Thorsten Frings and Diego "linked" with Juve (4 Viewers)

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The Real MC
Jul 30, 2006
Juve, raggiunto l'accordo con Frings

BREMA (Germania) - Blitz a Torino del procuratore del centrocampista del Werder. Trovato l'accordo con la Juve: 3 milioni all'anno fino al 2010. La conferma arriva dallo stesso agente Norbert Pflippen alla 'Bild': "La conversazione con Alessio Secco è stata molto interessante". Nella trattativa è intervenuto anche Deschamps che pare abbia telefonato a Frings per convincerlo a venire alla Juventus. Il tecnico vede nel tedesco un giocatore importante per la linea mediana, in grado di giocare sia davanti alla difesa ma anche in altri ruoli con un rendimento elevato. Raggiunta l'intesa con Frings la Juve deve ora convincere il Werder Brema a cederlo a una cifra accettabile. I 6 milioni offerti, rappresentano però metà della valutazione che in Germania danno al centrocampista. I bianconeri attendono l'esito degli incontri tra Frings e il Werder. Il ds della società, Allofs, ha dato l'ultimatum al centrocampista: "Decida alla svelta, al massimo entro un mese". L'articolo 17 del regolamento Fifa stabilisce infatti che un giocatore con più di 28 anni dopo due anni di contratto può svincolarsi con il pagamento di un indennizzo che nel caso di Frings oscillerebbe tra i 3,5 e 5 milioni.

i'll translate tomorrow if need be


Softcore Juventino
Jul 14, 2006
Deschamps coy over Frings

Juventus boss Didier Deschamps admits he is flattered by Werder Bremen midfielder Torsten Frings's come-and-get-me plea to The Old Lady.

The German international revealed last week that he would relish a move to the Bianconeri who are on course to achieve promotion back to Serie A at the end of the season.

Deschamps refused to hide his admiration of Frings even if the Frenchman stopped short of declaring an intention to press ahead with a possible move for the player.

"I have heard his comments," Deschamps told French radio station RMC.

"He is a very good midfielder, a German international, who is experiencing a very good season with Werder and it is nice to hear that such a good player is interested in our great club."

Deschamps admits his side have begun compiling a short-list of potential new recruits.

"We have to target great players even if we can't say for certain yet whether we will be back in Serie A," added Deschamps.

"The budget has increased and that shows the club's ambitions. Hasan Salihamidzic has already signed.

"Juve remains Juve and, as an historical club, is able to attract players."


Senior Member
Oct 10, 2006
Tonight in German TV Frings said that he had not said that he wants to leave yet but needs to think about the offer to move to an European top club a little.

Nothing new, but some words by himself.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005

Werder Bremen midfielder Torsten Frings has confirmed he will be meeting with representatives of Juventus in the coming days to discuss a move to the Serie B leaders.

The Turin club have made no secret of their desire to sign the Germany international this summer as they prepare for a return to Serie A.

They have already raided the Bundesliga to sign Hasan Salihamidzic from Bayern Munich and are reportedly also tracking Bayern striker Claudio Pizarro as well as Frings' Bremen team-mate Miroslav Klose.

While Klose was remaining tight-lipped over the speculation on Sunday, Frings revealed he would be flying to Turin this week to see how it suits him.

"I have an appointment in Turin in the next few days and I will travel there and take it all in before deciding," he told Arena television.

"I don't want to put myself under any pressure right now, but make an educated decision over where I will play next season."

Frings spoke after his side defeated his former club Borussia Dortmund 2-0 on Sunday to keep up the pressure on Bundesliga leaders Schalke.

He still has over a year left on his contract, but is tempted by the chance to play in Italy, although both Juventus and Bremen appear to be miles apart in their valuation of the 30-year-old.

The German side want 12 million euros (£8.2million) for the player while Juve appear set to offer only half as much.

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