The SuperPippo thread (5 Viewers)


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Didn't we use to have one of these? I think we should :cool:


Serie A Reaction: Inzaghi Thanks His Teammates

After playing such a fantastic match in which he scored a brace and forced numerous saves from Ballotta, not to mention the clearance off the line, Filippo Inzaghi is delighted. But, he wishes in his usual unselfish self to share his pride with his teammates.

"I want to share my goals with my teammates. I couldn't have scored without their help."

"It was a great match, we played with enthusiasm. It's no easy task facing small clubs as Modena on their pitch. We wanted to start on the right foot and we have managed to do precisely that. It has been useful to start the pre-season early," the Italy international comments on the game.

When asked about the team effort, he smiles and says, "we never gave up for the whole 90 minutes."


Doesn't anyone else find it amusing that despite all the offensive talent at Milan nowadays, SuperPippo is the only one scoring (barring a Riva offside cancellation)? :D

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Dj Juve

Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
ahh, they just gave him the two cause they knew DP was gonna score 2 aswell, and thy didnt want him to be jealous...that's all ;)


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
it's just like when my neighbour offers to share something.....and when that happens you know there's some ulterior motive!:D


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Nice to see this thread back!!!

Jus a shame some cant acknowledge the great things pippo done for us ,let alone the fact he carried our team for 2 years while del piero was 'away'

FORZA PIPPO..... May you continue to prove your doubters wrong all season!!


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002

He might Miss 100 chances in a game, but he creates a lot of chance because he knows where to be and when to be there.

I'm kinda surprizsed about pippo's 200th goal dedication....he seemed more selfish with juve. ( he always celebrated alone)

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
I dont know why he's dissed so much. I dont give a **** how many offsides he's got, how many chances he may screw up, or what shit he may do or say, the fact still stands that you cant do shit compared to what hes done for himself or his teammates.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
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    2 more tonight vs Lens, is there any doubt this man is unbelievable???

    WTG PIPPO! :thumb::thumb:

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