice in this election. He is the only candidate who gives the United States a chance to become better. Some say he is the lesser of two evils, but really neither guy is evil. They both want the best for our country. It just so happens that one of them has 11 houses (sold one) and 13 cars (low count) and calls the other an elitist. Obama doesn't claim to be Country First and have a bus full of lobbyists funding and organizing his campaign in their interest instead of those of the American people. The choice is obvious and in case I haven't spelled it out for you. My President is black. And god willing yours will be too.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
I can't wait until Obama takes office and phones up Mahmoud Ahmedinijad, immediately ordering the nuclear obliteration of Israel. Then, while the world is in panic, Obama declares martial law, sends all non-Muslims to FEMA concentration camps, and rewrites the Constitution to change the United States into an Islamic State, where all converts to Islam are rewarded with 72 virgins hand picked from said FEMA camps. The White House will then be moved to Mecca, the new capital of the United States of Islamobama.



Jan 30, 2008
firts off, Nick, learn how to use the "quote" feature

and secondly, when the enemy hides among the innocent...
There we go simple,I just cannot believe you are not accepting that the US and UK are getting raped in Iraq and Afghanistan,but hey at least we are withdrawing more and more troops because we know its a war we cannot win and really does anybody know what were fighting for?.

Also does America even know what a stratergy is?you stratergicaly bomb your targets lool yer right.
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