the "real Champions League" (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002
++ [ originally posted by ErikP ] ++
That depends - if UEFA were to issue a knock-out system than it mostly depends on which teams you would meet...
I agree. A straight knock out is completely different from the group stages of the CL. How many of those teams going straight in would honestly say they could guarantee qualifying if they had to play the likes of Man Utd, Inter,...Celtic even?

Buy on


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002
++ [ originally posted by tarmpropp ] ++

rosenborgs gap to the other teams are decreasing, many feel that this is because rosenborg are getting worse, not the other teams improving. i think rosenborg is the only team that could make some sort of impact in europe

i feel that maybe the nr 4 team in spain is a better team than the winners of the norwegian lague, but still i think the norwegian team deserves to be in the CL more than the spanish team. i might sound weird, but i think it should be this way
Rosenborg certainly beat Celtic well at home last year, although they did struggle against the other teams.

I agree wholeheartedly with you. Of course they deserve to be there. Thats what the name says---- Champions League.

If it was any other way then they should just dispence with the title Champions League and call it what it really is...the Big Boys Super one outside the top six leagues need apply.


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
I am not a fan of the Epl, but i will say that Heysel did set English teams back, and they have just started to pick up

In Italy it seems people are always saying its very tough and anyone can win the league but since 91 and that in 11years only Lazio and Roma have stopped Milan and Juve from winning the league so its not that different from in Germany, Spain and England

Now of late Italian sides have been very poor in Europe as the last team to reach knockout was Lazio and thats 3 seasons ago

Are you actually suggesting more teams in Scotland be in Cl as in the second place team to be there

As for population thats neither here nor there as China and India are not renowned in football while Uruguay with a population as snall as they are have won the wc 2ce and their teams have done well in s. american competitions ditto for Norwegian and Danish teams


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002
Four teams winning the league in that period compared to Man U and Arsenal is quite a difference.

As for the performance of Italian clubs in the CL, why do they still have three places with such a poor record? Do they still deserve this number of places?

And why do England have three when as you pointed out, apart from Man U only Leeds have even managed the semi- finals with the rest secong stage or qtr finals.

As for two Scottish teams in the CL...sory, I don't see how I gave that in the group stages would be more than enough although we did have two in the qualifying last year, so in theory we could have had two teams in the groups.

As for population...surley it's better to choose from 50 million than five million. Can you see an England team picked purely from the west country, or Staffordshire, or wherever, qualifying for the WC?


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Roverbhoy ] ++
Four teams winning the league in that period compared to Man U and Arsenal is quite a difference.
Are you forgetting Leeds and Blackburn there

As for the performance of Italian clubs in the CL, why do they still have three places with such a poor record? Do they still deserve this number of places?
Actually its four and personally i don't think its deserved

And why do England have three when as you pointed out, apart from Man U only Leeds have even managed the semi- finals with the rest secong stage or qtr finals
MONEY as UEFA do not see past that


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002
Leeds & Blackburn...yeah ok...but still quite some time ago, especially Leeds. Didn't Rangers eliminate them from the EC the following year...thats how long ago it was. get's worse...of course..I forgot about Newcastle........oh deep breaths......soothing thoughts. I'm writting to my MP, MEP, MSP, congress man, senator......somethink stinks at eufa and it's not the caviar.

As for the last point we agree...the CL doesn't have this set up for the benefit of competitive euro football, it's to stop the major leagues breaking away and forming their own super league...what do you think?


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002
Just remembered...Scotland will have two teams in the CL qualifiers next year as well. Hmmm....maybe I should stop complaining and start supporting this format.


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
Of cos thats what started it anyways especially when Milan stopped being the dominant force in Europe so Berlusconi had a brainwave and decided for the big teams in Europe to form a league as Uefa got scared they formed Cl

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