Thuram to Real? (2 Viewers)



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Nov 1, 2003
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    ++ [ originally posted by cynical ] ++
    speaking of's things with Lucio ?
    i read in calciomercato that we're poised to get him. since chelsea have bought alex, and we were also rumoured wanting his there was a mutual agreement between juve-chelsea that we can get lucio and chelsea will back-off.

    but i think the news was bollox anyway ;)

    Buy on
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by kaizer ] ++
    i read in calciomercato that we're poised to get him. since chelsea have bought alex, and we were also rumoured wanting his there was a mutual agreement between juve-chelsea that we can get lucio and chelsea will back-off.

    but i think the news was bollox anyway ;)
    That's not happening. Chelsea bought Alex, but sent him to PSV. They'll still want another defender, and there's no way that they'll let us have Lucio if they don't have to.


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Ian ] ++
    That's not happening. Chelsea bought Alex, but sent him to PSV. They'll still want another defender, and there's no way that they'll let us have Lucio if they don't have to.
    That's right. Alex won't join Chelsea's squad for several years. In the mean time, they'll be wanting at least one central defender this summer.


    Junior Member
    Mar 2, 2004
    are they interested with thuram?
    the latest signing if i'm not mistaken will be Vincent Kompany
    a young dc from belgium,Anderlecht
    but i dont think they will use him immediately


    Senior Member
    Jun 14, 2003
    Selling Thuram would not be a good decision IMO. Although he's 32, he still has pace - it's not as if he will lose it overnight just because he's over 30.

    Thuram would probably have more pace than Montero, Iuliano etc when he's 50, so why not play him till then? After all, we still play Montero for some unknown reason.

    Whatever you say about our defence, Thuram is quality. If we are getting all these new defenders this summer (as everyone seems to think) - surely we need someone in there who has experience and can help bed the others in.

    All the names that are being banded around (Ferrari, Bonera, Mexes etc) may have potential, but all are unproven at the highest level - i.e CL. We need to keep some of what we already have.

    If we sell Thuram it will mean another season of Montero - I couldn't take it. I'd keep Thuram and Ferrara (along with Legro). Juve should look for a good right back and put Thuram in the middle, but he's great on the right either way.
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Monkfish ] ++
    Selling Thuram would not be a good decision IMO. Although he's 32, he still has pace - it's not as if he will lose it overnight just because he's over 30.

    Thuram would probably have more pace than Montero, Iuliano etc when he's 50, so why not play him till then? After all, we still play Montero for some unknown reason.

    Whatever you say about our defence, Thuram is quality. If we are getting all these new defenders this summer (as everyone seems to think) - surely we need someone in there who has experience and can help bed the others in.

    All the names that are being banded around (Ferrari, Bonera, Mexes etc) may have potential, but all are unproven at the highest level - i.e CL. We need to keep some of what we already have.

    If we sell Thuram it will mean another season of Montero - I couldn't take it. I'd keep Thuram and Ferrara (along with Legro). Juve should look for a good right back and put Thuram in the middle, but he's great on the right either way.
    The thing is that Thuram is not playing appreciably better than any of our other defenders this year. Despite that, he is the one who would actually be worth something on the market. Montero and Iuliano won't fetch any money, so why not keep them to be our "experience"?


    Senior Member
    Jun 14, 2003
    because they are rubbish.

    Just because we may get some money for Thuram doesn't automatically mean we should sell him. He hasn't been as good as his usual high standards this season, probably because he's been surrounded by others who have been extremely poor- leaving him exposed.

    If we can shore things up next season , he will be back to his best.

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
    monkfish i have to agree with ian. besides, the only way to salvage our dreams is for a COMPLETE overhaul. the only people who have a fraction of a chance of playing a role in the defence is tudor and legrottaglie. and neither are any good.
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Josh ] ++
    monkfish i have to agree with ian. besides, the only way to salvage our dreams is for a COMPLETE overhaul. the only people who have a fraction of a chance of playing a role in the defence is tudor and legrottaglie. and neither are any good.
    True. Thuram, Iuliano, Montero, and Pessotto do not have a future as starters at this club. Tudor, if healthy and in defence might be a good player in the future. Legrottaglie, on the other hand will have to stay with this team because we spent good money and put faith in him.
    Jul 12, 2002
    :down: Tudor deserves better. He's been a hard working, but very unlucky player. Injuries have robbed him of a promising career...


    Senior Member
    Jan 31, 2003
    i'm sick of tudor. good defender? hell yeah. plays more than 10 games a season? hell no. what a waste! i say we should use him in a swap deal.

    such a clean out is needed.


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Ian ] ++
    :down: Tudor deserves better. He's been a hard working, but very unlucky player. Injuries have robbed him of a promising career...
    damn shame indeed... :down:

    his 00/01 season was incredible!!
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Adrian ] ++
    i'm sick of tudor. good defender? hell yeah. plays more than 10 games a season? hell no. what a waste! i say we should use him in a swap deal.

    such a clean out is needed.
    Why get rid of Tudor? You admit that he is a fine player, but he hasn't palyed more than a few game sin a row for years. No one is going to give serious value to a player like that, and if he ever gets over his injuries he would be a good asset to our team. It doesn't make sense to get rid of a player like that.

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